• Organized Chaos: Kid’s Closets

    Organized Chaos - Kids - Closet - Clothes - Room - Shoes - Dresser - Cabinet - Toys - Shoes - Crafts - Organized - Clean - Bookshelf - P1350794c

     What a mess!

    We live in a home with imperfect people.  Life has a way of getting messy.  Over time the busy messiness of life over spills into other areas such as our closets.  It happens to all of us, including our kids.

    On this particular day when I opened the closet I noticed several things out of place – clothes out of their specific baskets, shoes not lined up, headbands askew, and the hair accessories organizer not even hung up, hang up clothes in the wrong spots, crafts all out of sorts, and more disorganization.

    Thankfully with the system we have in place it usually doesn’t take too long to get everything back in shape and looking good again.  The kids are not always “excited” about cleaning out their closets, but they do enjoy it once it is done.  It does look much better to Momma too!

    Here are some closet organizational systems we already have in place that make the closet clean up easier:

    Once all the items listed above are checked, organized, and put back into their proper places there is only one thing left to do.  Make sure all the hanging clothes are properly on the hangers and put them in their correct places.  For our family we switch out cold and hot weather clothes depending on the season.  In South Carolina we typically have a longer warm season then some other places so we are a little heavier on the short sleeve shirts and tank tops than on the heavier winter long sleeves and sweaters.


     I used a picture from the colder season (the long sleeves show the different sections better than pictures with tank tops).  As you can see her long sleeves / vests are on the left side of her closet with her short sleeve shirts in the middle and her dresses on the right side.  In the summer her tank tops would be on the left where her long sleeve shirts / vests are located in this picture.  We do pull out the kids winter dresses and replace them with summer dresses as well.


     Looks so much better with everything put away and organized nicely!

  • Organized Chaos: Kids Crafts & Activities


     Kids crafts

    Our kids love doing a variety of crafts and fun activities.  Anything from artwork to bead work to pottery and so much more!   A lot of times for their birthdays or Christmas they will get some neat crafts and activities gifts to do.

    We wanted to find a convenient place to store them until they had time to do the craft. Originally, we had all the craft items stored together in one general location, but not in their room(s).  As the girls got older we had to start putting names on the boxes or items so each one knew which ones were theirs when they went looking for a craft to do.  Since they are twins it is important as parents to make sure that each child has some items that are specifically for them. We felt like this was something easy to do regarding their crafts and it has worked out well for our family.

    Once the kids moved into their own rooms we decided to put their individual crafts on one of their higher shelves in their closets.  Each kid has their own individual craft or activity shelf so they can pick out their specific item whenever they want to do a craft.  Some of the crafts on their shelves are the same while some are completely different.  They can easily get a chair or step stool when they want to pick out a craft to do, but with the crafts being on a higher shelf it isn’t as accessible so when we have younger kids visiting the crafts stay in place and don’t get all spread out.


     Crafts lined up, visible, and ready to be used.

  • Organized Chaos: Closet Clothes Baskets


    Baskets of clothes in the closet

    On the bottom shelf in the kids closets we have 3 baskets of clothes.  Each of these baskets contain specific items.  The clothes are easy to access for the kids.  The baskets make good use of the space between the the hanging clothes and the bottom rack.

    The 3 Baskets contain:

    1. Basket of Blue Jeans and Pants
    2. Basket of Shorts and Skirts
    3. Basket of Outside Play Clothes

    In the Spring  and Summer the short and skirt basket will be in the center with the jeans / pants as well as the outside play clothes are on the sides.  During the Fall and Winter the jeans and pants are in the middle with the short / skirt as well as the outside play clothes are on the sides.  All the girls have to do is grab a shirt from the hanger above, a bottom (jeans, pants, shorts, or skirt) from one of the baskets and they have the majority of their outfits picked out.  When they are going to play outside they can pick a shirt and bottom out of their outside play clothes.

    They usually do pretty well with keeping the correct items in the right baskets.  Although, sometimes when they are in a hurry or if they are digging for a specific pair of jeans they don’t always keep all their items folded nicely.  For the most part they keep the baskets looking good.  If the baskets do get messed up we can just pull out one or all three baskets and fold or organize them again.

