• Flashback Friday: Fun Times & First Shoes

    Flashback Friday - All Smiles - Brina and Karlie (7 Months, Spetember 2005)cc

    Sweet girls – Brina and Karlie

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to when the girls were 7 months old.  They are growing and changing so quickly.  It doesn’t take much to make them smile.  They love hanging out with family and friends.  A new experience was trying on and attempting to stand in shoes this month.  They were not too sure about what to think about having shoes on their feet, but decided since Mommy and Daddy thought it was fun and exciting that it must be a good thing.  Their little giggles make our days so much sweeter.

    Being Unique, Brina and Karlie (7 Months, Sept. 2005)c

    Being goofy – Brina and Karlie

    Pretty in Pink, Brina and Karlie (7 Months, Sept. 2005)c

    Brina and Karlie hanging out together

    Telling secrets - Brina and Karliec

    Brina and Karlie talking with each other.  Love hearing them gibber jabber and giggle.

    Flashback Friday - Brina so proud of herselfc

    Brina LOVES the “Johnny Jump Up”!  She will literally jump and spin around until she crashes.  It is hard keeping toys on the tray for her because she is always moving.  She is all smiles when she is playing in it.

    Brina with Mike Genovesec

    Brina hanging out with Uncle Mike

    Flashback Friday - Brina all done with her manicure and pedicurec

    Brina laughing at her silly Daddy

    Karlie - Daddy that tickles (pedicure time)c

    Jake clipping Karlie’s toenails.  Clipping nails made me so nervous so Jake was delegated to do that task for the kids the first few times.  Karlie thought it was hilarious having her toenails trimmed.

    Crashed while playing with Mr. Octopus - Brina and Karliec

    Two sleepy babies in a pile.  Brina sucking on her middle fingers and Karlie sucking on her thumb.

    Karlie playing on the clownc

    Karlie having fun playing

    Brina playing with her earc

    Brina pulling on her ear….hopefully she is just playing not another ear infection.  You never knew when she had an ear infection because she typically did not run a fever with an ear infection.  She still looking happy so that’s a good thing!

    Flashback Friday - Do we have a cute little puppy in the house Karliec

    Karlie looks cute in this little “puppy” shirt.  She didn’t mind having the hood up.

    Flashback Friday - Brina babyc

    Brina trying out her new shoes and all smiles

    Brina standing in her new shoesc

    Look Brina’s standing on her own.  Way to go Brina Bee

    Daddy and Brina talkingc

    Daddy and Brina talking

    Karlie a little unsure about standing in shoes - it just might be func

    Karlie a little unsure about these things on her feet….not quite certain that she likes them yet.

    Karlie walking in her shoesc

    Karlie – “Hey look what I can do Mom with these new shoes!”

    Opps Karlie is going boom, hurry Daddyc

    Oh no, Karlie’s getting a little off balance.  Hurry Dad and catch her before she hits the ground!

    Karlie - okay Mom where's my bottlec

    Karlie relaxing and content with life

    Flashback Friday - Brina - whoa who turned on that bright light - Brina and Karliec

    Brina originally started covering her eyes with her opposite arm to block out the sunlight or light in the room when she wanted to go to sleep while sucking on her middle fingers of her other hand.  This habit continued for longer than we preferred, but we did finally break her of the finger sucking and eyes covering habit.

    Karlie girl looking prettyc

    Karlie hanging out with Daddy

    Karlie tackling Brina and Brina trying to escape, so much func

    One…two…three…tackle Brina (who was hysterically laughing at this new game).

    Weeee there goes Brina flying through the airc

    Brina loves having fun with Daddy!  She always giggled when he held her up in the air.

    Karlie loves playingc

    Karlie loves playing with toys and making them sing

    Brina and Karlie are very chipper this morningc

    Love walking into their bedroom first thing in the morning and seeing these to smiling faces looking back at me.  Glad that they are happy babies that are always excited to see us.

