• Life Simplified: Meal Delivery

    Dessert tray we delivered to a family!

    Every new year we set goals, challenge ourselves to reach new heights and to focus on what’s really important in life.  In 2011 I have made it a goal to simplify my life more by enjoying the blessings and not wasting what God has given me.  I will be sharing with you the successes and challenges on those specific areas in my life as I go through them.  I have already shared with you my 1st Life Simplified Goal of No Grocery Shopping for the month of January.  One of the most rewarding blessings in life is sharing what you have with others.  My second Life Simplified Goal goes along with that piece.

    My 2nd Life Simplified Goal:

    • Deliver 1 Meal a Month to a family outside of our household

    Explanation of the Goal: In 2010 I signed up to deliver meals to new Moms after they came home from the hospital, people who had surgery and various other volunteer opportunities.  There were a couple months I didn’t do any meals and other months I had several extra meals to prepare.  For example, in December I had 4 extra meals to prepare and deliver outside of our home before the week of Christmas, some of them being over an hour away, plus we had a Christmas Eve party at our house and guests staying with us for a week.  While I enjoy the blessing of helping others I need to work on saying “No” once I have met my limit.  After much prayer and talking with my husband we have decided it would be best for our family if I would stick to 1 meal delivery a month.  Once I have delivered a meal in a month I will have to say no to any additional inquiries.  There are so many people out there that need help, however, I have to decide what is best for our family too.  I want the girls to continue participating in these amazing acts of service and having a limit will give us the freedom to continue to do it without putting our family in a spot we are over our budget. I think with all the people in our church and community that if everyone did just one meal a month for someone needing a meal there would even be extra to go around.

    I will continue to deliver meals for people once a month.  Below are the opportunities that I am currently and will continue to be involved in:

    • Moms with Newborn Babies
    • People coming home from Surgery
    • Death in the Family
    • Other Volunteer Needs for Meal Delivery

    I have a hard time saying “no” to someone in need but in order for me to have the opportunity to continue ministering to others in this way I need to stick to the goal as well as respect my husband in his decision to help me with this area I love to volunteer.  I will share with you the challenges, successes along the way so you can keep me accountable or you can even go through the journey with me by participating  and sharing your story.

    Life Simplified is a series on getting rid of the extras in our life while learning how to enjoy what God has given us so we can continue to be a blessing to others.  Our homes can quickly start are bursting with “stuff”  and if you are like us we just have too much.  I am doing a series on ways we are learning to simplifying our food, homes, and lives.  When our hearts, lives, and homes get too cluttered we may start missing out on opportunities to serve and bless the people around us.

  • Loosening My Grip: No More Repairs…..Please!

    Let’s just say 2010 was in some ways….painful…..at least when you look at it from a budget standpoint.  Our budget was (ouch) way off after many unforeseeable major repairs and events.  There are some things that happen in life that are completely out of our control and as a person that likes to plan ahead it can really catch me off guard.  Many of the repairs were out of our hands and we were doing exactly what we thought God wanted us to do with our lives, however,  there can be a turns up ahead in life that will guide us in directions that we did not necessarily expect.  How we react and choose to move forward when we come to a crossroad is where the true test comes especially if we don’t like the direction the road is taking.  The amazing part  is God gave us peace and after many months of praying He gave us a very vivid answer to some of our questions. I am grateful everything continued working as long as it had, however, there for a few months it was like the domino effect around our house.  I felt like anything I touched broke.  We almost always buy used items and several things had been acting up for several months or years.   Thankfully I have an wonderful husband who budgets and has planned ahead enough to have an emergency fund.  Although we went over our small emergency fund during the last few months I know with God’s help, planning, sticking to the budget, and cutting back we can overcome these speed bumps.

    What type of items started this drum roll effect?

