• Travel & Vacation: Walt Disney World (Orlando, FL – Part 2)

    Enjoying a funny show at Disney

    We had a blast taking the girls to Walt Disney World for the first time.  Thankful for a great time with both family and friends.  There were a lot of fun rides and shows as well as a walk through the Swiss Family Robinson tree house which we finished reading to the girls awhile ago.  You can read more about our trip in the Walt Disney World or Rides & Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade posts.

    Getting a lift to the next activity

    Riding the big carousel

    Karlie checking everything out and loving it!

    Exploring the Swiss Family Robinson tree house

    All the kids checking out the cool items in the Swiss Family Robinson tree house.

    Daddy & Karlie in a Honeypot

    Awesome family behind us in their honeypot!

    Having fun at Disney

     The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Rides & Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade (Orlando, FL)

    Karlie having a blast shooting laser during the Buzz Lightyear ride

    We went on several rides at Disney with the kids and had a lot of fun!  We were thankful for friends who guided us in the right direction and recommended certain rides for the kids.  There were some hilarious shows we went to as well.  A few rides the kids loved so much we went on them several times! 🙂  You can read more about our trip in the Walt Disney World post.

    Mommy and Karlie’s screen shot from the picture they took during our first game, hilarious!

    Daddy and Brina’s screen shot from the picture they took during the first game!

    What did the four older ones get themselves into now!?  Such fun exploring the place with friends!

    It threatened to rain as the parade was starting but we were prepared with disposable ponchos

    Disney – “Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade!”

    Mickey and Minnie Mouse – Your Invited, Celebrate Today!

  • Travel & Vacation: Walt Disney World (Orlando, FL)

    We made it to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida

    A few months ago we had the opportunity to go visit friends in Winter Park, Florida.  While we were there we took a day and explored Walt Disney World – Where Dreams Come True.  The girls were so excited!  Jake and I still have passes leftover from our honeymoon (which was my first time to see Disney World) so we only had to get tickets for the girls.  It was so neat taking the kids and seeing their reactions to all the amazing rides and adventures at Disney World.  We arrived right about opening time and stayed until they closed the park at midnight.  It was a full day packed full of great activities and amazing memories!

    Three girls watching all the people in front of us get onto the Frontier log ride

    My seat buddy Karlie is loving the ride.  Smiling the whole time but not taking her eyes off all the stuff around her.

    Brina mesmerized by all the stuff to look at.  Was the wolf scary B?!  Good thing she has Daddy to protect her!

    Karlie found a small purple flower that had dropped off a tree and gave it to me.  Sweet girl!

    Our family at Disney World

    Ready for the next adventure, this time we need our 3D glasses!

    Daddy and the girls in front of the Disney Castle.  It was bright, hot, and crowded, but we managed to snap a quick picture!!

  • Travel & Vacation: Dolphin Show at SeaWorld (Orlando, FL)

    So beautiful and graceful

    One of the other highlights at SeaWorld was the Dolphin Show.  It was really neat watching the dolphins gliding through the water, jumping, and interacting with the people.  Amazing creatures and fascinating to watch!

    Another show at SeaWorld

    This show is with Dolphins!

    Part of the Dolphin Show, pretty neat!

    The Dolphin came up for his treat

    Standing up on two dolphins, that’s neat!

    These dolphins are well trained

    This Dolphin looks like it is having fun


    Beautiful animals

  • Travel & Vacation: SeaWorld (Orlando, FL – Part 2)

    Yes, those are sharks swimming above our heads!

    We had a blast at SeaWorld!  🙂  There were so many amazing things to see and explore.  The kids had a grand time and are still talking about all the neat stuff they got to do at SeaWorld.  Thankful for friends and an opportunity to hang out with them for a few days.

    WWatching Stingrays swimming above our heads

    Giant starfish

    There are four strange fish in that fish tank!

    Ice cream break!

    Sweet girl

    A cold and delicious treat!

    Going for another ride

    Everyone had fun on that one!

  • Travel & Vacation: Seals at SeaWorld (Orlando, FL)

    A seal sitting up on the tank.  The seals were very entertaining!

    The seals were loud and amusing to watch.  We watched people feeding the seals.  The birds kept trying to steal the fish treats before the seals to could it or would quickly grab a treat if it was dropped.  They were very entertaining to watch!

