• Merry Christmas!

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!  I am looking forward to a wonderful day with my sweet family.  Jake doesn’t have to work today and the girls are excited about celebrating the Holiday.  Each Christmas is slightly different since we occasionally travel during Holiday season.  This year we will be having a relaxing breakfast with the family, open the stockings, then read the Christmas story and take our time enjoying the day together.  It is important to us to discuss with the girls why we celebrate Christmas so they can have a greater appreciation for this special day.  May today be full of great memories, laughter, and precious time with your family.

    Merry Christmas!

  • Movie – “Life As We Know It”

    My husband and I enjoyed a Date Night last night.  YAY!!!  We love getting the opportunity to spend some quiet time together.  Our kids are precious, however, we are thrilled to have the occasional opportunity to laugh, talk and relax together as a couple.  We had free movie tickets and decided to see what was available.  Since it was the Thursday before Halloween weekend the options were a little limited.  “Saw” and some of the other Halloween / horror movies did not appeal to us.

    We chose the comedy “Life As We Know It”.  Holly Berenson (Katherine Heigl) is single with a growing catering business and Eric Messer (Josh Duhamel) is single and working as sports director.  When their friends set up them up on a blind date they didn’t even get out of the driveway before going their separate ways.  Their best friends named them as godparents for their daughter Sophie.  When the parents were in an accident Holly and Messer were jointly responsible for taking care of Sophie.  Holly and Messer found ways to work around their differences because they both loved Sophie and wanted what was best for her. It was a funny to watch.  The new responsibilities of taking care of a baby had an effect on their lives which at times was pretty hilarious.  The romance was predictable but cute to see evolve.  Their neighbors were nosy and were a little overboard but if you are looking for a relaxing night out you may want to consider “Life As You Know It”
