• Reading Eggs – FREE Two Week Trial

    Reading Eggs is offering a Free Two Week Trial Offer.  All you have to do is sign up to try out their reading program, no credit card required. Do you have a little one that is just starting to read or one who wants to increase his or her reading skills?  Then this may be the perfect time to check out Reading Eggs program.

    You want reading to be fun and easy for your child so why not try out Reading Eggs and see if it is a good fit for your family.  Reading Eggs strives to make learning to read interesting and engaging for kids whether they are just beginning to read or increasing their reading fluency.  Through the use of reading games, activities, songs, and other resources your child will pick up great learning tools that will help them on the road to becoming a proficient reader.

    The kids will work through various maps that on their level and will earn golden eggs, ribbons, trophies, and other rewards to encourage them to continue learning more.  Reading Eggs is an interactive program that our family has used in the past for our young readers and our kids LOVED it!  They got a kick out of working through the maps, accomplishing goals, and earning rewards.  The kids can even customize their own “reading egg” avatar to match their personality.
    All you have to do is click the “free trial” button once you get to their homepage and get started!
    More information about Reading Eggs:
    • Reading Eggs was developed by an experienced team of teachers, educational writers, animators, and web developers.  People who have interacted with children and have taught kids to read.
    • Reading Eggs focuses mainly on the core reading curriculum skills and strategies that help readers develop more successful reading skills as well as builds their reading confidence level.  The program is perfect for ages 3 to 12.
    • Each reader can work through the Reading Eggs program at his or her pace so if you have a young reader and more advanced reader in your home both would be able to focus on their specific skills.
    • A more advanced reader would move through the first few maps a little more quickly because it may be more of a review for him or her until they reach a point where the information is newer and more challenging for them, whereas, a new reader would work through the first maps more slowly but steadily as they get more excited about the program and earning rewards.
    • Reading Eggs launched in the United States and Canada in 2011.  Since launching they have had over 500,000 subscribers and have presented more than 15 million lessons.

    Our readers will receive a Free Two-Week Trial Offer!  Register now for a two-week trial of the Reading Eggs program.  No credit card is required.  Help your child learn to read, increase their phonics skills, or increase their reading fluency with Reading Eggs free two-week trial!

    A special thanks to U.S. Family Guide and Reading Eggs for offering a free two-week trial to my readers.  Any specific product information was provided by Reading Eggs and U.S. Family Guide, however, the opinions expressed in this post are our own.  We received a complimentary subscription for sharing information and our family’s experience regarding Reading Eggs. 

  • Heart Reflections: His Perfect Timing

    We read a little bit in the book of Esther with the girls recently.  Esther’s words “for such a time as this” not only struck a cord in my heart but in the girls hearts as well.  Have you ever thought about how you have been placed on this earth at this exact time for a specific reason?  During our recent devotional with the girls they asked the question “Why did God chose for me to live today not many years ago or sometime in the future?”

    What a great question, right!?  One that I have actually thought about a lot over the past few years myself too.  God knew us even before we were born (how cool is that)!  🙂  He chose for us to live today, during this time, and at this very moment for a special reason. The problem is often times we don’t always realize or know what that really means for us.  We get so caught up in the daily obligations of life itself we forget that its the little “daily” stuff that can really have a life long impact on the lives of others.  Take our kids for example…feeding their bodies, teaching their minds, and shepherding their hearts now can make a positive impact on many future generations to come.  Will we mess up?  Yes!  That is normal, however, it is important that they know we love them, we make mistakes, and that our hearts aren’t perfect either which is why we need Jesus’ grace, love, wisdom, and forgiveness just as much as anyone else.

    We have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world, starting with the people around us.  Are we taking the time to share his love, kindness, mercy, goodness and grace to those people we interact with daily as well as those we may only have 1 opportunity to touch their lives?  I am thankful He has allowed me to live today…to have a spouse who loves me, to have these children keep me on my toes, friends who challenge me to do better, extended family who want to be a part of my life, a blog to reach out to people I may never meet in person, and so many more amazing blessings in my life.  Are our lives reflecting Him through our words, thoughts, and actions so that we have many opportunities to make a positive eternal impact?  If not, what do I need to do to change?

