• School: Family STEM Activity Night


    STEM Club team members getting ready to speak to family, friends, and school faculty.

    On Family STEM Activity Night all students and families were invited to participate in dinner, activities, and a STEM Club presentation.  Both of our girls spoke in front of all the school faculty, family, and friends that were at the event.  So proud of their courage and willingness to speak in front of so many people.  They did fantastic at the robotic competitions and speaking at the event.


     Karlie speaking.  Brina spoke too, but we didn’t get a clear picture of her.

    School - Family STEM Activity Night - P1400136c

    Our little super heroes!


    Karlie getting ready to test her balloon rocket.


    Mrs. Williams (Brina’s 4th grade homeroom teacher) helping Brina put her balloon on the string so she can race it.


    Mr. Moore (one of the STEM Club coaches) timing Brina’s balloon as it zips down the string to the target.


     Brina making her container for her egg drop.  You got 1 containers and could use 2 items.  She picked bubble wrap and yellow feathers!


    Karlie picked cotton balls and sponges for her egg drop container!


    There goes Karlie’s!


    Brina getting ready to watch her egg drop.  The girls were the first ones to not have their eggs break on the concrete (almost 40 people went in front of them)!


    Jake met us at the school.  He was great at building the tower out of spaghetti noodles and marshmallows.  They were given a specific amount of dry spaghetti noodles and marshmallows to see how high of tower they could build.  They had one of the highest towers when we left the room.


    Measuring the tower!  It was leaning a little, but could stand on it’s own without assistance!


     Our spaghetti noodle and marshmallow tower design!


     At the end of the night the school held a drawing for all the people that came.  We had the grand prize ticket – an Amazon Kindle!  The kindle has already been proven valuable on our last couple of road trips.  Instead of bringing extra books they can read a lot of books that we downloaded on the Kindle.  It’s been a nice item to have for the kids.  They are very lucky girls!

  • Magneatos Toy Creations


    Latest Magneatos creation!

    The girls have had their Magneatos for several years now.  When they first got the set they only did simple configurations.  Lately, they have been coming up with more interesting structures.  These toys are wonderful because kids of all ages can play with them without the magnets being dangerous for the kids.

    The magnets are placed in oversize rods and the metal balls enhance the building structures.  It is fun watching the girls use their creative juices to make various items out of the magneatos.  Thankful for opportunities to stimulate their minds.  We found their set at our local Goodwill, but you can find them on Amazon or various stores.

  • Amazon Student – FREE 6 Month Trial

    Students can sign up for a FREE 6 Month Trial of Amazon Student and receive unlimited FREE 2 Day Shipping! This is the perfect time for students to join! You will get free shipping on millions of items which can come in handy!  Also, you will receive exclusive deals, referral credits, and eligible for a variety of sweepstakes, giveaways, and contests.

    Amazon Student Benefits:

    • Unlimited FREE 2 Day Shipping on Million of items on Amazon.com (with no minimum order size)
    • Exclusive Deals & Promotions
    • Receive a $10 Credit for referring friends via email and social networks (no limit on the number of referrals)
    • Eligible for sweepstakes, giveaways, and contests

    Hope you enjoy the benefits of joining Amazon Student!

  • Love It – Hand Warmer Mug


    For my birthday my Mother-in-Law gave me a Hand Warmer Mug along with Huckleberry Taffy.  The mug is handmade and a beautiful blend of purple, blue, and green (three of my favorite colors)!   The first time I saw a hand warmer mug was a few months ago on a date with my man!  I thought it was super neat, but never had the opportunity to get or use one!

    Since I got one for my birthday I have been really enjoying it.  The mug holds a good amount of liquid and keeps my hands warm while sipping on my coffee, hot chocolate, apple cider, or tea.  I love it!

    She got my hand warmer mug from Made in Washington, but there are a lot of places you can probably find them locally or on Amazon.  They have mugs specific made for both right-handed people as well as left-handed, make sure to pick the one that works best for you.  Also, they come in a variety of color combinations so you can pick you favorite colors too!


    The birthday box containing my Hand Warmer Mug and the delicious Huckleberry Taffy!


    Enjoying my coffee!

    “Love It” is a series of posts on items that I use regularly in my household that I love!  There are some items in our daily lives that make life more enjoyable, efficient, or just plain fun.  I will be sharing with you some of the products that have been given to us (or to me) that have made it to the top of my list.  It’s my way of giving a huge thumbs up!

  • College Students Receive FREE Two-Day Shipping at Amazon

    Students can sign up for a free trial of Amazon Student and receive unlimited FREE 2 Day Shipping! This is the perfect time for students to join! You will get free shipping on millions of items which can come in handy for the upcoming Holiday Season!

    Amazon Student Benefits:

    • Unlimited FREE 2 Day Shipping on Million of items on Amazon.com (with no minimum order size)
    • Exclusive Deals & Promotions
    • Receive a $10 Credit for referring friends via email and social networks (no limit on the number of referrals)
    • Eligible for sweepstakes, giveaways, and contests

    Hope you enjoy the benefits of joining Amazon Student!

  • Travel & Vacation: Spiritline Cruises


    Our ferryboat transportation from Patriots Point to Fort Sumter

    In order to get to Fort Sumter you have to take a boat over to it.  We met Spiritline Cruises Ferryboat at Patriots Point and took it over to Fort Sumter.   It was relaxing and informational riding the boat over to Fort Sumter.  They explained a little bit about the area around us and give us highlights on Fort Sumter as well.  The girls brought their monoculars and it was pretty cool some the items they were able to see clearly with them.  We even learned about a fort I hadn’t heard about before Castle Pinckney.  It sprinkled a little on the way over and poured on the way back, but thankfully the big rains came while we were on the boat not during our actual tour.  We did get to see several dolphins on our trip too which was exciting for the girls!


    Karlie looking through her monocular at Castle Pinckney


    Brina checking out the forts, harbor, and surrounding areas as we cruise on the ferryboat.  The Orion 10×42 Waterproof Monoculars we got the girls for Christmas have been amazing (the Swagbucks we had earned came in handy when buying these on Amazon too)!  If you travel with your kids this is a great way for them to see a lot of neat things and are they light, waterproof, easy to carry, and simple to use.


    Brina loving the ferryboat ride!  We even saw dolphins swimming alongside of the boat!


    Checking out all the cool sights around the Charleston harbor!


    The Castle Pinckney was one of the really neat sights we saw on the way to Fort Sumter.  I had never heard of this fort before our trip and it was fascinating to learn a little piece of its history too.   It was named after Charles Cotesworth Pinckney who was well known in Charleston area as well as a general in the American Revolution and a South Carolina delegate in the Constitutional Convention.  The site where the castle was built was selected for military purposes by President George Washington.

    The castle was originally a log fort in the early 1800’s until a hurricane hit and they had to rebuild with stronger fortification.   It was considering unique when it was built because the men could fire on the attacking ships from multiple levels with it’s half circle architecture.  Although, when the long range cannons were created Castle Pinckney’s usefulness decreased.  The Pinckney Castle became the second line of defense once Fort Sumter was completed.   You can see Castle Pinckney when going to and from Fort Sumter, however, there are no public tours of this fort at this time. You can learn more about the history of Castle Pinckney and other neat historical landmarks at Explore Southern History.


    Karlie having a blast touring the Charleston area!


    Our final stop was P.F. Chang’s in Mount Pleasant.  I have eaten at the one in Greenville several times for work or with friends, but since Jake and the girls hadn’t eaten at P. F. Chang’s we decided to try it.  The girls especially liked their giant horse outside the restaurant!


    Karlie relaxing and sipping her drink while waiting for her dinner to arrive!


    We were seated immediately, but due to a mix up with our order it took almost 2 hours to get our food and once we got it part of the order was wrong (even the 3 tables around us, with the same server, who were seated after us got their orders before we did).  The girls were good sports despite the long wait and we passed the time talking and playing games.  The food was good, but I am not sure the rest of the family is overly excited about going back due to the service we received at this particular restaurant.  Thankfully, we still had a good time and there are a lot of other restaurant choices in the Charleston area.

  • Love It – Eye-Fi Explore X2 8 GB + Wi-Fi

    A couple months ago my sweet husband got me a Eye-Fi Explore X2 8 GB + Wi-Fi. When he explained what it was I liked the concept; although I didn’t realize how nice it would be until I started using it.  He had it set up and I was using the new card within minutes of putting it in my camera.  I LOVE my Eye-Fi especially when it comes to taking pictures or videos of my twin daughters as well as using it to take pictures for my blog!

    What is the Eye-Fi Explore X2?  Don’t worry I asked that question several times before I started using it as well.

    • The Eye-Fi is a wireless memory card used to transfer photo and video uploads from my camera to my computer (or online sites).
    • Eye-Fi memory card replaces your existing memory card in your camera.
    • It operates by transferring the pictures and videos via your wireless router.
    • You can use it for geotagging as well (I don’t use this feature).
    • If you are not at home on your local wireless spot you can actually upload using a hotspot access.
    • It stores up to 4,000 picture or 3 hours of video (I typically do a combination of the two)
    • The pictures & videos get downloaded automatically and are filed in their appropriate folders by date.