  • Flashback Friday: Growing Up

    Brina thinking about how to get to Daddyc

     Brina trying to figure out how to get across the floor to Daddy!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back 10 years.  The girls were 6 months old and starting to learn so much every week.  They are more mobile and on the go.  They love babbling back and forth to each other and to others.  It is fascinating to watch them explore and learn new things.  Our family is blessed with these to sweethearts.

    Brina is the more mobile one, but Karlie is only a day or two behind her.  Karlie is the more verbal one, but it doesn’t take Brina to catch up.  They challenge each other and neither one wants to get left behind so they do a lot of their fun activities together.

    It is cute to see them working together like a small team.  Some of their jibber jabber we don’t understand, however, they seem to understand all of it and will randomly bust out laughing about some inside joke they share.

    Flashback Friday - Brina playing on the kitchen floorc

     Sweet Brina pausing to say “Hi” to Mommy!

    Give us smile Karliec

    Karlie is always quick to offer a sweet smile which makes my heart happy.

    Say CHEESE, Karlie and Brinac

    It’s only been a month since they started eating rice cereal and “solid” food.  The first time we had a lot of tears because they didn’t like it and wanted their bottles.  Now they are all smiles when they get into their high chairs .  They look forward to meal time (I think they consider it another form of play time only messier)!  Oh, how quickly things change in just a few weeks.

    Silly Brinac

    Having fun with Brina as we get her dressed for bed.  She doesn’t look too thrilled, but puts up with her goofy parents anyway.

    Talk to the Hand (Brina and Karlie)c

    Brina – “Quiet Karlie, it’s my turn to talk now….”

    Flashback Friday - What's so funny Daddy - Karliec

    Karlie – “What are you laughing at Daddy?”  She is all smiles and has no idea she has tape on her forehead!

    Flashback Friday - Brina so proud of being able to stand on her ownc

    Brina so proud of her standing ability.

    Flashback Friday - Cutie Pies, we love you - Karlie and Brinac

    Karlie and Brina, they had such pinchable and kissable cheeks at this age.

    Flashback Friday - Brina - I told you I was good luckc

    Daddy’s unique way of giving Mommy some cash.  Brina wasn’t too sure about this new toy in between her toes.

    Karlie - what Mom, I was just trying to get her to be quietc

    Brina would get very upset if she tipped over and couldn’t get herself back up again.  This time when she fell over I think Karlie was concerned about her crying because she stuck her fingers into Brina’s mouth (maybe to make her be quiet, who knows).

    Flashback Friday - Brina a little unsure about the cow rockerc

    Brina’s first ride on the rocking cow (with pillows on either side and Daddy next to her just in case).

    Good Morning Smiley Karliec

    Sweet Karlie

    Karlie figuring out the rockerc

    Karlie’s first ride on the rocking cow.  They were a little unsure about this moving cow at first, but as they got older it became a popular toy at our house.  They loved it.

    Karlie is ready for a fun dayc

    Happy Karlie girl

    Karlie pretending to drink from her sippy cupc

    They are learning how to use a sippy cup.  Karlie sometimes would “act” like she was drinking or play around instead of actually drinking so we had to make sure she was getting enough water.

    Flashback Friday - Brina does not like falling over, she gets madc

      Brina tipped over Mr. Octopus while playing and couldn’t get back up.  She was not happy!  Once I sat her back up again she was fine and her happy self again.

    Whose got Karliec

    Surprised Karlie woke up to a massive stuffed animal on the swing with her.   Where did this come from?!  “Butch” was a large stuffed dog I got as a kid from Grandpa CE and Grandma Willa.  The girls loved to roll around, climb, and play with it when they were little.

    Karlie happy to be hanging out with Daddyc

    Life is good – Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Brina - come close so I can touch youc

    Brina is fascinated with the new toy which we called “Giggles”.  It would giggle and move around the room.  She loved to followed it around the room and knock it over so it wouldn’t run away.

    Karlie concerned because it is getting closerc

    Karlie on the other hand was a little suspicious about a laughing and moving toy.  She was fine with it at a distant, but the first time it bumped into her arm she was hysterically screaming like it attacked her.  After watching it a few more times she eventually got used to it and enjoyed it.

