• Book: “The Millionaire Mind” by Thomas Stanley

    As I was thinking about the various books I have read over the past few years “The Millionaire Mind” by Thomas Stanley came to mind.  In this book Stanley explains the research he did on how America’s wealthy got there.  You don’t need to make a substantial amount to be smart with your money.  Living a flashy and fancy lifestyle isn’t what it takes to be wise with your finances.  I found it fascinating learning more regarding the millionaire “mindset” and the questions he asked in his research.

    Our family has been trying to stick to our budget and be more responsible with the blessings we have been given.  We are by no means millionaires but we feel it is important to always continue to learn and grow.  My husband and I listened to the audiobook version of this book together.  If you are trying to wrap your mind around finances this is fun book to read or listen to as you work through the process as a family.  I encourage you to communicate and pray as a family as you go on this journey together.  When we were first married it became very clear that Jake and I had different patterns and views on finances.  Taking the time to listen or read these types of books together helps encourage and strengthen your relationship while providing a positive outlook on finances.  What works for one family may not be doable for the next family, however, we all have been giving many blessings in life.  We still continue to make mistakes, pick ourselves back up, and learn from the lessons God continues to teach us.  We want to purposely chose to be wise with what we have been given so we have more opportunities to share with those around us.

  • Living on a Budget: Groceries $40 for 4

    Now that I completed 9 weeks of my No Grocery Shopping challenge I want to share what is next on my agenda as far as grocery shopping is concerned.  I would LOVE to live off my pantry and freezer for the entire year, however, it is getting lower and I need to start shopping for some additional items.  I learned a lot from the recent challenge and want to keep my family fed while staying within our budget.

    Explanation: For the first time ever I am going on a strictly cash system for our groceries.  It is my desire to spend no more than $40 per week for my family of 4.  I am sticking to just grocery and food related items at this time since I have a separate budget for household, health & beauty.  If I find that I still have extra consistently I may decide to roll the other items into this as well.  As an additional bonus if I have more than a half of week of “extra” money remaining at the end of the month I want to contribute that money towards my Creative Cash. Although I know I will have days and weeks with hiccups like with any challenge it is my desire to be more accountable with what I have been given.  I perceive this budget change to have many benefits over the past systems I have used for example it will allow me the opportunity to buy items on sale but not over do it plus makes me more responsible with the money we have been given, and helps control the spontaneous purchases.  Only time will tell how well it works for our family.

    Every family is different so you need to decide what is best for your specific family and situation.  I am starting this endeavor after several months of thought and prayer regarding our family finances.  On a side note I do want to let you know that just because the title says Living on a Budget:  Groceries $40 for 4 that does not mean we will never host guests in our home or take a meal to someone in need.  Our guests and meal deliveries throughout the month are also included in this budget so the actual number will vary from month to month regarding how many people we feed but for simplicity sake it is Groceries $40 for 4 due to our family size and budgeting.

    I hope to give you regular updates on this budget section so you can celebrate the good weeks with me and thump me on the bad weeks!  As always you are welcomed to join the journey with me.  I would love to hear your story and how you are doing too.  I hope by taking the extra time to watch my grocery spending it will allow us to feed our family, enjoy life, and yet stay on track with our budget.

    Living on a Budget is a series of ways our family uses a budget to help keep us accountable with our finances.  Life doesn’t always go as planned.  We have used some of the ideas I will be sharing for years while others are ones we are just starting to implement as we continue finding ways to be creative and have fun with what we have been given.  Having a plan in place allows us the freedom to be smart with what we have been given, get more creative when it is a tight (week, month, year or a season) and when necessary live a much more simplified life.  A budget helps us stay on track so we have more opportunities to enjoy the many blessings we have been given as well as share what we have with others.  There is so much more to life than having all the stuff.  We may not have the newest or greatest items in our house, we drive used cars, and wear hand-me-down clothing…..however, if our family is taken care of and have love for each other and others we have more than all the riches in the world.

    Photo by MoneyBlogNewz

  • Book: “The Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey

    Seven years ago my husband and I read through The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey with a group of young couples from our church.  It was a great time in our marriage to review our spending habits and find ways to get our finances in order.  In just a few years we paid off all our debt (with the exception of our mortgage) college loans, cars, credit cards, and saved up enough money for emergencies, 12 months of expenses, and to start our own business.

    It was freeing for us as a couple to have structure with our money including doing a budget together and being smarter when spending.  It took some sacrifices to meet our goals but reading this book and going through it with friends helped us stay on track.  We are still learning and adapting as we adjust to what life brings are way (including some financial setbacks, 12 weeks of bed-rest and beautiful twin daughters who spent time in NICU).  The neat part about the setbacks is you now have guidelines already in place to help you get back on track.

    Dave Ramsey’s has a lot of great financial tools for your family.  I encourage you to start by reading or listening to this book.  He has a Workbook that goes along with the book and a CD if you prefer listening over reading.

    Workbook – The Total Money Makeover Workbook.

    Audio Cd – The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

    I wish you the best as you find ways that work for your family!  Going through this with friends provides an additional support structure while you learn together.  We have given our book out to family and friends numerous times!

  • Celebrating the Successes!

    Celebrating the SuccessAs we reflect back on 2009 let’s celebrate our accomplishments.  It has been a year full of surprises, challenges, and blessings for ourselves as well as the many people in our lives.  There have been goals that exceeded our expectations while others proved to be great character building opportunities.  Take a moment to objectively review your goals whether you have them written down or not.  It is a wonderful a time to remember both the personal and professional opportunities that have taken place over the past few months.  Here are a few areas to review:

    • Relationships – certain relationships may have blossomed into something even more precious while others have gone in less desirable directions.  Have you been taking time to nurture and grow your relationships over the past year?  We are blessed with wonderful family members, friends, and professionals that need our time and attention.
    • Health – we can be thankful for each day that we have an opportunity to enjoy.  We may be in perfect health or possibly we have overcome some health challenges personally or gone through it with a friend or family, whatever our case may be, we are blessed with another day to make an impact on the lives of those around us.
    • Finances – it has been a great year for some while very difficult year for others.  The neat part is many people have taken the time to learn how to budget, cut back on the extras, and show their family ways to give to those who are going through a tough season.   It is a wonderful time of year to be thankful for what you have and to help others.
    • Knowledge – everyday is filled with new opportunities to learn and gain experience.  Many exciting activities have taken place in the lives of those around us – new businesses have been started, Social Media has been a whirlwind of new experiences, couples were married, children were born, schooling completed, and many other great accomplishments were made.  Think about the new experiences in your life and how you are a better person because of the knowledge you have gained this year.

    Whether it has been a wildly successful or challenging year for you we all have accomplishments that we can be thankful for in our lives.   And for those goals that you haven’t quite met yet you still have a couple more weeks.  Give it all you got!