    It is so nice being able to download the pictures immediately after taking them.   If I don’t want to use them right away or do not have time to name or edit them when they download they will be waiting for when I have a free moment.   For example recently I used it for the following blog posts:

    The Eye-Fi card has been a huge time saver over the last couple months.  So thankful for a husband who knows how to make my life more enjoyable, efficient, and easier.  If you take a lot of pictures and need to have access to them within a few seconds this may be a great tool for you too.  I never have to worry about finding my cord or remembering to download the pictures because they are already downloaded and ready for me when I need them.  For those who take a lot of family and blog pictures / videos I would recommend requesting this as a gift or use your Swagbuck Amazon Gift Cards to get your Eye-Fi Explore X2, it really is pretty amazing!!!

    “Love It” is a series of posts on items that I use regularly in my household that I love!  There are some items in our daily lives that make life more enjoyable, efficient, or just plain fun.  I will be sharing with you some of the products that have been given to us (or to me) that have made it to the top of my list.  It’s my way of giving a huge thumbs up!

  • Swagbucks: Earning A Little Extra


    Swagbucks…..what is it?  That was my thought initially as well.   A couple friends mentioned it several times so I decided to check it out for myself.  Even though I have only been part of Swagbucks for a few weeks I must say I am impressed.  I have been able over the short period of time accumulated quite a few Swagbucks and earn several gifts, including Gift Cards to places like Amazon, Starbucks, and more.  Are you looking for ways to get a little bit extra, make your budget stretch, money for gifts, special occasions, gift cards, or just for fun?

    I want to give you a little information on Swagbucks and how you can enjoy the perks as well!  Swagbucks is FREE to join and you can earn many gifts you can use for your family or share with others!

    Starting Out – What is Swagbucks?

    • Swagbucks is a search engine that gives you rewards (like Google).  You earn Swagbucks for searching and bonus ones through various searches and tasks you can do online.  Typically you earn between 5 to 20 Swagbucks for searching each day.  There are many ways to earn additional Swagbucks (I discuss those a little later in this post). 

    What Do I Earn With My Swagbucks? (Below are a few of the items categories, they typically have thousands of prizes to choose from every day)  Always make sure to check out their “On Sale” and “Hot Deals” categories first before cashing in your Swagbucks because they may have an item or gift card you want on sale or at a discount!

    • My Favorite is for Gift Cards – Amazon, Starbucks, Restaurant.com, Barnes & Noble, Target, Macy’s, Bass Pro Shops, Lowe’s, and MORE!
    • Cash – PayPal
    • Apparel & Accessories
    • Books & Magazines
    • Consoles & Video Games
    • Electronics
    • Kid Items
    • Gift & Reward Cards
    • Health & Beauty
    • Jewelry
    • Kitchen Items
    • Movies & TV
    • Music
    • School Supplies
    • Sports & Collectibles
    • Trading Cards
    • And MUCH MORE……

    How Do I Get Started?

    • It is free to join!  All you have to do is fill out a form to get started!
    • Only 1 account per household is allowed (they will close all your accounts if you try to do more than one per household).

    Are There Really Any Benefits?

    • YES!  I have been able to cash in on multiple prizes and gift cards even though I have only been using it a few weeks.
    • If you are already online you can easily begin earning gift cards, prizes, and more just by doing things you already do every day.  You can spend your Swagbucks as you earn them or save them up for gifts (birthday, Holidays, weddings, baby showers, Christmas, anniversary, and more).
    • It is possible to earn a gift card (or several) every month!

    How Do I Earn Additional Swagbucks?

