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Book: “Very Charleston” by Diana Hollingsworth Gessler

Our family loves traveling together and whenever Jake goes to Charleston for work we try to tag along (works better when schools out).  We have a lot of great memories in Charleston, South Carolina.  Over a year ago we got the book Very Charleston: A Celebration of History, Culture, and Lowcountry Charm by Diana Hollingsworth Gessler.   This book has been a huge hit especially with the kids.  It is packed full of great information about Charleston.  The illustrations are detailed in beautiful watercolors.

  • Historical facts – Civil War, Citadel, Slavery, Crafts and more
  • Places of Interest – Forts, Beaches, Churches, Museums, Plantations, Shopping and more
  • Popular Local Festivals
  • Interesting People from Charleston
  • Famous Places to Eat & Traditional Charleston Recipes
  • PACKED full of great tidbits of information about the Charleston area

This is an excellent book if you are planning on traveling (or moving) to Charleston.  It’s enjoyable to read and you’ll learn pieces of history too.  Every time we go to Charleston we bring this book along to read together.   Our kids LOVE it!