    Brina on the hungry hippo, sitting by herselfc

    Brina riding the “Hungry Hippo”!  They could ride on the hippo and as it moved it would pick up block and other toys off the floor and put them into a storage bin under the seat.  It made “clean up” more fun for the kids.  They both loved riding on it or being pushed around the house picking up scattered toys.

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie playing on Mr. Clownc

    Playing together on “Mr. Clown” mat.  They initially would both fit (with all their toys) and stay on the clown mat now they are getting older they never stop moving so even though they might start there they don’t stay very long.

    Karlie happy playing the pianoc

    Karlie is happy to play music for the rest of us.

    Brina showing off her belly button while Karlie waits for the picturec

    Brina talking and showing off her belly button while Karlie sits there nicely for the picture.

    Karlie - here let me check out your eye; Brina let me check out your mouthc

     They loved talking (or babbling) to each other.  This was one time while I was getting them dressed.  Karlie was talking away so I sat Brina up on the changing table with her and they talked back and forth for several minutes.  Who knows what they were saying, but they were having fun.  They were fascinated by the words and noises coming out of each others mouths and would stick their hands inside the others mouth trying to figure out how it all worked.  Loved these little interactions and the cute gibberish they made.

    Karlie curious about the hat and waking up in a strange placec

    Daddy let Karlie borrow his hat.  He was concerned about her getting a sunburn.

    Karlie cutiec

     Karlie sitting quietly, but not entirely sure about this thing on her head.

    Looks like a cute baby in the laundry basket - BrinacA whole lot of Brina mischief was found in my laundry basket.  They used to love playing in our laundry baskets.  Once they were older they made it a game to climb in and out, wonder how that started?  Sweet Brina is distracted me from doing the laundry, but hey that can wait until tomorrow, right!?

  • Flashback Friday: Sleepy Kids

    Flashback Friday - Brina totally asleep with her mouth clamped around the toy ringc

    Brina crashed in the middle of chewing in the ring

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back 10 years when the girls were 6 months old.  They were exploring more and falling to sleep in random places.  Sometimes in the middle of playing with a toy.  I tried to move them a few times, but every time I did they would wake up so I just decided to leave them and let them rest.  Usually the random naps were small power naps and they were back to playing within a few minutes anyway.

    They are beginning to be more mobile and it took more energy to keep up with them.  It is so precious watching them sleep peacefully even if it is in their high chair at a weird angle.  Oh to be that flexible again.

    At this time they are still sleeping in the same crib.  As they grow and move around more in their sleep the crib it starting to get a little more chummy, but they look so sweet sleeping together I wasn’t ready to move them into separate cribs quite yet.  Occasionally we would come to check on them in the morning and we would see that during the night they scooted down in the crib until their feet were hanging out.  Not sure how it was comfortable, but they didn’t wake up or seem to mind it.

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie's legs sticking through the crib railings, goof ballsc

     When we checked on this morning their were two sets of titty bitty toes sticking out from their crib.  It was all I could do not to squeeze those cute little toes, but they were sleeping so peacefully.

    Flashback Friday - Brina loves to have her feet in funny positions when she sleepsc

    Brina fast asleep in her hair chair.  Such a rough life.  Love how she folds her hands together sometimes when she sleeps.

    Cutie Pies, Brina and Karliec

    Brina and Karlie – sleepy babies.

    Playing is hard work - Brina and Karliec

     Taking a snooze during their play time with Mr. Octopus – Brina and Karlie

    The toy entainment wore them out, Karlie and Brina have officially crashedc

     Playing is such hard work for the little ones – Karlie and Brina

    Flashback Friday - Brina - playing is exhaustingc

     Brina fell asleep while playing in her exersaucer!

    Brina's sleep marks from her nap in the walkerc

    She woke up with some sleepy “toy lines” on her face.  Poor baby!

    Sleepy babies - Karlie and Brinac

     Playing in the exersaucers is exhausting.  Both have crashed during their play time.