    • Install the Swagbucks Toolbar – when you install the Swagbucks toolbar you will earn Swagbucks for searching online.  If you prefer to not install the toolbar and continuing using your current sofware (Google, etc….) you can still get rewards by going to Swagbucks hompage and searching online directly from their site. Swagbucks will often give you a free code in your toolbar as well which will add free bonus points to your account.
    • Print Swagbucks Coupons – every coupon from Swagbucks that you print and use at a local store earns 10 additional Swagbucks.  Get the coupons by going to Swagbucks homepage, click on the “Earn” tab, then select “Coupons” and it will bring you to the current coupons that you can use.  I go through the coupons once a month and print the items that I buy regularly.  Once you have used the coupon 10 Swagbucks will be added to your account within a few weeks (their website says up to 12 weeks, it usually does not take that long).
    • Swagbucks Blog – follow the Swagbucks Blog to get additional free codes.  They typically have at least one free code a day on their blog.  In additional to that you have a current update on their giveaways and any Swagbucks News.
    • Swagbucks Facebook –follow Swagbucks on Facebook and you will find the latest Swagbuck codes.  Members post to the wall, start discussions, or make comments that will help you find the bonus codes.
    • Swagbucks Twitter – follow Swagbucks on Twitter and you can receive Twitter specific codes.  Several times a week they will randomly award their Twitter followers with an additional 100 free Swagbucks which will be added to your account when they use the hashtag #Swagbucks.
    • Daily Poll – every day you have the opportunity to participate in the Swagbucks poll and receive 1 additional Swagbucks.  While this does not seem to be a lot it takes a matter of seconds to complete the poll and the points really do add up over time.
    • Swagbucks TV – this is an easy one to do if you are working on the computer throughout the day.  When you are on Swagbucks homepage, click on the “Earn” tab, select “Swagbucks TV” and chose from a variety of items to watch.  The length of the videos are typically from 30 seconds up to 5 minutes.  Every 10 videos you watch you earn 3 Swagbucks.  The reason why this one is easy to do is you can click on a video and have it running while you continue working, cleaning, or other tasks throughout your day.  Swagbucks will allow you to earn up to 25 three point rewards within a 24-hour period, which means you can get up to 75 additional points by multi-tasking throughout your day.
    • Games – if you enjoy playing various games on your computer this may be a great way to earn additional Swagbucks.  I have tried several games and tend to stick to the ones that I do well at.  Please Note:  There are a lot of free games available to play and earn bonus Swagbucks, however, they do have some you have to pay Swagbucks to play.  I stick to only the free games so I don’t have to use my Swagbucks on games.
    • Special Offers – you can earn an additional Swagbucks when you complete special offers.  Click on the “Earn” tab and select “Special Offers” to see of list of ones you can choose from and complete.  Many of the offers require no credit cards or payment to earn the additional Swagbucks.  Please Note:  You will only receive the specified listed Swagbucks if you complete the special offer, if you stop in the middle or don’t complete it for whatever reason you will not receive any credit for the special offer.  There are some free trials that you can sign up for then cancel later, I would recommend only participating in these offers if you are already considering the product.  If you do cancel make sure to keep track of the information and dates so you will not be charged for it.
    • Groupon Swagbucks – you can earn additional Swagbucks by purchasing a Groupon deal through the Swagbucks website.  Click on the “Earn” tab and select “Daily Deals”.   You can earn an addtional 150 to 450 in Swagbucks by purchasing a Groupon you were already going to get through Swagbucks.  (Note:  450 Swagbucks can earn you hundreds of prizes, including, a $5 Amazon gift Card). If you are already planning on purchasing a Groupon deal consider going through Swagbucks so you can earn a little extra.
    • Bonus Video’s & Offers – on the Swagbucks Homepage you will often find a bonus video or offer than takes on you only moments to watch or complete and you will earn additional points.  Many times 1 video will be worth 2 points or more.
    • Surveys – you can earn additional Swagbucks by taking surveys.  This is a great opportunity to earn bonus Swagbucks if you enjoy filling out surveys especially if you qualify for a bunch of the ones they are offering.  They do pre-qualify the surveys so you’ll have to meet their qualifications to participate in each individual survey.  They give you the amount you will earn as well as the estimated time to complete the survey up front.  You have to finish the pre-qualification and survey prior to receiving the additional Swagbucks.
    • Trade In – You can earn additional Swagbucks by trading in old electronics, books, phones, MP3 players, games, consoles, and more.  If you are not using it or considering donating the items anyway check out how much you can earn in Swagbucks by trading it in.  Go to the “Earn” tab and click on “Trade In”.  You can look up the items you are wanting to get rid of and find out how much you can get for them by searching for that specific item in the Trade In section.  How to do it – Look up the item, print out the pre-paid shipping label, save your receipt, and mail it in.  You will receive the amount in your account once they have processed your item.  Please Note: you must have at least 600 Swagbucks in your account to qualify for free shipping.  It doesn’t take too long to earn those points and by trading in your receive even more Swagbucks.
    • Bookmark Regular Pages – bookmark the websites you visit daily (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc…) and search for them using Swagbucks.  Go directly to the bookmarked page through Swagbucks instead of directly to the site and you will earn a decent number of Swagbucks each week.  Make sure when you are search for the same sites you use a variety of search terms because your account could be flagged if you search the same thing (aka “robotic”) every day.
    • Tasks – under the “Earn” tab if you select “Tasks” you will be able to see a list of variety of different tasks you can do to earn Swagbucks.  Every task is different and you earn a variety of different amounts based on the task you chose.  They do tell you when you start the task how many minutes they anticipate it to take for you to complete.  Please Note:  Although, you can earn more Swagbucks doing these tasks they typically take a little more time.  Make sure you have enough time to complete the task so you receive your additional Swagbucks.
    • No Obligation Special Offers – you can go through the “No Obligation Special Offers” every day and earn additional Swagbucks.  You don’t have to sign up for the offers and can choose to skip through all the ones they show you (unless you prefer to sign up).   You will earn 2 Swagbucks from doing this additional offer.  It typically only takes a few seconds to complete.