    The girls are really thinking lately. We went from Jesus to John the Baptist to (Carmel Hair Coats, Esther, Baptism, Life, Death, Salvation,  Sharing the Good News, Extended Family, Heaven, Praying, what is a Pastor, Faith and maybe even a couple more thrown in there along the way…).  Quite the discussions lately, but I am thankful for their desire to learn and grow.  I pray that Jake and I will have wisdom we need to answer the questions in a way that will only strengthen their faith and make a positive impact on their lives and hearts.  One of  the best parts about reading through a variety of devotional books with them is that it really seems to initiate some good conversations.

  • Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder

    I just finished reading the book Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the girls.  They were a little confused when we first started this book because they expected the next book in the series to be about the little girl Laura and her family, not about a boy named Almanzo.  Although they were unsure about it at the beginning it only took a chapter to get them hooked and back into the series.

    Farmer Boy is book three of the set we are currently reading through with the girls.  The book introduces Almanzo, Laura’s future husband.  While Laura growing up in a little house on the prairie with her parents and two sisters Almanzo was living on a big farm in New York State with his parents, one brother, and two sisters.

    The book is written from Almanzo perspective and goes through many of the things he did as a boy from chopping wood, cutting ice, planting corn, raising a prize pumpkin, training his steers, and much more!  The girls found it fascinating reading about Almanzo’s days.   They especially liked that he was found of horses.

    If you are looking for a fun book to read to your kids (both boys and girls) or have your children read themselves this is a great book.  I know the girls will be going back and reading these books again on their own after we finish with the series.  They have really enjoyed this series and learning a little bit about how Almanzo grew up fueled their excitement even more!


  • Book: “VeggieTales Family Devotional” by Cindy Kenney and Doug Peterson

    Our family has recently finished the Veggie Tales Family Devotional by Cindy Kenney and Doug Peterson.  The subtitle to this book is “connecting to a powerful relationship with God.”  The book has several familiar Veggie Tale characters in it that you kids will recognize if they have ever seen any of the Veggie Tale videos.  The book is divided up into 7 parts.

    • Part One – Faith
    • Part Two – Communication
    • Part Three – Love
    • Part Four – Trust
    • Part Five – Time
    • Part Six – Joy
    • Part Seven – Holidays

    The devotional is for ages 4 to 10.  There are 52 devotionals in the book.  The book has colorful pictures for the kids to look at while listening.  Each devotional has the following:

    • Story
    • God Connection
    • What Does the Bible Say?
    • Family Fun Connection
    • Cucumber Connection
    • Bible Verse
    • Think – Link – Act

    Our girls loved this devotional book.  There were several lessons that inspired more conversations about God, prayer, salvation and more.  I know that it is tough with life’s busy schedule to take the extra time to have devotions with our children, but it is my hope and prayer that these lessons and time together will have a lasting impact on the hearts and lives of my children.  I can’t say that we do devotions every single night (we are FAR from perfect parents), however, it is something we really try to do with our girls as often as possible because we believe it is important.  If you are looking for a new devotional book this is one you might want to check out.

  • Song: “The Blessing” by Dennis Jernigan


    I was thinking about the wonderful Christmas Season that we just celebrated with our family when I came across this song.  The song is about having a relationship with Him.   It is a great reminder as well as a peaceful and encouraging song.

  • Twice As Nice: Proud of My Girls

    I love those moments when your heart bursts with joy at seeing your kids demonstrate wonderful positive characteristics that make them stand out among the crowd.  As a parent it is essential that I continue to teach my children about life.   I catch them (and yes I am bias) showing these positive characteristics as they continue to mature but sometimes I wonder if anyone else sees these precious moments in their lives as well.

