• Teacher “Thank You” Gifts

    Thank You goodies for the girls teachers!

    For Thanksgiving the girls always enjoy bringing in a “thank you” note and a little surprise for their teacher.   Here is one where they put M&M’s in a mason jar, added a ribbon on top, and a little note.  The note said:

    Mrs. __________,

    We are a thankful for a Magnificent & Marvelous teacher this year!

    Happy Thanksgiving!


    Brina & Karlie

    If you are looking for a simple and easy thank you gift for a teacher, friend, neighbor, or family member this is a great one to try!

  • Book: “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney

    I was thinking about some of my favorite books I enjoy reading to the girls.  The book Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney is one I have read to our girls many times.  It is a great book for parents to read to little ones.  The book is about a small rabbit who is asking how much he is loved and comparing the love to things / objects around him.  It helps put “love” in a perspective that our children can understand.  The book is a good reminder to the kids and parent both.  It is important that we show our love and appreciation for our children not only by reading the book to them but in many other ways throughout the week – a hug, listening, spending time with them, and just appreciating them for who they are as individuals.

  • Book: “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” by Kate Douglas Wiggin

    Our girls LOVE books so we have been trying on as many nights as possible (when it is not too late) to read through a chapter of a larger book each night before bed and devotions.  My husband is currently reading the final chapters of Rebecca Of Sunnybrook Farm by Kate Douglas Wiggin which is in the “Treasury of Illustrated Classics” series.  It is a story of a little girl who was forced to leave her home because her family was poor to go live with her aunts.  Rebecca is a sweet young girl with a lot energy.  You learn about her life and adventures throughout the book.  She wins the friendship of almost everyone she meets along the way.  The girls have really enjoyed reading this story and beg Daddy to read more.  If you are looking for a good book for young girls this is a great option to consider.

  • Curious Kids: Triangular Vacuums

    The neat part about having kids is that they notice the small things, the stuff we take for granted as adults.  A few months ago one of my girls wanted to know “Why does the vacuum leave triangles on the carpet?”  It perplexed them when they were watching me because the vacuum itself is a rectangle yet somehow it manages to spit out triangles onto the carpet when I vacuum the floor.  Although the triangles are not necessary I let them know that seeing the triangles indicates to Mommy that the carpet has recently been cleaned and makes the room look nice.

    They had been learning about patterns at school and this strange occurrence at home captivated their attention one day.  The triangles are created in a pattern by the way I steer the vacuum cleaner over the carpet.  It helps me know that I have cleaned the entire floor and adds an extra reward at the end.   It is the little things that you do that the kids pick up on and want to learn more about.  I don’t know for sure if they will do the same things once they are grown but at least they know why Mommy creates triangles on the floor and how to do it with a rectangle shaped vacuum.  I am thankful for kids who have the desire to learn, explore, and try to figure out how things work.  Their curiosity keeps me on my toes and allows me to continue finding ways to teach them about life.  As a Mom love this day to day education opportunity with my girls.

  • Vacation: The Beautiful Island of Dominica (Part 2, Pictures)

    We recently had the opportunity to go to the Caribbean Island of Dominica.

    Here are some of the pictures from our adventures throughout that day!


    Jeremy & Amber wanted us to take a picture of them behind the bars at the end of the port, ha! Too funny!

    Per their request we took a picture of Jerm and Amber reaching through the bars on the end of the pier.  It was a pretty funny sight to see as we were walking down the pier, they crack me up.  If you notice to the left you’ll see the barb wire on the outside of the bars.  Always an adventure.

    One of Dominica's oldest and biggest churches!

    Dominica had several beautiful churches on their island.  This one was the oldest and largest.  It had a lot neat flowers around, an iron fence with crosses on top along with several other neat features.

    Local school girls blowing us kisses, super cute!

    Dominica is well known for their schools, some of the surrounding islands will send students to Dominica to study.  All the kids wear school uniforms to school.  Above is a group of girls from school blowing us kisses as we drove by.  Cute kids!

    This was a huge tree in the park! You can actually walk through the vines inside the tree!