    • Car Purchase – Jake was rear ended in November 2009 at a stop sign by the person behind him who failed to stop until she hit his car.  His car was sandwiched between two cars and totaled.  Thankfully he was wearing his seat belt.  The insurance gave us some money to compensate for his car.  Unfortunately his car was paid off and we had to adjust to having one car with business events, meetings, kids, school, and everything else for several months.  We couldn’t find a car within the allotted price range so we continued to look.  The market for used cars in our price range was low plus the “Cash for Clunkers” took additional used cars out of the market.  Finally, in March 2010 we were able to locate a usable car within our budget that he could drive.  I am thankful he now has a reliable car to drive.
    • Business Expenses – several years ago we started our business as a way to help others and LOVE it, however, in 2010 the expenses were higher than anticipated and God showed us clearly the direction he wanted our family to take.  It has been an amazing journey seeing His hand working in our hearts, lives, and the business.
    • Jake’s Surgery – with the car accident from November 2009 Jake continued to have issues, we were hoping and praying that he would get better on his own, however, he had surgery in April to repair the damage.  Thankfully, after the surgery and a few months of physical therapy he is doing better even though like any injury the damage is done and continues to have a ripple effect.    We still haven’t been able to get the medical expenses covered from the person running into him (even though it has  been over a year) but hopefully it will be done in 2011.
    • Roof Repair – in August 2010 we after a pretty steady period of rain storms we had a tree fall on our house.  It was a domino effect of insurance, adjusters, roofers, and many more people trying to get it repaired before it rained again.  We were thankful to have an acquaintance do the majority of the repairs and roof.  It is amazing that you are required to pay insurance on time every month to get coverage, however, when you have a claim on it takes months to get the issue resolved.  We still have a few minor repairs remaining but we are thankful to have a roof over our heads and the majority of the work completed.
    • Laptop – I have been fortunate enough to never have to purchase a new laptop.  My husband has always been able to piece together a desktop or laptop for me to use from what he has available from doing work for others.  This year the hand-me-down machine died and the laptop was slowly wearing out with a major crack in the screen.  For my birthday I got my first ever new computer which has been a true blessing.

    I will continue with the domino effect of repairs we had in the last few months of 2010 later this week.  Thankfully we all made it to 2011 healthy and happy despite the adventure along the way.

    Loosening My Grip is a series on areas in my life I am learning to let go of slowly. A couple months ago I was studying Jonah and one of the phrases that popped out at me was “Whatever you are holding on to in this life, hold it loosely so it won’t hurt when the Lord has to pry your fingers open to take it away.”  I have found that in some areas God has had to pry my fingers off of whatever I am holding onto one finger at a time.  There are areas in my life that I feel like I need control over and hold onto them tightly.  I have been learning how to let go and hold loosely so God can do His work in my life.

  • Gift Giving: Homemade Handprint Ornaments

    Are you looking for great gifts to give but are on a tight budget?   This is a simple recipe that uses a few items from your pantry and makes a thoughtful Christmas Gift.  Last year for Christmas gifts we made Homemade Cinnamon Handprints for Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and extended family members.  They were inexpensive, easy to do, and the girls had a lot of fun. You probably have all the ingredients already.

    Cinnamon Handprint Ornaments:

    • 2 cups Flour
    • 1 cup Salt
    • 5 teaspoons Cinnamon
    • 3/4 cup Water

    Combine dry ingredients in a bowl.  Stir in water gradually to make dough.  If it is sticking to your hands, add more flour or if it is too crumbling add more water.  Knead dough for approximately 8 minutes until smooth.  Refrigerate for 30 minutes.  Roll out dough to desired thickness (typically between 1/4 to 3/4 inches thick).

    We used a football cookie cutter for the oval (you can use a circle or anything big enough that they can fit their hands in) than lightly floured their hands before making a slight indention on the clay.  We took a stamp and pressed their first initial in the bottom of each palm to help us remember who it belonged to.  Since my girls are twins their hand sizes are almost the same!

    After making the handprint in the clay use a straw to make a hole in the top so you can hang the ornament.

    Bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hour.  (Thicker dough will take longer to bake).  They are done when the clay is dry, you notice a slight change in color.  Cool and add a ribbon of your choice!

    Optional: Once cooled you can use spray on polyurethane for extra shine.

    Ours still smell great even after a year.  We made more than one batch since we have a large family but you can do as many as you want.  With the extra dough we made Christmas ornaments so we could hang them on the tree.

  • Gift Giving: Twice as Nice

    Buying used toys that are in good shape works well for those of us who are on a tight budget.   My girls love books and we rarely buy them new.  Same goes for toys.  If you can find good quality toys and books for an inexpensive price used why not get them as a gift for your kids.