    Throughout the school year Brina and Karlie get random “rewards” for being a good example.  One of my favorite ones to see come home in their book bags is the one that gets awarded when a student shows positive characteristics when the other students are disobeying the rules.  It is nice to know that they can be polite and respectful even when their sister (in many cases) and friends are not.  The coupon is for a Free Chick-fil-A Kid’s Meal and is awarded when a student shows on of the following Core Essentials:

    • Respect
    • Initiative
    • Uniqueness
    • Joy
    • Determination
    • Kindness
    • Courage
    • Humility
    • Forgiveness

    There is no such thing as a perfect parent (or a perfect person for that matter) so when I catch my girls doing right, it truly makes me proud.  Nothing I do will force them to be good, kind, or considerate, however, the words I speak (and more importantly) my actions are showing the girls what is expected.  I cannot count the number of times, even in the last week, how they can innocently ask me a question that really makes me think about my actions and in many cases the questions can be quite convicting.

    For example, not long ago I was driving with the girls in the van when another car cut in front of us nearly side swiping our van which resulted in a honk from me……from the back seat I hear Brina say “Be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little ears what you hear for the Father Up Above is Looking Down…….”  Wow, even though in my mind I was “justified” by making the car aware of our presence through the honk, but having her say those words made me really think about how I was reacting in a tense situation.  There is a great responsibility when you children daily watching your words and actions.  I know I cannot do it in my own strength which makes me even more grateful for a heavenly Father who helps guide and direct not only my steps but my kids as well.  They know I am not perfect, but thankfully they do know someone who is and He is much better example of how we should live.

    Twice as Fun is a series on raising Twins and all the joy that comes with it.  We have been richly blessed to have twin daughters in our lives and want to share with you our thoughts, challenges, wisdom and love for raising multiples.  Our girls have different interests and hobbies but they both know how to add excitement to our lives and make us chuckle.

  • Book: “Secure Daughters, Confident Sons” by Glenn Stanton

    I recently read the book “Secure Daughters, Confident Sons: How Parents Guide Their Children into Authentic Masculinity and Femininity” by Glenn T. Stanton.  As a Mom of twin daughters I am constantly striving to improve my parenting skills so I can be a better person and raise my girls to be healthy, happy and caring women.  “Secure Daughters, Confident Sons” is a book that discusses why gender matters when raising our children.  Our culture shows our kids a variety of stereotypes and as parents we want to encourage our children to grow up to be great men and women.

    In Stanton’s book he clarifies that we are all made in the divine image of God, both male and female.  As parents we are to “train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it” Proverbs 22:6.  Each child is distinct individual and their path may not look the same as their siblings.  There are certain qualities we should teach consistently, however, every child will journey on their individual paths.  We are all unique individuals.  One other statement that popped out to me was Stanton’s quote from Dr. Louann Brizendine, “More than 99 percent of male and female genetic coding is exactly the same…..less than one percent variation…..But that percentage difference influences every single cell in our bodies…..”

    Glenn Stanton’s book has two sections :

    1.  “A Clear Vision for Authentic Manhood and Womanhood – and How to Help Your Kids Get There” In this section Stanton shows parents ways they can encourage their children to grow up to be healthy adults.  Guiding your children begins at an early age.  The book has chapters that focus specifically on boys / men and chapters on girls / women.   These chapters are beneficial for setting the foundations for your children.  Even if you have all boys or all girls in your family you will benefit by reading the chapters on the opposite gender.  (I have two girls in my family, however, reading the chapters on boys helps me better understand my husband, brothers, nephews, etc….) As a parent you want your children to happy,  successful, and have a healthy balance of strength and compassion for God and others.  Stanton gives parents practical tips to help guide your children.

    2.  “Why Boys and Girls Need Mothers and Fathers” Being a parent adds extra responsibility in your life since you and your spouse are the primary examples for your children. Each parent plays a unique role in the lives of their children and both contribute to the development of the kids.  We want to create a home of positive influence, security, and variety of interactions for our children (being examples in a many ways from how we raise the kids, discipline, working through disagreements, play, communication, manners, marriage, and more) .  What they learn and experience at home can provide a strong foundation as they mature into adults.

    Another great addition to this book is the Q&A section at the end of each chapter.  The questions address the information that was discussed in the chapter and provides more specific tips.  Every family is different and has unique situations therefore it is nice to see some extra advice given to families with the Q&A segment.

