• Window Easels


    Noelle’s window art

    One of our fun summer crafty activities that ended up a big hit with all the kids was Window Easels!  Each kid (ages 4 to 12) got to pick their own window as their easel and could draw whatever they wanted on it.  I had a stack of window paint (like the ones you put on car windows) and each kid could come grab what colors they needed for their particular artwork.  They had a blast doing it.  I didn’t get a huge amount of pictures during the activity because I was helping distribute the paint and wiping up any drips as they happened.  It has a big hit!  I left the painted easels up for the rest of their stay so everyone could enjoy their artwork for several days. You could see the artwork both inside and outside of the house which was pretty neat!  Some of the kids choose to paint both the top and bottom windows (while standing on a chair) while others just wanted to do one window.


    Brina did both of her windows


    Noah’s creatively decorated windows!


    Nadia, the youngest one of the group, had a lot of fun doing her window – “All by herself!”

    window art

    Karlie packed a lot onto her window – Art, Names, Signs, Shapes, Math, and more fun stuff!

    Not only was it a lot of fun it gave me a good excuse to scrub down the windows this summer too!  It was the perfect summer craft.  It kept the kids entertained for quite awhile and there were very little clean up.   Plus no one had to wait for turns at the easel because everyone had their own and they all painted at the same time.  It was fun watching them paint and hearing them chitchat at the same time.

  • A Rainbow of Snow Colors


    Brina painting a huge  rainbow heart on the snow!

    We had a blast in the snow!  One of the things we did this week was get some old spray bottles fill them with water and add a few drops of food coloring to it!  We filled and refilled those spray bottles several times over the last few days as we painted pretty pictures in the snow!  The girls had a great time!

    I would like to take the credit for coming up with this awesome idea all on my own, but my amazing and creative cousin suggested we do some snow painting when I spoke with her earlier this week.  Yes, it was a huge hit like all her fun ideas, thanks Renelle!  The neighbor kids even came over and had a grand time painting pictures in our yard.


    Pretty red heart in honor of Valentine’s Day spray painted in the snow by the girls!


    Coloring the front porch steps!  Coming up to our house was a rainbow of colors for several days, thanks to Brina & Karlie!


    A friendly “Hello” to greet our friends and neighbors coming into our yard!


    Pretty rainbow on the snow!


    There were all kinds of random paintings all over the yard and driveway!


    Karlie Kool Kat having fun painting the snow!


    Brina Bee painted her name on the driveway!


    Someone even did my name, so sweet!


    A little more defined green star!


    Someone painted Dad’s name on the yard too!


    Karlie, Brina, and Skipper standing at the top of the driveway where they painted the word “Welcome”


    I thought it was cute that they painted a smiley face next to the mailbox to bring some winter cheer to our mailman!  Sweet kids!


    Brina’s armed with a spraying, wonder what she’s going to do next!


    The rocks, trees, bushes, and various random items had been marked by the spray painters!


    The well covered was sprinkled with paint like confetti!


    Skipper even got a pretty painted dog house.  It looked like a big decorated gingerbread house when they were done!

  • Loom Bracelet Craze


    The girls have a loom bracelet set  and over the past few weeks there has been loom bracelets popping up everywhere in our house, car, backpacks and random places.  In one day they went from making no loom bracelets to do several in a day.  Not to mention, the little individual bands have been sprinkled like confetti around the house.

    The girls are learning that these are not only fun making they are a blast trading with friends, giving them away to friends, or teaching their friends how to make them.  They go to school with a certain amount of bracelets and come home with a different amount and a variety of other colors.   They’ll even make custom-colored and various size bracelets for friends too.  Yes, they even made one for Mom and Dad (we were recipients of  the first couple they made)!

    It’s neat to see them making these and sharing them with others.  The nice part about them being easy to weave together is they can make several in one day.  Since starting making the loom bands they have discovered a number of different patterns, shapes, sizes, and neat designs.  So even though they learned how to make them one way they have adapted to learn a variety of ways to make the bracelets.


