• Book: Just Me and My Puppy by Mercer Mayer

    Brina loves animals….really any kind of animals dogs, cats, horses, goats, sheep……anything.  As she continues to pick out some of her own books to read to me I have started to notice a common theme, pretty much all of them are about an animal.  She has read Just Me and my Puppy by Mercer Mayer several times over the past two weeks.   The girls have always enjoyed “Little Critter” and all the stories he is in but this one has been a favorite especially for Brina.

    The story is about “Little Critter” and his new puppy.  It goes through all the different activities Little Critter does to take care of his new pet including feeding and training the puppy.  I like that it shows how he is taking responsibility even if everything doesn’t go perfectly.  The book makes the kids laugh and is silly but captivates their attention at the same time.  They enjoy reading it on their own or to me.  If you have a child who enjoys puppies this would be a fun one to read with them.