    Recently, Goodwill did a 50% off day on everything in the store and if you got the red tag you received an additional discount.  I picked up a whole stack of books for $0.25 and some clothes (shirts, pants, skirts, dresses) for as low as $0.50.  I was thrilled because the books and clothes will make great Christmas gifts for the kids.  That day the following two purchases were the most fun:

    Princess Baby Doll Bed

    I know a little girl who will LOVE this bed for her babies!  It is in excellent condition and it only cost me $4.

    Lizard CD Holder

    The Lizard CD Holder was a lot of fun.  I have been looking for a place to put their CDs so they can access them without making a mess.  It is going to be hilarious seeing their faces when they unwrap this one.  The best part is I paid $3 for it.

    Both the Princess Baby Doll Bed and the Lizard CD Holder were a hit with several other people at the store that day too.  I was beginning to wonder if I would to make it out of the store with the two items.  I was asked how much they were numerous times, one person took them out of my basket to look at, another person told me that she needs them more then I do, and a guy tried to take them from me while I was paying.  Guess my excitement for finding the treasures made everyone else think they really were special, ha.

    If you are on a tight budget this year, check out some of the local secondhand stores.  You might just find a treasure with a bargain price tag on it that’s the perfect gift for your kids.

  • Date Night on a Budget – Dinner

    Going on a Date Night with your spouse can be just what the whole family needs.   It is important to take time to relax and be a couple, whether you have little ones or not.   Your kids may enjoy a night away too.   One way to open the door of communication is by having a quiet meal together.

    Here are a few ways to save on the cost of eating out so you can relax when you go on your date:

    1.  Free Dinner Options

    • Gift Certificates – if you have a gift certificate to a restaurant use it when you go on your date.  Occasionally we get gift certificates for our anniversary so we save them for Date Nights.  It may be something you want to ask for your birthday or anniversary as well.   You can earn gift certificates by doing surveys or through accumulating points too.
    • Coupons – use a coupon to a restaurant that you and your spouse are wanting to go to.  If you plan ahead you can often find discounts or coupons online prior to going to a restaurant.  We have even shared a free dinner at a nice restaurant by using a coupon.  Sometimes you have to pay but if you look you can often get a meal for free.
    • Join the Club – many of the large chain restaurants offer special discounts if you sign up for their emails or newsletters.  You may get free food when they introduce a new menu item.  Even your local family owned restaurants give you special offers when you join their club.  Many restaurants offer free meal if you visit them around your birthday. If you have a favorite restaurant check and see they have a club you can join for extra savings.

    2. Discount Dinner Options

    • Restaurant.com you can get discount restaurant certificates.  We have tried many new restaurants using Restaurant.com that have since become our favorite.  You can often get the certificates at a discount.  The best is when you can get them at 80% to 90% off.  We stock up when they are at a deep discount and it allows us to have plenty of options to chose from for Date Night.  The certificates last for one year so you have plenty of time to use them.  Try it out and see how you like it!
    • Barter – there are many barter programs available such as Tradebank or you can work something out with the owner of a restaurant or chain.  If you have services or products that they can use.  We have friends that provide a service for a restaurant and they get coupons for free meals. It is worth checking out.
    • Grouponhas daily deals that you can get between 40% to 90% off.  Many times Groupon will offer great discounts on restaurants.  When you purchase a certificate you have up to a year to use it.  Select the area closest to you to find out the  deals in your area.
    • Pack a picnic for a nice dinner at a park together.  You can pack a really wonderful romantic picnic for a great price.  Pick out a favorite food you know your spouse will like for an extra special treat.  It shows your love.  Some of our best Date Nights have been relaxing over a picnic at a park.

    You can have a wonderful dinner with your spouse without breaking your budget.  It is important to take time to talk, relax, and enjoy each other.  Take turns planning where you are going.  One month you plan the meal the next month your husband plans, it allows for some great surprises and extra romance!