    Glenn Stanton did a pretty good job discussing a rather sensitive cultural topic in this book.  He had a mix of both spiritual and secular studies from professionals at leading Universities.  It is a good book for people who have children of their own, plan to have them, or are around children.

    Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes from the publisher through the Waterhouse Multnomah.  The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

  • Book: “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney

    I was thinking about some of my favorite books I enjoy reading to the girls.  The book Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney is one I have read to our girls many times.  It is a great book for parents to read to little ones.  The book is about a small rabbit who is asking how much he is loved and comparing the love to things / objects around him.  It helps put “love” in a perspective that our children can understand.  The book is a good reminder to the kids and parent both.  It is important that we show our love and appreciation for our children not only by reading the book to them but in many other ways throughout the week – a hug, listening, spending time with them, and just appreciating them for who they are as individuals.

  • Heart Reflections: It’s Not About Us

    As Moms, wives, and friends we get involved in so many activities.  It is easy for our lives and schedules to quickly fill up to the point of bursting.  When our lives, hearts, and schedules get packed full we don’t have the flexibility to spontaneously help and encourage others.

    A month ago I had the blessing of taking a quick road trip with friends.  It was encouraging to spend time with a friend, another Mom.  We have been richly blessed with amazing people in our lives.  Also, we have a lot to be grateful for yet we often get too busy and don’t take enough time to focus about what’s really important.  We forget that other Mom’s are going through many of the same struggles that we go through.  We are not alone.

    As Moms we want to allow our children the freedom to grow while at the same time protect them from danger and harm.  There are many mistakes we make as Moms which can often lead to the feeling of guilt. Even though we make many mistakes in our lives and as parents God is much bigger than us.  The focus really isn’t on or about us at all.  Not only that but we are not called to raise “perfect” kids, the goal is to raise godly kids with the help of our spouse, extended family, church leaders, friends, and most importantly Christ. No one is perfect and to expecting our children to be that way is setting everyone up for disappointment.

    • The first step is reflecting his love, grace and mercy through our lives in our words and actions starting first in our homes.  We will continue to make a mess of some situations, but He forgives and helps point us back to what really is important.  God has the power to work in our lives and family despite our failures.  He is not surprised by those bumps in the road nor do they slow Him down.  When we are relying on him for strength we will have more energy to focus on helping our children each step of the way.

    Having the opportunity to raise and watch my girls grow has been a truly amazing adventure.  As Moms we need to pray for our children, families and those our lives touch.  We don’t know the path before us so we need to trust in His faithfulness and promises for today. While I was on bedrest for weeks the phrase that I repeated continually was “Day by Day”.  Getting through the tasks and plans that are to be accomplish today, not tomorrow or yesterday, just today!

    • Therefore the second step is praying for our kids.  One of my prayers for our girls is that they will grow up to know Him and have a soft heart willing to soak in His teachings as well as  listen to His guidance.  I hope that my girls will be able to see past their Moms shortcomings and have a direct relationship with a heavenly Father who loves them even more than their Mom and Dad.  No person or family is perfect.  I am thankful for a husband who plays an active role in the lives of our children and for a God who loves, heals, and protects our family.  It’s okay to loosen my grip a little regarding my children because I know I can hand my concerns about my children and their lives over to Him knowing He has their best interest at heart.

    We often get wrap up in what we need to get done that we miss some of the beautiful moments we have with our children.  Our girls are growing up quickly and I have to constantly remind myself that it’s not about us.  Our calling is so much bigger and better than just our schedule and agenda.  We have to continually remind ourselves of what truly matters and to purposely take the extra few minutes each day this week to really spend quality time with our families.

    “Heart Reflections” is a series of thoughts and encouragement that come directly from my heart.  Life has a way of throwing us extra challenges and when our focus is pulled away from what is truly important we tend to feel the pressure of stress in our lives.  This series is created to remind us that we are part of something so much bigger than ourselves.  We don’t have to face the pressure of life on our own.  We can trust that our prayers are being heard.  He alone knows what’s best for us and gives us the appropriate strength to get through each day as it is set before us.

    Photo by Seattle Municipal Archives