    We have been using this system for a few years now and it works well for our kids.  It helps makes those busy mornings go more smoothly.  Even though they are suppose to lay out their clothes the night before sometimes they forget or decide to switch into something else at the last minute.


    Basket on the left is full of shorts & skirts.  The middle basket is full of jeans and pants.


    The middle basket is jeans / pants and on the left side the basket is full of outside play clothes.

  • Organized Chaos: Kids Shoes


     Organized Kids Shoes

    We live in an older house.  Most days it’s fine, but there are a few things (like any house) that we would love to change.  The closets in this house are pretty small.  When the girls shared a room their closet was full even though they were babies.  All the closets had in them when we moved in was a small wooden shelf with one metal bar underneath to hang clothes on.  We have slowly been converting the closets to a rack system* which allows us to use the space we have more efficiently.

    The kids are now in their own rooms and we have updated both of their closets with the rack system.  We decided to leave a space underneath the bottom rack for their shoes.  They have enough space to stack both shoes from each set under their bottom rack and line them up.

    The shoes that are stored in their closets are slippers, sandals, crocs, dress shoes, and ones they were for special occasions.  The girls dirtier shoes like their school shoes, outside boots, and other outside shoes or sandals stay in a basket by the back door or the garage.  It makes me happy when I look into their closets and see them neat with their shoes lined up.


    Shoes lined up in the kids closet!

    *If you are looking at converting your closets to a rack system you can locate them at Lowe’s, Home Depot, or another store. 

  • Organized Chaos: Hair Accessory Organizer


    All Brina’s headbands, flowers, decorative hair ornaments organized and in one spot

    A few months ago I showed you our  Easy DIY Headband Holder.  As you can see from the pictures on this post we are still using it.  It works very well for our girls.  Since they wear more than just headbands I wanted to find a solution that would help organize all the pretty, fluffy, and decorative hair ornaments they have as well.

    My qualifications for getting these items organized:

    • Must assist in making these items more organized
    • Able to be hung in a visible location and still look nice
    • Easy to see, reach, and get access to the items when the kids need them
    • Reasonably priced organizer because I will need 2 (one in each of the kids room)
    • Something that we could hang near to the headbands (which were already hanging on the back of their closet doors).

    It took me a little longer to find the perfect organizer for these items.  Part of the reason it took longer is I wasn’t really sure what I wanted for the decorative hair accessories.  I wasn’t in a rush so I just kept an eye out for ideas while in various stores.  One day when I was going through CVS the clearance section happened to catch my eye.  I paused for a moment and these little blue and black organizers were in the clearance section marked down to $1.*  After looking at them and thinking about them I decided to pick them up and see if I could make them work for the kids hair accessories.

    It was exactly the type of item I was looking for and at a great price!  The organizer fit all the current hair accessories items I wanted to put in it plus had room for some extra ones too.  When I am on top of things (which doesn’t always happen) I will put the kids seasonal hair accessories in the extra pockets on the organizer too (ie. Christmas, July 4th, Halloween, etc… hair accessories during that specific season).

    The organizer hangs on the back of the closet door where the kids can easily reach it.  It goes right under the Easy DIY Headband Holder  so everything is available in one spot.  The items are visible and easy to reach.  It meets all my qualifications for getting the kids hair accessories organized.  These have worked very well for our family!

    *I tried to find these on the CVS website, but either they do not carry them online or they are not available.  You can look in your local store or I am sure there are other stores that carry a similar item.  This one on Amazon or something similar might work well too if you are looking for one.


    Looking down on the Easy DIY Headband Holder and Hair Accessory Organizer as it is hanging on the closet door


    Organized and ready to go!

  • Organized Chaos: Jewelry Organizer


    Necklace & Jewelry Organizer

    Having girls in the house means you are bound to have some jewelry around.  As the girls got older they continued to accumulate more necklaces.  It slowly became harder to keep the necklaces organized without them getting tangled or putting them in a spot that was hard for them to easily access.