    Jake and I try to have at least one date night a month because it is important to us to maintain and grow our marriage.  Communication around the typical family meal is more about the kids and the events of the day then on us as a couple.  Although we may be in a season when the finances are tight we can still have a terrific date night together.  The laughter, deep conversations, and a time of relaxation is worth finding ways to make it work logistically and financially.

  • Date Night on a Budget – Babysitting Fees

    Do you enjoy having the opportunity to share some quiet time with your spouse?  Would you do it more if it cost less?  By the time you pay the baby sitter, go out for a meal, and an activity your budget is blown.  We have found some ways that have helped us cut down on the expense of going out while allowing us to still have fun.  One of the first and sometimes the most expensive costs of going on a date is the babysitter.  We LOVE our babysitters but the hours and expense add up quickly over the course of one evening especially on a tight budget.

    Here are a few ways to save on the babysitting costs so you can relax when you go on your date:

    1.  Free Babysitting  Options

    • Grandparents may be able to watch your sweet little one(s) once a month.    Most grandparents enjoy the opportunity to spend time with the children and are thrilled that you are focusing on strengthening your marriage at the same time.
    • Aunt or Cousin or another family member who is nearby will often watch the kids once a month so you can have some time to relax with your spouse.  Have you asked?  You may be surprised at how excited they are to spend time with the kids.
    • Swap Babysitting with Friends – do you belong to a church, Moms group or have friends in the neighborhood?  See if they will watch your kids once a month so you and your spouse can have a Date Night then watch their kids once a month so they can have time together too.  You can enjoy it because you have a night with your spouse without paying for babysitting and your kids love it because they have time to play with their friends.  Works really well if you have kids that are similar ages and that play well together.

    2. Discount Babysitting Options

    • Responsible Teenager will often work for a more negotiable rate and many times they have a lot of energy which makes it fun adventure for the kids.
    • Mature Tween who is wanting to get into babysitting but isn’t quite old enough to do it on her own yet.  You are giving her the learning experience and can usually do it for a discounted rate or sometimes even free.  They will watch your kids at their own house under the supervision of their parents.
    • College Student – they will usually work for a reasonable rate or we have had some that have chosen to spend the night and eat a couple meals at our house in lieu of payment.  This works well for the late night dates with your spouse.  It is wonderful coming home to a house of peaceful sleeping kids!  Plus this gives you the opportunity to get to know the babysitter better as well.

    We have used a variety of babysitting tactics with our twins.  When the finances got tight we searched for other options because we felt like time together was important.  We have used all 6 of the options listed above.  Our favorites of course are the free options and since the grandparents don’t live near us we are limited on those dates.  We are thankful to have friends who swap babysitting with us because we can have fun relaxing together and the kids have a blast spending time playing with their friends.  We look forward to the times we get to watch their kids because we get to play, have fun and spoil the kids!

    Jake and I try to have at least one date night a month because it is important to us to maintain and grow our marriage.  Communication around the typical family meal is more about the kids and the events of the day then on us as a couple.  Although we may be in a season when the finances are tight we can still have a terrific date night together.  The laughter, deep conversations, and a time of relaxation is worth finding ways to make it work logistically and financially.

  • Book: “The Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey

    Seven years ago my husband and I read through The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey with a group of young couples from our church.  It was a great time in our marriage to review our spending habits and find ways to get our finances in order.  In just a few years we paid off all our debt (with the exception of our mortgage) college loans, cars, credit cards, and saved up enough money for emergencies, 12 months of expenses, and to start our own business.

    It was freeing for us as a couple to have structure with our money including doing a budget together and being smarter when spending.  It took some sacrifices to meet our goals but reading this book and going through it with friends helped us stay on track.  We are still learning and adapting as we adjust to what life brings are way (including some financial setbacks, 12 weeks of bed-rest and beautiful twin daughters who spent time in NICU).  The neat part about the setbacks is you now have guidelines already in place to help you get back on track.

    Dave Ramsey’s has a lot of great financial tools for your family.  I encourage you to start by reading or listening to this book.  He has a Workbook that goes along with the book and a CD if you prefer listening over reading.

    Workbook – The Total Money Makeover Workbook.

    Audio Cd – The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

    I wish you the best as you find ways that work for your family!  Going through this with friends provides an additional support structure while you learn together.  We have given our book out to family and friends numerous times!