    One other quick note I want to make so you will be informed about Swagbucks – you can earn as much or as little as you want to on your account.  However, you are only allowed to purchase 5 of the same item per month.  For example, if you want to purchase $5 Amazon Gift Cards at 450 each (which are stackable when purchasing on Amazon) the maximum amount you can order in a month would be 5 – $5 Amazon Gift Cards (2250 Swagbucks).  If you want more Amazon Gift Cards you will have to purchase a higher amount or wait until the following month to purchase more at $5 increments.  Or you can chose a wide variety of other prizes with your Swagbucks.  It is your choice so pick the ones that best fit your family.

    You can earn many neat prizes by using Swagbucks during you daily tasks online.  I don’t have the time to do every single activity that they offer, but even if I do a few the points add up pretty quickly over the course of a week.  Like I said before I have only been doing this for a few weeks and have already earned gift cards to purchase items for my family.  Pick the handful of activities that work well for you and do them regularly.  You can choose to save your Swagbucks or use them as soon as you can.  I have done it a variety of different ways.  Right now I am choosing to save up my Swagbucks to get something for a gift.

    I would love to learn more about how you earn Swagbucks.  Congratulations if you have earned some great prizes already using Swagbucks!  Please share in the comments below some of the prizes you have purchased using Swagbucks so the readers can see how it has benefited your family!

  • Giveaway Today (2/18): TWO 20% Off Amazon Mom Diaper Coupons!!!

    In honor of my Twin Daughters Birthday today I am giving away

    TWO Amazon Mom Diaper Coupons for 20% Off!!!

    Two lucky winners will receive the codes for an additional savings on their diapers by the end of today!  All you have to do to enter this giveaway is sign up to follow my blog (if you haven’t done so already) and leave a comment below by 10 PM EST on Friday, February 18, 2011 telling us how you follow Blessings Multiplied.  You can get a BONUS entry into the drawing if you leave a separate comment below sharing with us one of your biggest joys in raising little ones!  After 10 PM EST on February 18th I will randomly draw a winner from those who have entered the giveaway.  The codes are good through February 28, 2011.

    Sign into your Amazon Mom account to receive 30% off diapers everyday (15% that Amazon Mom‘s receive, plus the 15% from Subscribe and Save).  This coupon will allow you to save an additional 20% Off your diaper purchase.  Giving you an 50% discount!

    Amazon Mom is a free membership program offered by Amazon for Moms, Dads, parents, and caregivers of children from pregnancy through the toddler years.  Amazon Mom gives members discounts on products for the family.  You can join by signing into your Amazon account if you already have one and indicating it you’re a Mom, Dad, or caregiver of a child.  To learn more about this program check out my earlier post.

  • Savings with an “Amazon Mom” Membership

    Amazon Mom is a free membership program offered by Amazon for Moms, Dads, parents, and caregivers of children from pregnancy through the toddler years.  Amazon Mom gives members discounts on products for the family.  You can join by signing into your Amazon account if you already have one and indicating it you’re a Mom, Dad, or caregiver of a child.

    Some benefits to having an Amazon Mom account:

    • Free Membership
    • 30% off Diapers & Wipes
    • FREE Two Day Shipping with Amazon Prime
    • Exclusive Offers
    • Discounts & Special Promotions on Products
    • Automatic Additional 15% Discount on Subscribe & Save
    • No Fees, Risks or Obligations
    • Age Appropriate Product Recommendations

    You should receive a confirmation email shortly after you sign up for Amazon Mom, make sure to click the link in the email to confirm your subscription to Amazon Mom in order to start receiving benefits.  Any caregiver of children can qualify for an Amazon Mom membership.  The majority of savings are targeted to those who are pregnant through the toddler years although you can still join even if you have older kids!   You can often find additional coupons in magazines to stack on top of the Amazon Mom savings.

    For more information regarding the benefits of an Amazon Mom account click here.