    This bird was hanging out near the seals area and would try to grab a snack whenever people tried to feed the seals

    Looking for a treat

    Catching some sun

    Hanging out on the edge to catch a few sun rays (and maybe a snack or two)

    A couple seals barking and begging for some treats!

    Both the bird and seal are waiting for a snack

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Shamu Killer Whale Show at SeaWorld (Orlando, FL)

    Kids on the move at Sea World

    The kids were super excited to go to the Shamu Killer Whale Show at SeaWorld.  Of course, they all wanted to sit in the “splash zone” so that they could get sprayed by the whales.  I think the adults got the most spray, but we all have a blast. It was amazing watching them glide through the water.  They are so big and beautiful!

    Beautiful creatures!

    Amazing killer whale show at Sea World!

    The girls were absolutely fascinated by the Shamu show

    Shamu orca killer whale show at Sea World

    Shamu the killer whale show


    These killer whales were mesmerizing to watch

  • Travel & Vacation: SeaWorld (Orlando, FL)

    We made it to SeaWorld! 🙂

    A few months ago our family was able to go to Florida and visit some great friends that lived there.  One of the days we were in Florida we spent at SeaWorld.  The girls LOVED it!  It was so much fun exploring SeaWorld with friends.

    Got their maps out and a mission to have fun!

    Our troop at Sea World, we had a great time!

    Girlies trying to see who can lean up against the ice cap the longest!

    The polar bear was swimming

    Fun at Sea World with friends

  • Travel & Vacation: First Cruise Dinner & a Swim in the Pool

    Nathan and Brina ready for their first dinner on the cruise!  The girls were excited to have some extra time with their cousins.

    After getting on the Independence of the Seas, exploring it, and waving goodbye to Fort Lauderdale, Florida we headed to find our assigned seats in the dining room for our first evening meal on the ship.  Everyone was excited about the cruise and thrilled that we were off.  The kids had a blast enjoying the amazing food and afterward a group of us decided to try out some of the neat pools on board too.

    Karlie so excited to be on her first cruise!

    Nicko, Becky, and Amber ready for the first dinner on the boat

    Always an adventure….Leo being silly….

    Amber, Nathan and Brina at dinner

    Brina and Brandon at dinner – all smiles


    Someone’s all tuckered out after a busy day!  Jake has always been good at getting little ones to sleep!

    Karlie and Brina so excited to be on vacation and cruising!

    Best way to end the day….according to Karlie….is to go for a swim at night before bed!

    Our sweet Brina Bee relaxing in the jacuzzi!

  • Travel & Vacation: Waving Goodbye to Fort Lauderdale, Florida

    One of Karlie’s favorite places on the boat….yes, you guessed it!  The LIBRARY!!!  I think she read several books from the library and even checked out one to read in the room too.

    After getting onto the Independence of the Seas, eating lunch at Windjammers, and exploring a little bit we take a few minutes to sit down and relax in the library.  The kids read through several of the books while some of the adults talked and others take a nap in the soft comfy library chairs.  Once the kids have picked up library books to read for the week we are off to watch the ship leave the Fort Lauderdale port.  It was really neat hearing all the kids comments and seeing the cruise adventure their eyes.

    Brina pausing for a moment to read a book at the library

    Karlie and Brina enjoying the breeze on the top deck over looking the H2O Zone (which was a very popular spot for the kids)!  It was windy as we were leaving but the kids seemed to love it.

    Jeremy and Amber’s family…all ready to go cruising!

    Our family, super excited about our first cruise together

    Watching the cruise ship ahead of us going out of the Fort Lauderdale port

    It’s a bird….it’s a plane….it’s both!

    The kids were fascinated by the draw bridge at Fort Lauderdale, Florida

    Watching the ship leave the Fort Lauderdale, Florida port.  You think the ship’s horn is loud on shore, try standing right in front of it when the boat blasts off, it is really LOUD!!!  The kids stood on the chairs so they could see a little better as we took off.

    Fort Lauderdale Skyline as we were leaving the port

    When the sun goes down and the wind picks up near sunset it can get a little chilly on the top decks of the boat.  Brina is using Karlie as her human wind shield to help her stay warm, ha!