    A pile of bracelets put on their bar stool the night before so they could put them on before school at breakfast time.


    A common sight laying around our house the past few months!


    Brina ready for school with a stack of bracelets on her arm.


    The bracelets Brina made


    Karlie ready to go to school with an armful of bracelets

    Loom Bracelets

    Karlie’s bracelets she made in one night.

  • Creative Kids: New Hot Pads!

    Karlie’s colorful hot pad she made!

    The other day I was working on several items that needed to be done so the girls took some time to do some crafts.  I wasn’t sure what they were up to, but they were staying busy and being good.  The next morning I was presented with two brand new colorful hot pads!  One that Karlie had made and one from Brina! What a special treat it is to get such a sweet gift first thing in the morning.  Thankful for my thoughtful girls.  I am very blessed and will think of them every time I use their beautiful hot pads.

    Brina’s new hot pad she made for me!

    My beautiful new hot pads!  Love them and especially love the two sweet girls that made them for me.

  • CONGRATULATIONS to Our Hobby Lobby Gift Card Winner!

    The name has been drawn for the giveaway!



    for winning a

    Hobby Lobby Gift Card!

    Thanks for making a comment in honor of our Giveaway!

    An email has been sent to you with more information*

    Enjoy your next trip to Target!

    Don’t forget to enter our next Giveaway (the next giveaway will be announced later this morning)!

    *Giveaway must be claimed within 5 business days of the prize being announced.  Failure to claim the prize within the allotted time frame means you forfeit the prize.  The actual gift card may or may not be identical to the one pictured above.

  • Giveaway: $10 Hobby Lobby Gift Card

    I am excited to announce a new giveaway on Blessings Multiplied!   The winner of this giveaway will receive a $10 Hobby Lobby Gift Card!  The best part about this card is you can use it for crafts, home decorating, educational items, seasonal items, birthday gifts, and much more.  Spring is here and Mother’s Day is coming up soon so maybe you want to get something for your home, Mom, next craft or something just for fun.  Here’s how to enter the giveaway:

    Enter the Giveaway (up to 4 entries per person)!

    1. Sign up to follow my blog (if you haven’t done so already) and leave a comment below telling us how you follow Blessings Multiplied.  Put a separate comment for each way you follow Blessings Multiplied (Email, Twitter, or Facebook) plus an extra entry for your bonus answer!   Each comment counts as an entry into the giveaway.

    All comments must be made by April 30, 2013 at 10:00 PM EST to be entered into the drawing.  Good Luck!

    The actual gift card may or may not be identical to the one pictured above.

  • Travel & Vacation: Visiting Our Grandparents

    Playing in the sun room

    We recently had an opportunity to go to Vermont and spend some time with Jake’s family.  The girls had a blast playing games, doing puzzles, reading books, and more!  They thought it was awesome having a dog in the house too and loved leading Irish around as well as learning how to give her various commands.  It was a nice relaxing weekend with Jake’s Mom and grandparents.  Thankful for a chance to spend time with them and have fun.

    Brina hanging out near the stove with Irish.  Hmmm….seems like Irish should be the one in that bed?   She thought Irish’s bed was a soft place to sit.  Irish was a good sport and didn’t seem to mind sharing.

    Craft time!  The girls loved doing crafts and were often found at the table cutting, gluing, coloring and more!

    Jake and Gramps – Wonder what they are up to now!?