    Above is a large tree we saw in the park.  The tree was so big you could walk through part of the tree at the openings.  We noticed a lot of neat trees during our time in Dominica.

    This large tree dropped onto a school bus (and flatten it) during a hurricane. Thankfully, no one was injured!

    A few years ago during a hurricane this tree fell onto the parked school bus.  Thankfully the kids were in a safe shelter during the storm not riding on the bus.

    A house made out of trees and vines, the black spot is the door opening to the house!

    In the middle of a park they had a “tree house” literally.  It was a spot with a lot of dense trees and vines that they made into a hut.  It was pretty neat.  The black hole in the middle is the doorway.  If you are looking to have an “on the ground” tree house this is a great idea, no more falling out of the tree house!

    Volcanic lava rock along the hiking trail in Dominica!

    A large volcanic rock on a railing as we were hiking through the rain forest.  Dominica has active volcanoes although it has been many years since an eruption on the island.  Thankfully!

    An orange fresh water land crab right next to our hiking trail!

    I honestly did not know that there were fresh water land crabs!  We saw a couple on our hike but this guy was pretty courageous, he came right out in front of us.  He didn’t run and hide when he saw us either, he just moved to the side.   I would say he was about a 4 inch land crab which from the couple we saw was pretty big.

    Dominica's rain forest had a lot of huge beautiful trees, vines, and flowers.

    There were parts of the rain forest that was more dense.  Here is one area that we could see up to the clouds.  The line across the middle is a vine, the vines were so think you could swing from them and everywhere.  They had amazing foliage, trees, flowers, ferns, plants, etc….and everything was big due to all the rain they receive.

    One of the Trafalgar waterfalls in Dominica!

    One of the Trafalgar waterfalls at the end of our part of the hike.  You could actually bring your swimsuit and towels up to go swimming at the pool at the bottom of the waterfall.  It was gorgeous!

    Another waterfall in Dominica!

    This is the second waterfall, they call the two falls “twin waterfalls” because they come out of the mountain almost side by side.  There is only a little bit of greenery from the rain forest and lava rock between the two waterfalls.

    Crew at waterfall in Dominica!

    Here is our crew that went on this excursion.  We had fun hiking, looking at the amazing creation, and learning a lot of interesting facts about the Dominica rain forest.

    Trafalgar Falls

    A picture of the twin falls.  It was  hard to get a good angle to take a picture of the falls and it was raining.  The picture is pretty but the look, sound and everything was even more amazing.

    Rain forest in Dominica!

    Greenery in the rain forest.  There were a lot of beautiful plants and greenery on our hike.

    Fresh fruit in bloom in the rain forest of Dominica!

    It was not uncommon to see fresh fruit hanging from the trees in the rain forest and all over the island.  Some of the fruits I recognized while others I did not.

    Dominica Sulphur Springs bubbling!

    The sulphur springs hike was pretty quick and we didn’t spend a lot of time hanging out once we arrived.  If you don’t know anything about Sulphur Springs then you will be surprised by the smell.  It was neat to watch it bubbling for a few minutes but we were glad to get away from the stinky smell it creates.

    Sugar cane field in Dominica!

    On the way back down from our hike to the Sulphur Springs we noticed several sugar cane patches.  This patch had been picked and some of the stocks were laying down in the water.

    Sulfur Springs in Dominica!

    Here is a picture of the water from the Sulphur Springs running through the island.  It was a beautiful sight with the springs bubbling down through all the rain forest greenery.

    Dominica coast line!

    Dominica had a clean coast line.  This location had a sidewalk next to the road with some green grass and palm trees.  It was close to the port as you can see from the cargo crates in the background.

    Village in Dominica!

    Here is a picture of one of the villages on Dominica.  This one was built into the mountain where other villages closer to the heart of the rain forest were actually built in the valleys due to all the rain.

    Fishing boats off the coastline.

    Dominica has a lot of private and family fisherman.  The small boats in the picture above go out daily and catch fish and seafood right off the coast.  The ones not on the water are placed under a tin roof as shown in the picture above.

    Interesting sign at the beach!