    I wanted to find something simple, easy, and reasonably priced.  It took awhile of looking around to find one that I liked and could hang on the back of their closet doors.  I ended up finding this one at our local Michaels store and bought it using a coupon.  At first I only got one because I wanted to make sure I really liked it before getting another one.  After a couple weeks I still liked it so I used another coupon and got the second one.  It has been nice to having all their necklaces organized and visible.

    Our kids are using it mostly for necklaces since they do not have pierced ears yet, but you can use it for earrings, belts, watches, scarves, rings, bracelets, ties, or a multitude of other things.  I like that it is  simple design, not too big, and yet pretty.  It hung on the back of the closet door so it is accessible for the kids to reach when they want to wear one of their special necklaces.  All of these necklaces were given to them from family or friends and have special memories so I am happy that they are now displayed well and tangle free.


    Brina’s necklaces are organized now!

  • Team Work at the Family Yard Sale

    Yard Sale Sign - Jake put the arrow on when he staked them on Saturday morning.

    We recently did a Yard Sale at our house.   It was a  success, we even had to thin out the cash box twice during the sale because we were getting so many $1 bills.  I was shocked when we counted up the total at the end of the day, it was the best sale we have had yet!  I am not sure if it was just a great day, beautiful weather, we had the right people, right items, luck, answer to prayer, or a combination.  No matter what it was we were blessed with a great sale.  Our Yard Sale was a one day sale starting at 7 AM (although we always have those early birds which is fine with me) and we ended at 1 PM.  This year it was just our family doing the sale and we made almost $700.  Jake and I sold over $650 and the girls brought in over $15 selling drinks, cookies, and candy.

    It was a lot of work and I am very thankful it is now done so I can get my house back in order again.  Last Saturday was a beautiful sunny day and we had a steady amount of traffic the whole time.  One time when traffic started slowing down my husband checked the signs and one of them had fallen down, immediately after setting it up again the crowds starting coming again.  Our first customers arrived before we even finished setting up. As soon as the signs were up there were people were outside with their flashlights going through the items.

    Our family always enjoys seeing what the first item that sells will be……this year it was a cord for 25 cents.  My husband had a box of electronic power cords for 25 cents each.  The guy later came back and purchased the entire box of cords along with a few other items.  It makes me smile seeing people leave the yard with full bags of goodies and knowing that I don’t have to bring it all back inside!  Not to mention it is wonderful being able to put the extra towards your goals and to have a more uncluttered home.  I haven’t quite master that completely yet but I am getting closer!

    The more Yard Sales we do the more I learn what do to or better yet what not to do.  I grew up in a very rural area in Kansas and my family never had or went to a Yard Sale / Garage Sale / Tag Sale or whatever you call it in your area.  Here are some quick and easy tips that work for us and have made our Yard Sales successful:

