• Flashback Friday: Sharing, Sleeping, & Surgery

    Brina and Karlie sharing a pacifier

    Brina and Karlie sharing a pacifier

    Today our Flashback Friday hits when the girls were only between 1 – 2 months old after coming home from NICU.  They shared everything and could sleep peacefully in the most unusual positions.  It was much easier to get their pictures at this stage because they were not mobile yet.  Thankful for these little blessings.  It doesn’t seem like these days were that long ago.

    They were preemies and came home on heart / apnea monitors for the first few months.  You can see the wires coming out of their clothes in many of the early pictures.  We never had to worry about them stopping breathing because the monitors would always alarm if they did.  It wasn’t long before we got used to it.

    During this time Karlie also had to go back into the hospital to have surgery.  Her stomach wasn’t getting the milk she was drinking and she was throwing up after feeding.  It was pretty scary taking our little one back in for surgery.  Watching her being wheeled off to the operating room in the huge crib broke my heart.  Thankful for Doctors and their help during this time.

    Sharing a boppyc

    Baby sleeping pile

    Karlie with her feet crossed and propped up on the wallc

    Somehow Karlie managed to scoop herself until her bottom was against the wall and had her feet resting up on the wall while snoozing away.

    Karlie getting ready to come home from the hospitalc

    Karlie resting after surgery with her huge IV bandage

    This pillow thing is getting  oldc

    Brina hanging out in the pillow.  She thought it was pretty cool standing up at first, but decided after a few minutes she would rather be free.

  • Flashback Friday: Giggles & Sweet Cheeks

    All Smiles - Brina and Karlie (7 Months, Spetember 2005)c

    Brina and Karlie all smiles!

    Today’s flashback Friday takes us back a few years to 2005 when the girls were only 7 months old.  They had the cutest pinchable and kissable cheeks during those early growing years.  When they were not exploring, eating, or learning new activities they were giggling.

    It was adorable when they would make each other laugh over something silly.  After 12 weeks bedrest, a month in NICU, and 5 months on house arrest it was nice to get out and explore with the little ones.  Although leaving the house with two infant carriers, diaper bag, purse, stroller, and all other little necessities at that age was quite an adventure in itself.

    At that age they didn’t have much hair so we would use washable Elmer’s glue to stick their little bows to their heads, ha.  When we gave them a bath it would come right off!  It is difficult to believe that these giggling 7 month olds turned double digits last month!  Time goes by quickly when your having fun.

  • Travel & Vacation: Colorado Wildlife


    Yes, there are bears near Estes Park!  We were driving and saw this guy across the river from us.

    We went on a road trip through the Rocky Mountains.  On our adventures we saw several animals.  The girls were thrilled to see so many neat animals that we don’t see everyday in South Carolina.  We went up through Estes Park, Colorado and made several stops throughout the day.  Thankful for some fun with family.


    Caught a quick picture of these critters as we were driving past.  Love that they are munching right off the road and hanging out near a patch of beautiful wild sunflowers.


    We drove past a field full of goats.  The girls were fascinated and excited!  They thought it was so cool that someone had so many goats.


    The brown speckled goat in the picture is not eating, she is checking out her newly born twin baby goats.  We could see glimpses of the baby goats, but I couldn’t get a close picture of the twin baby goats because their was an electric fence and the grass was too high.  They were tiny and adorable trying to stand up on their own.   The really cool part is that while we were there with our twin girls there was another set of twins watching twin goats being born on National Twin Day.  What is the likelihood that would happen, ha!


    Brina really wanted to take this little chipmunk home with her.  It may look cute….


    Ducks swimming around on the lake!


    The girls thought the ducks with the blue feathers were super cute!


    This little guy can up to say “hi” to me.  I think he was hoping for a treat!


    Hummingbirds are always fascinating to watch!


    This one about landed on my Dad’s finger.  So cool seeing their wings fluttering so quickly.


    Our wild bear!  The girls were super excited to see the bear!


          Munching on berries and relaxing on the rock.

  • Pampers Gifts to Grow – 10 Free Points

    Receive 10 free points from Pampers with the a new Gifts to Grow code!

    This code is different from the previous codes I have given.


    The code expires on Monday, April 25, 2011 so make sure to add it to your account within the next few days!

    You can save up the rewards to purchase gifts!

    For more information about the Pampers Gift to Grow Program and how you can start earning Pampers “Gifts to Grow” Rewards for your family go to Pampers Gifts to Grow!

  • Pampers Gifts to Grow – 10 Free Points


    Receive 10 free points from Pampers with the a new Gifts to Grow code!

    This code is different from the previous codes I have given.


    The code doesn’t have an expiration date listed  but typically they expire within a few days!

    You can save up the rewards to purchase gifts!

    For more information about the Pampers Gift to Grow Program and how you can start earning Pampers “Gifts to Grow” Rewards for your family go to Pampers Gifts to Grow!