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Love It – Eye-Fi Explore X2 8 GB + Wi-Fi

A couple months ago my sweet husband got me a Eye-Fi Explore X2 8 GB + Wi-Fi. When he explained what it was I liked the concept; although I didn’t realize how nice it would be until I started using it.  He had it set up and I was using the new card within minutes of putting it in my camera.  I LOVE my Eye-Fi especially when it comes to taking pictures or videos of my twin daughters as well as using it to take pictures for my blog!

What is the Eye-Fi Explore X2?  Don’t worry I asked that question several times before I started using it as well.

  • The Eye-Fi is a wireless memory card used to transfer photo and video uploads from my camera to my computer (or online sites).
  • Eye-Fi memory card replaces your existing memory card in your camera.
  • It operates by transferring the pictures and videos via your wireless router.
  • You can use it for geotagging as well (I don’t use this feature).
  • If you are not at home on your local wireless spot you can actually upload using a hotspot access.
  • It stores up to 4,000 picture or 3 hours of video (I typically do a combination of the two)
  • The pictures & videos get downloaded automatically and are filed in their appropriate folders by date.

It is so nice being able to download the pictures immediately after taking them.   If I don’t want to use them right away or do not have time to name or edit them when they download they will be waiting for when I have a free moment.   For example recently I used it for the following blog posts:

The Eye-Fi card has been a huge time saver over the last couple months.  So thankful for a husband who knows how to make my life more enjoyable, efficient, and easier.  If you take a lot of pictures and need to have access to them within a few seconds this may be a great tool for you too.  I never have to worry about finding my cord or remembering to download the pictures because they are already downloaded and ready for me when I need them.  For those who take a lot of family and blog pictures / videos I would recommend requesting this as a gift or use your Swagbuck Amazon Gift Cards to get your Eye-Fi Explore X2, it really is pretty amazing!!!

“Love It” is a series of posts on items that I use regularly in my household that I love!  There are some items in our daily lives that make life more enjoyable, efficient, or just plain fun.  I will be sharing with you some of the products that have been given to us (or to me) that have made it to the top of my list.  It’s my way of giving a huge thumbs up!