    There were several signs on Dominica (and other islands) that made me laugh.  In case you cannot read it says “Management is not responsible for drugs sold to visitors. – by Vendors  They are not part of management.”  I think they maybe had some problems with this issue in the past.  Kind of sad they have to put out a big sign.

    Amber and Jeremy at beach.

    Amber and Jeremy swimming at Mero Beach in Dominica!  Amber, Jeremy, Jake and I swim for a couple hours while Mom and Dad relaxed on the beach.  It was fun hanging out, swimming, and relaxing for a little bit.  Although Amber never did get her dreadlocks done.

    Beautiful Mero Beach!

    We stopped at Mero Beach for a couple hours to relax and swim after we took our hikes to the waterfalls, rain forest, and Sulphur springs.  The water wasn’t as turquoise as some of the other islands because of all the volcanic rock and black sand beaches.  The was a little less salty here due to the all the rain forest water that dilutes the salt in the ocean.

    Dad and Mom at the beach in Dominica!

    Dad and Mom relaxing on the  beach under the shade of the palm trees while we went for a swim.

    Beautiful beach at Dominica!

    It is hard to see from the picture but Dominica had beautiful black sandy beaches.  The sand really sparkled in the sunlight.  It was neat to see and I had a couple cups worth of sand still on me when we got back on the ship, seriously, ask Jake, Amber or my room attendant!     I had a little stash of black sand that came out of my sandals once I made it back to our room!!!  I had a lot fun exploring Dominica, it is a beautiful island!

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Finding a Warm Spot!

    Our little feather friend found a warm spot between our storm door and back door! She was surprised to see us heading out to play in the snow!

    Recently we had a good 6 plus inches of snow in South Carolina which is pretty rare.  The whole family was out for a little bits throughout the day.  Brina and I lasted the longest the first round of snow playing.  I ended up carrying her up the hill to the house after sledding.  We got inside had hot chocolate, read books, ate lunch, had Snow Ball Ice Cream, did some laundry and relaxed before heading back out.

    The next time when the girls were all bundled up ready to head outside Jake opened the back door to let them out and we were startled to find a “friend” that must have tried to follow Brina and I inside to find some warmth!  We weren’t too excited about having a small bird flying around our house so we sent the girls out the garage then Brina came around to the back of the house to free the bird who was caught between the storm door and the back door of our house.  I think the bird was happy to find such a warm spot until she encountered us.  I am sure she was very glad find another warm spot away from the house!  Even the birds are looking for warmth on the snowy days.  I am thankful for a warm home especially during these cold days.

  • Life Simplified: Hosting in Our Home

    One of my goals in 2011 is to simplify my life more by enjoying the blessings and not wasting what God has given us.  I have been sharing with you the successes and challenges on those specific areas in my life as I go through them.  One of the areas I am working on is making the best use of my time.  While spending time hosting family and friends in our home is important to me I must also make sure there is time on the schedule to spend with my immediate family.  The girls are growing up fast and the times we have together are precious.  In order to make sure I don’t go overboard I am setting a goal for myself and asking for your help to keep me in line.

    Here are the current challenges I am working on:

    Explanation of the Goal: As a family of four we LOVE hosting people in our home!  We are blessed to have a home to share with family and friends  whether it is for a party, game night or just to hang out together.  I would probably host a get together several times a week if we had the time, money, and energy to do it.  Part of learning how to simplify my life is making decisions on what to do with my time.  Hosting typically requires time for cleaning, cooking, prepping, and/or decorating for guests.  It is my goal to host at least one other family in our home once a month but no more than four.  When I spend time hosting that means I must give up some for something else.  Having up to 4 hosting events in our home means that there will be time to spend together as a family of four.  I want my girls to have the experience of hosting even at a young age.  Sharing our home and their toys is a valuable skill they can learn at an early age, but they like anyone, need a time to relax and refresh.

    We have already started working on this goal.  We had 3 families of three over in the month of January.   February is a busier month in our household not because of Valentine’s day but because we will be hosting the girls birthday party.  One of the many benefits to having twins or higher multiples is their birthday parties hit at the same time.  Brina and Karlie’s birthday party will be our major event this month and we have at least one other hosting event already on the schedule.