    • Get Organized Early – clean out your closets and rooms in advance.  I typically collect items throughout the year and place them in bins marked for “yard sale” so it makes it easier once the time gets near.  After getting out the bins I go through a room a day and collect any items that we are no longer using.  If I have more time I will do another sweep of the house.  As I am collecting the items I go ahead and price them then put them in the room next to the front door so they are ready to take out the day of the sale.
    • Clearly Mark & Price All Items to Sell – we had only a couple items in the $10 to $20 range.  The majority of our items were marked from 2 cents to $1.00 each.  Many of people that come to your sale will want to negotiate so it is important to know in advance what items you are willing to negotiate and how much.  Typically, I will do up to half off the price unless it is one I have specified in advance that I will not do additional discounts (like brand new items from our stockpile).  Mark all items!  One exception to this rule is if you have a bin of similar items to sell you can mark the amount per item on the outside of the container.  A lot of people will pass up the opportunity to buy something they want because they don’t want to ask for the price.  I would rather the items sell then have to drag everything back into the house, to Goodwill or somewhere else afterwards.  If you have a lot of specific items to sell (candles, clothes, gift bags, stuffed animals, etc….) you can sell them for 50 cents each or they can stuff a bag as full as they want $5.  I had a lady buy my entire bin of stuffed animals by stuffing bags for $5 each (you can fit a lot of clothes and stuffed animals into a shopping bag).
    • Plan of Action – having a plan mapped out of where you want items and how it will look.  This will help make the whole Yard Sale run more smoothly and in the end be a success.Group like items together as you are preparing them and know in advance which items you want on the tables, in the front to draw in the crowd, which ones are okay to put on the tarp or hang on the fence.
    • Answer the Important Questions in Advance – Who is in charge of what? What are the kids selling?  Who is putting out the signs?  When are you putting out the signs?   Who will be collecting the cash?
    • How much cash / change do you need to start? We did $70 cash this time and it was a great amount (we had 2 – $10, 4 – $5, 20 – $1, and a roll of quarters).  We used $3 in loose change we had around the house to buff up the cash box a little bit more.
    • Pick a Good LOCATION – we usually do our Yard Sale at our house because we live right off a busy road.  Also, our road is a small half circle and no matter which direction a person comes down it they will drive past our house.  You want it close to a road that gets a lot of steady traffic so you get a continual flow of people.
    • Do a Multiple Family Sale – this is the first year we have not done a multiple family yard sale.  We have had up to 7 families do the yard sale with us at one time.  We even have a software program that tracks how much each family is making and then we divide up the cash at the end of the sale.  If you do it this way and use 1 cash box make sure whoever is entering the amounts knows the program and during the busy times it is wise to have a couple people helping check out.  Otherwise you can do separate cash box per family.  You can share the cost of signs, materials, work, etc…when you do a joint sell as well.
    • Select a Date / Time – pick a good date and time to do your sale.  For example, if it is freezing or raining it will be much harder to have a successful sale.  Consider the benefits of doing a 1 or 2 day sale.  We have typically only done a 1 day sale on Saturday because we don’t have a garage that faces the street where we can leave everything set up for the next day.  Plus, we don’t have to take time off work to have since we only do it on Saturday.
    • SIGNS – the signage is very important!  We make big, bold, simple signs with arrows on them.  The signs are placed at either end of our street with two additional signs one on the highway next to us and another at a busy intersection up the street from us.  Half of the signs are to get their attention and the two at the ends of our street are the most valuable because those are the ones that will get the people onto your street.  Add just enough information to get them to your house, keep it big and simple.  We purchased our signs for 50 cents at the Dollar Tree and I had the girls help me color them with crayons.  Since we already advertised in a variety of other places (see below) we typically put up our signs early the day of the sale as we are setting up (we have done it as early at 4:30 AM and had people at our house within minutes).
    • Advertise – having a number people planning to come before the day of the sell is very beneficial.  Many times these people will be the first ones there and more people are likely to stop if there are a lot of cars at your house (there must be great deals). Here are a couple places to advertise:
    1. Your local Craigslist –  we have great success listing our Yard Sales on Craigslist.  People have driven from over an hour away to attend our Yard Sale because they saw it on Craigslist.  We typically get between 5 to 20 emails a day from people requesting more information on what we are selling so make sure you are ready to respond politely and timely to those requesting information.  I always include a bullet list of items that we are selling to catch the attention of those looking for specific things (for example – Infant Clothes Newborn & Up, NEW Health & Beauty Items, CD’s / DVDs, Furniture, Kitchen Appliances, Books, Computers, Game Systems, Electronics, etc…. and MUCH MORE).  Be honest yet specific to draw the attention of those interested in your items.  Craigslist will allow you to post multiple times the week of the sale – I usually post information about it on Monday, Wednesday, and follow up with one final one on Friday that has our address and directions included.
    2. Newspapers – many newspapers will allow you to list your Yard Sale in the paper for free.  Check with your local newspapers for the details.  Make sure to check out the smaller ones as well because they often will give you more promotional space plus they are in your local community homes and stores.
    3. Hang Fliers – in gas stations or a variety of businesses or community boards in your area.  Many of these places allow you do it for free and it generates additional interest.  Make sure your signs are bright, colorful, and easy to read.
    • Large / Popular Items Catch the Buyers Attention – put large or popular and colorful items out in front (children’s clothes, furniture, exercise equipment, etc….) so people will see them and stop to shop.  Many times if they stop to look they will buy something in addition to the items that first got their attention.
    • Sell Ad-Ons – we have our girls sell drinks, small toys, cookies (see picture below), candy, and re-usable bags.  Here’s what we did:
    1. Candy – 2 cents
    2. Small Toys – 2 cents
    3. Re-usable Shopping Bags – 10 cents (or they can choose the free bags – plastic bags we collected from a variety of stores)
    4. Lemonade – 25 cents
    5. Cookies – 25 cents
    6. Soda Pop – 50 cents
    7. Bottled Water – $1.00
    • Thin Out Your Stockpile – if you shop the sales and use coupons take a moment to put together a bin or table full of items.  We had a variety of new Health & Beauty items, Household items, School Supplies, Crafts Supplies, and more for people to buy.  The largest benefit to having a table with brand new items is that it really attracts attention and brings in the crowd plus it gets people excited about getting a great deal.  Also, pack a basket full of those samples you got in the mail and sell them.  We were selling our samples for 2 cents each and a lady came back to our yard sale to purchase more items for her parents and bought the entire basket full of samples.  We sold the majority of the items on those tables plus people purchased other items at the sale because they were so thrilled to find a terrific deal.  This year we even sold a box full of non-expired food from our pantry, I had duplicates of several items that I didn’t think we would eat in time so I put them out and they were a huge hit as well.
    Brina & Karlie's Tray Full of Individually Wrapped (in "pretty" bags) Cookies for the Yard Sale! Oatmeal Raisin, Chocolate Chip M&M, and Double Chocolate Chip! They did really well with their cookies.