    Karlie wiggled her way under the bumper during the nightc

    How can that be comfortable Karlie!?  Not sure how she was still sleeping so soundly with her legs sticking out like that?  I think my feet with get cold and go numb.  Guess that’s the fun of being a baby.

  • Flashback Friday: Sweet Babies

    Flashback Friday - Karlie and Brina 5 months old (July 2005)c

    Silly sisters 5 months old

     Today’s flashback Friday goes to July 2005 when the girls were 5 months old.  We loved seeing their smiles and hearing their giggles at this age.  They were on the move and starting to get into more stuff.  Thankful for these two blessings.

    Their pinchable cheeks are so cute.  They could make each other laugh or cry.  It was an adventure exploring new toys.  They discovered that they could pull themselves up in the crib and look over the edge at us and the room around them.

    This month the girls were strong enough and growing well we got to take them off the heart & apnea monitors.  It was a blessing having them, but it was sure nice to get rid of all the wires and monitors.  We always had extra stuff to carry anywhere we went whether at home, errands, or anywhere else.  Thankful that they are growing and starting to really take off.

    Brina unsure how to react to Karlie's Cryingc

    Brina is unsure about what to do regarding Karlie’s crying!

    Goodnight Babiesc

    They loved watching their mobile above their crib – Brina and Karlie

    Our Giggling Girlsc

    Brina and Karlie giggles

    Flashback Friday - Brina all smilesc

    Brina relaxing on the couch

    Karlie looking happyc

    Happy Karlie

    Brina talking to Daddyc

    Brina talking with Daddy!

    Flashback Friday - Grandpa Russell, Uncle Lee, Brina and Karlie playingc

    Grandpa Russell swinging Brina as Karlie swings in her swing.

    Karlie chucklingc

    Karlie all smiles!

    Karlie sucks her thumb as Brina laughs awaycHappy Babies

    Karlie sleeping with her feet up on the bassinetc

    Karlie sucking her thumb and napping in the bassinet with her feet up

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie face offc

    Their first bumper cars

    Brina pulling her outfit up and Karlie trying to lean forwardc

    Sweet girls

    Karlie and Brina looking all prettyc

    All dressed up in their silky Sunday dresses!

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie smiling widec

    Laughing – Brina and Karlie

    Brina laughing as she plays with Mr. Octopusc

    Brina laughing and playing with Mr. Octopus

    Karlie-life is goodc

    Karlie having fun!

    Karlie-Hi Mommyc

    Karlie is ready to eat!

    Flashback Friday - Brina thinks it is funny to sit up in the crib, Karlie would just rather sleepc

    We came back in to check on the girls a little while after putting them to bed.  Brina is still wanting to play, but Karlie has crashed.

    Who's got Brina and Karliec

    Having too much fun at bed time.

    Brina hanging loosec

    Brina hanging out on the couch

    Is someone being naughty-Karliec

    Karlie laughing, talking, and giggling when she is suppose to be sleeping

    Karlie and Brina waiting or the monitor peoplec

    The heart apnea monitors are officially going back today!  WooHoo!!!  They are almost 6 months old and no longer need them.  Thankful for the opportunity to have these medical devices home with us for so long as they were growing and getting stronger.  Glad the girls are doing so much better..

    Karlie is all smilesc

    Karlie’s excited and talking away!

    Shhhh....Karlie has a secret to tell Brinac

    Shhh….Karlie has a secret to tell Brina!

    Sit up straight soldier -Brinac

    Sit up straight solider B!

  • Flashback Friday: First Summer

     Flashback Friday - Brina's Flexible and Totally Asleepc

     Brina completely folded in half and sleeping

    This flashback Friday bounces us back to June 2005.  The girls first summer!  They were continuing to grow.  It was amazing to see them start to learn more and change.  They still could go to sleep in the most unusual (and what looked like uncomfortable) positions.  Their smiles and little giggles made our days so much brighter.  They put up with our silliness as parents and we had a lot of fun learning together.