    I will share with you the challenges, successes, and updates as I go through this journey so you can keep me accountable or even go through it with me by participating  and sharing your story. Taking the extra time to invest in the lives of others is important to our family.  I hope that we have been able to host many people in our home without going over board.  It is important to me to make time for my family on the weekends as well as the people around us!

    Life Simplified is a series on getting rid of the extras in our life while learning how to enjoy what God has given us so we can continue to be a blessing to others.  Our homes can quickly start are bursting with “stuff”  and if you are like us we just have too much.  I am doing a series on ways we are learning to simplifying our food, homes, and lives.  When our hearts, lives, and homes get too cluttered we may start missing out on opportunities to serve and bless the people around us.

    Photo by MaryTClark

  • Getting My Attention

    Do you ever have those wild stressful days?  Recently I had one of those days when I had a lot going on and the girls were trying to help but they were slowing down the process.  Since we had to get going soon I told them to relax quietly together so I could finish up the last few items then we could leave.  It was one of those rushed days that are more stressful than usual and I had over committed myself.

    After completing the necessary tasks I went to find the girls,  they had been quiet the past fifteen minutes so I was interested in finding out what had captivated their attention.  My heart about burst when I went into the dining room.  They were standing at the table taking turns reading The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm together.  As I stood there listening to them share story after story and point out the pictures on the pages I was so happy that they were  sharing this time together.  It was amazing how much they remembered from going through the book with them even though it was several devotional books ago.

    However, at the same time I was convicted because it was a fast paced day and I hadn’t taken the time that morning to do my devotions.  God used my sweet girls to grab my attention and gently remind me of the importance of having quiet time each day.  How I chose to live my life has a ripple effect on my family and the people around me.  I am thankful for these quiet reminders.  I trust that God will continue to do a work in my life.

    We do devotions with the girls in the evenings before bed (most nights).  They always look forward to reading together.  Typically,  Jake will read them a chapter from a book we are going through together then I will do the devotional book with them.  If time is tight we just do the devotional book.  During the Holidays we were staying up too late so we would just pray with them before tucking them into bed at night.  We are excited to get back into the routine and see all the neat things that they will learn this year.

  • Book Character Parade

    For the Book Character Parade at school the girls their class featured the book “The Crayon Box that Talked” by Shane Derolf.  The kids and teachers dressed up as crayons for the parade.  Every class featured a different book.  It was a neat seeing the kids get excited about their book.  A lot of parents, grandparents, extended family and friends came to watch the kids in the parade.

    They each got to pick and color the crayon of their choice.  Brina was a pink crayon and Karlie was a blue crayon.  It was cute watching them walk in the parade with their classmates.  Thankfully the weather was beautiful that day too.  I always enjoy participating in the fun events at the girls school.  The kiddos are growing up so quickly!

  • Crafts: Painting Christmas Ornaments

    Karlie and Brina's hand painted ornaments!

    We went to early service one Sunday with the family.  Love getting up early going to church and coming home to a relaxing time with our family.  On the way home we stopped by to get a newspaper at Walgreens.  As a super special treat Jake went to Dunkin Donuts, the girls were so excited to get donuts.  They picked out some yummy sprinkle ones and we headed home.  We had a relaxing time sitting around the table eating donuts, talking and laughing.

    After finishing up the donuts the girls wanted to do a craft.  We pulled out some ceramic ornaments, striped the girls down to their underwear and let them paint.  They had a BLAST!  We had to give them a bath after painting but it was well worth a bath in the middle of the day.  Jake watched the girls and started the crockpot for our potluck at church that night while I took a quick nap.  Sundays are a wonderful day with the family.  Not every Sunday is as peaceful and relaxing, however, we treasure the ones that are that way.  It is fun creating memories.  Hopefully they will look back at the ornaments and remember the sweet time we had together.

    Brina painting her tree!

    Karlie being silly!
    Brina checking out her ornaments....
    Karlie painting....
    Karlie's decorated ornaments!
    Brina's decorated ornaments!