    These are some of the things I have learned over the course of the past few years.  Several people have asked us email them when we have our yard sales because they don’t want to miss it and other people have gone to get extra money or called friends to come buy items.  The repeat customers know what you typically have available and look for it, a couple ladies asked where all my samples were after someone had purchased them all.  It is a lot of work, but with a little extra effort and planning it can be a successful event.   I am thankful for my family because each member pitched in to help make it a great day.  I wish you the best as you plan for your upcoming sale.  Please leave any comments below on ways you have made your Garage / Yard Sale successful.

  • Life Simplified: Sell, Give, Donate or Toss It?

    I was listening to the radio a few weeks ago and heard the announcer telling a personal story how she had a box of knickknacks and other items.  She was procrastinating on organizing the items and as she was going through it she was trying to decide what she should give away, put away or throw away……in the end she just got a bigger box.

    This little story stood out to me because I have been thinking about how we as a family and Americans in general need to cut back.  One of my goals in 2011 is to simplify my life more by enjoying the blessings and not wasting what God has given me.  I have been sharing with you the successes and challenges on those specific areas in my life as I go through them.

    My Third Life Simplified Goal:

    • Organize & De-Clutter our Home

    Explanation of the Goal: When my husband and I were first married we lived a nice but small apartment.  When we had friends over to eat we had to sit on the floor or the hand-me-down love seat that I received from a client that was throwing it out.  The majority of our items have been purchased second hand or given to us by family or friends.  After a couple years in the apartment we moved into our home and then had kids.  Recently as we were sitting together talking about life we realized how much “stuff” we had accumulated over the course of a few years.  I am a sentimental person so a lot of items have a story behind them, but there a many items in our home we no longer use.  The girls have baby toys that they no longer play with along with knickknacks here and there.  Over the course of the year we a going to reorganize and de-clutter our home.  I think it will be a continual work in progress, however, if we are not using an item we need to evaluate if we really need it.

    Here are some ways we anticipate eliminating some of the clutter:

    • Sell It – EBay, CraigsList, or Garage Sale
    • Give It Away – to someone needing or wanting the item.
    • Donate it to a charity or an organization that can give it to a person who can use it
    • Throw it away – this one is hard for me!  I am still learning that it is okay to not keep every single piece of paper my kids scribble on.  I want to have some to put in a scrapbook for them but I don’t need every paper.  I love the memories!

    We have already started working on this goal.  It is amazing how easy it is to post to CraigsList and Ebay which the items usually sell within a week or two.  When someone is over at the house and we realize that they could use something we have but are not using we take the opportunity to give it away.

    I will share with you the challenges, successes so you can keep me accountable or even go through the journey with me by participating  and sharing your story.  I would love to have an organized and de-cluttered home by the end of the year.

    Life Simplified is a series on getting rid of the extras in our life while learning how to enjoy what God has given us so we can continue to be a blessing to others.  Our homes can quickly start are bursting with “stuff”  and if you are like us we just have too much.  I am doing a series on ways we are learning to simplifying our food, homes, and lives.  When our hearts, lives, and homes get too cluttered we may start missing out on opportunities to serve and bless the people around us.

  • A Balanced Life

    Kreativität Life can be a juggling act when trying to balance your schedule with work, family, friends, appointments, social activities and everything that squeezes into a day.  The days fill up and schedules will overlap but we can still use our time effectively.  Here are some quick ways to help organize your schedule so you have the joy of accomplishment without the extra stress:

    • Color Coded Calendar – our family has a color coded calendar on the wall so everyone can see the activities for the day.  We know what each family member is doing at a quick glance.  Even our young children get excited to see a special family event with their color on the calendar.  You can have a color coded calendar just for you with one color for business appointments, another color for social time, a color for doctor visits, etc….
    • Clean Out Your Inbox – some days it feels like I can spend the entire day writing and responding to emails.  Try scheduling an hour first thing in the morning when you get into work and an hour at the end of the day to focus on sending and responding to emails.  Handle your work emails during those times and respond to personal emails in the evenings and on weekends.  Focus completely on emails during that time, put your phone on silence or close your office door if you need to.  Avoid interruptions so you can get it done.  If you think you’ll go too long set a timer and when it buzzes, stop.
    • Time to Talk – schedule phone time each day for returning calls, initiating calls, scheduling appointments, and completing projects.  It is important to follow up with business connections as well as family and friends.  Keep your personal calls during work hours to a minimum and utilize that time to schedule business appointments and work related calls.  Call family and friends in the evenings or weekends to make sure you have enough time to catch up with them.
    • Plan your Dinner – plan your week of meals prior to going to the grocery store.  Lay out the recipe  and any items you can prior to leaving for work that morning so when you get home it is ready to be put together.  If you have a crockpot they are fabulous for people working that want to come home to a meal.  Put the main course in before work and when you come home add a side of veggies and fruit then your dinner is ready.  Pack the leftovers for lunch at work.
    • Double Duty Meals – you can easily accomplish multiple tasks when you work through an occasional breakfast and lunch.  Have lunch with your business partner and brainstorm about the business.  Meet a friend for lunch to catch up and let the kids run out their energy while you talk.  Take lunch at your desk so you can get through an extra project.  You have to eat so mix up your meals and pick a couple days when you will meet someone during a mealtime.  If on a budget or tight schedule grab coffee together.
    • Project Creativity – time needs to be set aside daily to complete projects both personally and professionally.  Determine what needs to be accomplished that day and make sure you have time allocated to get it done including projects that you are doing with your clients.  Same goes for the personal side of life somehow the laundry doesn’t get done on its own and the house cleaned unless you take the time to do it.  Take into consideration the amount of energy and concentration you will need for the project and make sure it fits into your day at an ideal time.
    • Quick Sweep – clean off your desk, organize your office, file papers, and other office work items 15 minutes a day (set a timer if you need to).  By dedicating even a brief time to this on a daily basis you will be able to maintain a cleaner more organized office space. I have been known to let it pile up over several days and then it can take hours to dig myself back out.  Make it brief and daily so that it is more effective and organized.

    It is important that your time is utilized efficiently.  You will have  interruptions, however, doing your best to schedule time to complete specific tasks throughout the day will allow you to be more productive and focused.  Every one of us has the same 24 hours in a day and we must make choices on how to use the time given to us.  What are some activities you do that help keep your day balanced?