    We made a stop by Eatons Sugar House in South Royalton, Vermont

    Glad to see the bridge is back up and working again.  It was taken out with a flood over a year ago

    The river looks a little icy today, don’t think anyone wants to go tubing this time

    PopPop looking great

  • Creative Kids: Fuzzy Caterpillars & a Princess Crown

    Brina created these super cute fuzzy caterpillars for everyone in the family

    The girls love to do crafts!  Whenever we have a little bit of extra time the girls like to sit down and get creative.  It is really neat to see the girls get more creative and they can do a lot of the crafts on their own.  The other day the girls requested to do a craft.  We had several leftover items from an earlier craft we did so they used the scrap construction paper, fuzzy balls, and googly eyes.    Brina made adorable fuzzy caterpillars and Karlie made a princess crown for Brina.  Love seeing their creations! 🙂

    Karlie decided to take her construction paper and fuzzy balls to create a princess crown for Brina

    Brina gluing the craft pieces together

    Karlie finished Brina’s beautiful princess crown….sweet sisters

  • Tissue Paper Bleeding Art

    Do you have some crumpled tissue paper laying around?  At the next birthday party or gathering make sure to keep the colorful, crinkled tissue paper for this craft or if you already have some on hand that works great too.  It is super easy and loads of fun!  Our girls loved these and had a blast doing this craft.

    Colorful tissue paper in one of the kids bowl

    Tissue Paper Bleeding Art

    • Variety of colorful, crumpled Tissue Paper
    • White Paper (we use a heavier paper or poster board)
    • Small Bowl of Water
    • Paint Brush

    Gather some brightly colored tissue paper. Tear the tissue paper into a variety of pieces (small to several inches).  Put a piece of tissue paper on the white paper and use a paint brush dipped in water to wet the tissue paper, you will see the colors start to bleed.    Continue putting the tissue paper pieces down and painting with water until your white paper is full.  Set aside and allow to dry over night.  Once the tissue paper has dried, remove all the pieces and throw away.  You can use your new tissue paper bleeding art paper to cut out shapes and use them for thank you notes or display (see picture at the top of the post).

    Tip – if the kids are not able to get all the tissue paper wet you can use a spray water bottle and lightly mist the art piece before putting it away to dry.

    Putting down the tissue paper

    Water in a bowl and a paint brush

    Tissue paper covering the paper now just need to wait for it to dry

    What the paper looks like after the tissue paper dried and removed.  The tissue paper die bleeds onto the heavy paper underneath and this is what it looks after it has dried, really neat!  You can use this paper to cut out shapes and use for thank you notes or something special for the kids to display.

  • Creative Kids: Sidewalk Chalk Paint

    With the warm weather just around the corner (it was in the 70’s here this past weekend).  I want to share one of our family’s favorite outside crafts with you.  Sidewalk Chalk Paint is super easy to make and can entertain the kids for hours.  The sidewalk chalk paint can take the place of traditional chalk and is inexpensive to make at home.  You can make whatever colors you want; we’ve done all the colors of the rainbow, including Charleston Green (which was requested by the girls).

    We’ve had kids from 1 years old and up play with this neat paint and love it!

    Sidewalk Chalk Paint

    • 1/2 cup cold Water
    • 1/2 cup Cornstarch
    • Food Coloring
    • Jumbo Muffin Tin
    • Variety of Old Paint Brushes

    Stir the cold water and cornstarch together until you have a smooth consistency.  Mix in 3 to 6 drops of food coloring.  Repeat the process until you have filled your muffin tin with a rainbow of colors.   If you want to make less you can do 1/4 cup cold water and 1/4 cup cornstarch.  You can make your sidewalk chalk paint darker by adding a few more drops of food coloring.

    My niece Noelle and I were having fun doing her name together!

    This works on any sidewalk or driveway, although smooth surfaces may be a little better.  Our driveway is rough but the kids always have a blast doing this activity.  When Jake’s sister and family was here a few months ago we did this activity with the kids.

    Brina painted her name on the sidewalk

    The sidewalk chalk paint will wash off your sidewalk or driveway and is safe for your grass and plants.  If you have leftovers you can put them into empty yogurt containers and store them until the next time the kids are ready for sidewalk chalk paint.  You may have to add a few drops of water if the paint has become a little dry but it should revive well after adding a little more water.