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Book: “VeggieTales Family Devotional” by Cindy Kenney and Doug Peterson

Our family has recently finished the Veggie Tales Family Devotional by Cindy Kenney and Doug Peterson.  The subtitle to this book is “connecting to a powerful relationship with God.”  The book has several familiar Veggie Tale characters in it that you kids will recognize if they have ever seen any of the Veggie Tale videos.  The book is divided up into 7 parts.

  • Part One – Faith
  • Part Two – Communication
  • Part Three – Love
  • Part Four – Trust
  • Part Five – Time
  • Part Six – Joy
  • Part Seven – Holidays

The devotional is for ages 4 to 10.  There are 52 devotionals in the book.  The book has colorful pictures for the kids to look at while listening.  Each devotional has the following:

  • Story
  • God Connection
  • What Does the Bible Say?
  • Family Fun Connection
  • Cucumber Connection
  • Bible Verse
  • Think – Link – Act

Our girls loved this devotional book.  There were several lessons that inspired more conversations about God, prayer, salvation and more.  I know that it is tough with life’s busy schedule to take the extra time to have devotions with our children, but it is my hope and prayer that these lessons and time together will have a lasting impact on the hearts and lives of my children.  I can’t say that we do devotions every single night (we are FAR from perfect parents), however, it is something we really try to do with our girls as often as possible because we believe it is important.  If you are looking for a new devotional book this is one you might want to check out.