• Blessing Lives Everyday with Special Surprises (B.L.E.S.S.): 25 Days of Christmas Blessings (Update)

    Candy Cane and B.L.E.S.S. note taped to a local ATM Machine

    We have officially started our 25 Days of Christmas B.L.E.S.S. (Blessing Lives Everyday with Special Surprises) and in all honesty I think we have been blessed more by doing these activities.  It has been a real joy doing these fun events everyday and it has been a great experience so far.  In some cases we get to see who receives our B.L.E.S.S. gift and in other cases we will never know who is on the receiving end.  We pray that whoever receives or finds these gifts will experience joy during this Holiday Season.  Each night we take down the B.L.E.S.S. activity for the next day and read the verse and the activity then pray for those who have and will receive our little BLESS’ings.

    Quarters taped to the toy and candy vending machines at the front of the store.

    Here is what we have done so far and a couple pictures to share of our adventures:

    • Day 1 – Gave a donation to the Salvation Army then passed out stickers at our local Walmart as people were coming in and out of the store.   During our 45 minutes passing out stickers at Walmart we saw several friends (it was great to greet friends on their way in or out of the store).  The girls gave one little girl and her Dad a sticker, the Dad reached into his Walmart bag pulled out a new container of cookies gave it to his daughter and then had her give the girls each a cookie to say “thank you” for sharing a sticker.  It was so sweet, I almost cried watching the whole interaction in the middle of the Walmart store entry way!
    • Day 2 – Taped a candy cane to the ATM at a local bank.  Taped quarters to the toy and candy vending machines at a local store.  The girls wanted to go back the next day and see if the quarters were used!
    • Day 3 – Hid dollars in the toy section at the Dollar Tree, the girls loved doing this one and giggled the whole time they were hiding the dollars.  They were very excited for the kid who would find a dollar hidden in the toys.
    • Day 4 – Collected food for the Alms & Legs Food Pantry to help families in our local community.  The girls each picked out items that they wanted to share with others.  They spent a considerable amount of timing picking out the perfect cans of vegetables, fruit, and other goodies to share.

    Quarter taped to the vending machine for another little kid to enjoy

    One of our favorite verses this week went along with our Day 4 activity. 

    For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.  – Matthew 25:35

    The verse was very specific so it was a fun one to discuss.  When we discussed the verse with the girls they knew exactly what it meant.  “If a person is hungry we should give them food.”  They enjoyed picking out some of their favorite foods to share.

    Karlie’s $1 “hidden” in the Dollar Tree toy aisle

    I am super excited to see how great this B.L.E.S.S. activity is going already.  It has been a true joy sharing with others (many of whom we’ll never meet).  It has been a great experience and I look forward to seeing what will happen with our fun adventures this week.

    Brina’s $1 “hidden” in the toy section on Dollar Tree.

    The main purpose of this activity is to teach our family the joy of giving and sharing to those around us.  I plan to do another update on our fun B.L.E.S.S. adventures next week.  Sometimes it’s the little stuff that can make the most positive impact.  I would love to hear how you are spreading the Christmas cheer this Holiday Season.

    (Update) I have been asked by a number of people for a printable version of the  25 Days of Christmas B.L.E.S.S. activities, verses, and sheets to handout so here they are for your family to enjoy as well: