• Be My Valentine: “I Love Everything You Dew” Love Note

    I LOVE everything you dew!

    A few weeks ago I discovered these cute “pop” love notes from Darling Doodles and have been enjoying adding these love notes to my stash of ones to give to Jake!  🙂  He enjoys drinking Mountain Dew so when it goes on sale I try to get a little for him.  This particular love note was a great one to give to my man!

    When Jake is coming home after being away with work for several days or if he has had a tough day I try to do something special to cheer him up.  I will put the surprises in various visible places throughout the house (his side of the garage, kitchen, his desk, our dresser, on his plate at the table, etc…) where I know he will be.  Although, he never knows when I am doing it or where I will put it he always finds it.  On this particular day he was stressed with a lot on his plate with work, travel arrangements, family and everything else.  I decided it was a good day to put out a special surprise for him to say “I love you”!   The Mountain Dew and sweet note sitting on the dresser downstairs in our family room was the first thing he saw walking into the house and it did bring a smile which made it worth it for me!

    Sometimes taking just a few minutes out of your day to show your spouse you are thinking about them and that you care can make all the difference.  It doesn’t have to take a lot of time, money or effect but the benefits will go a long way.  Doing something special for them could mean packing their lunch for work the next day, laying out their clothes the night before, or even leaving a love note on their pillow.  Investing time and energy into your marriage is always good for the entire family.  How do you cheer your spouse up or make them feel appreciated?

  • Gift Giving: 12 Days of Christmas Appreciation

    12 Days of Christmas Appreciation

    Last year I did the 12 days of Christmas for the girls so this year as I was putting together the 12 Days for the girls I was thinking about ways I could be a blessing for my husband as well.  I wanted to do the 12 Days of Christmas for him but the problem is he is traveling for work several days prior to Christmas.  He travels pretty lightly so for me to squeeze in an extra few gifts into his suitcase would be difficult.  I thought about doing 12 Days of  “Love Notes” but I already send him a folder when he travels with “I Love You” notes from myself and the girls.  I eventually came up with 12 gifts and  “love notes” for my husband’s 12 Days of Christmas Appreciation that would easily fit into his suitcase.

    Here is what my 12 Days of Christmas includes:

    Day 1:  You stole a “Piece” of my heart! (Reese’s Pieces)

    Day 2:  We are “mint” to be together! Love You!  (Junior Mints)

    Day 3:  Thanks for being my “lifesaver” so many times! (Life Savers)

    Day 4:  We know how to have a “jolly” good time together! (Jolly Rancher)

    Day 5:  You are the brightest “star” in my sky! (Starburst)

    Day 6:  I call you “sweet”pea because you are the “sweet”est part of my life! (Sweet Tarts)

    Day 7:  You are an amazing Daddy to our “kids”! (Sour Patch Kids)

    Day 8:  You have o”fish”ally stolen my heart! (Swedish Fish)

    Day 9:  You are my “M”agnificant & “M”arvelous life partner! (M&Ms)

    Day 10:  You are my “Baby”love and my “Baby”cake!  (Sugar Babies)

    (“BabyLove” & “BabyCake” are two of the nicknames I have for my man, just ask the kids!)

    Day 11:  You are my smokin “hot” man! (Hot Tamales)

    Day 12:  I love traveling and going to “Charleston” with you handsome!  (Charleston Chews)

    Once that was done I wrapped the boxes, put a bow on top, and set it up for him.  The neat part about using these boxes is they are all fairly uniform in size so they make putting your 12 Days of Christmas Appreciation stack together really easy.  You can put together this entire stack of gifts for under $12 if you paid full price for everything.  Walmart sells these boxes for $0.98 each everyday so if you can find some of them on sale at another store or use your Extra Care Bucks at CVS or Register Rewards at Walgreens you could easily put this together for less than $5.  If you don’t have time to put this together for Christmas consider doing it for Valentine’s Day (for your “sweetheart”), the month of your anniversary, your spouse’s birthday, or another special occasion.  The point is to express your love and appreciation for your spouse.

    The girls helped me pick out a couple of the boxes of candy.  They were excited about his gifts and told me that “Daddy is nice so he will probably share some of his candy with us.”  You know what, they are right!  Their Daddy is sweet and generous which means the girls will most likely get a taste of his 12 Days of Christmas Appreciation.  Here’s a picture of the wrapped stack:

    12 Days of Christmas Appreciation Stack

    I am grateful for a loving, caring and hard working man that loves me despite all my craziness.  This is just one way to share my love with him not only for the Christmas Holiday but remind him even when he is away from home that I love him dearly.  It was a lot of fun putting together the sayings, wrapping the gifts and giving them to my man to put into his suitcase. It is my intention to show appreciation to my husband at least once a day.  Thankful for an extra opportunity to say “I love you” to my best friend and life partner!

    I received my inspiration from The Dating Divas after seeing her “You stole a “Piece” of my heart!” and “You have o”fish”ally stolen my heart!”   After the jump start on the idea I came up with the other goodies and sweet sayings for my hubby.