    We were home for the majority of the month of June.  At their regular Doctors appointment they were growing and looking healthy, however, on Brina’s apnea monitor her heart rate was showing unusually high numbers so we had to go into a specialists office to get her hooked up to an EKG.  We also had to bring her home on a portable EKG for a couple days to see if there were any complications.  Thankfully she was fine, she just has a faster heartbeat than other kids at her age.

    Karlie Sucking her Thumbc

     Karlie was our thumb sucker.  She is enjoying her thumb as she falls asleep.

    Cuddling (Karlie and Brina)c

    Snuggle bugs

    Karlie found her fist and Brina giving us a shy smilec

    Looks like mischief!

    Karlie laughing because she pushed Brina offc

    Karlie giggling as she attacks Tigger!

    Karlie our pretty presentc

    Karlie fast asleep with a decorative gift bow on her forehead…..she has no idea!

    Flashback Friday - Karlie and Brina shy smilesc

    Love seeing those pudgy cheeks!

    Brina doing the EKG in the doctors officec

    Brina having the EKG test done.  She is not very happy with us right now.

    Flashback Friday - Brina and her wiresc

     Back home with all the EKG wires attached to her.  She was more content once we were back home and didn’t seem to mind the extra wires until we pulled them off 2 days later and she had a bunch of red spots all over her belly.


    Hanging out!

    Brina holding still so we can get a shotc

    Silly ducks….Brina – “What are you guys looking at?” while Karlie snoozes away completely unaware of the duck on her head.

    Karlie Cutiec

    Karlie tolerated our silliness.  As long as she was fed, changed, and got to play she was a happy baby.

    Karlie's Milk Bellyc

    Look at that cute milk belly! Such a huge change since her surgery the month before when she couldn’t keep anything down.  Thankful for the doctors and a healthy baby.

    Brina picking out gifts in Cheaper Than Dirt Catalogc

    Brina is excited about picking out gifts in the Cheaper Than Dirt Catalog…..makes Daddy so proud!

    Flashback Friday - Brina showing off her silly hatc

    Brina showing off her fancy “pant” hat.   She is not very impressed.

    Karlie wearing her pants wrong and showing off her diaperc

    Karlie is not overly excited by her hat either.  She is ready for her nap!

    Happy Brinac

    Happy Brina Bee!

  • Flashback Friday: First Father’s Day Celebration

    We love our Daddyc

     Brina and Karlie laying in their on a sheet in the shape of a heart.  Happy Father’s Day Dad!

    Today we are flashing back to about 10 years ago for Jake’s first Father’s Day with the girls.  It was wonderful to celebrate this special day with Jake and the girls.  He is an awesome Dad to the girls.  They love their Daddy very much.  He took great care of me throughout the rough pregnancy,12 weeks of bedrest, followed by NICU, and sleepless nights helping with the kids.

    Thankful for this amazing man to live life and raise our kids with.  He is loving, kind, patient, generous, and so much more.  Jake has always taken good care of us.  He knows how to keep life exciting.  Jake is always ready to give a hug, encouragement, or smile.

    Brina hiding behind the tissue paperc

    Brina gift.  She wasn’t sure about the blue tissue paper stuffed into her pjs.

    Brina in a Bagc

    Brina in a gift bag with tissue paper.  One of Daddy’s greatest gifts!

    Karlie a little concerned about the Gift Processc

    Karlie is a little concerned about being in a bag with tissue paper.  Another one of Daddy’s sweet gifts!

    Daddy and Brina Playingc

    Jake playing and talking with Brina.

    Karlie and Brina by their Father's Day Hugs and Kisses Heartc

    Happy Father’s Day Daddy!  We LOVE YOU!!!

    Flashback Friday - Daddy's cat nap with his girlsc

    Such a fun day everyone needed a little nap!  Jake and his sweet little girls!

  • Flashback Friday: 4 Months Old

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie at 4 Months (June 2005)c

    Brina and Karlie at 4 months old

    Today were are flashing back to when the girls were only 4 months old.  They were starting to move a lot more and explore at this age.  It was amazing how much they changed from month to month.  Looking back it is neat to see that their individual personalities were starting to come through even at four months old!  Although, they have changed a little since this stage!

  • Fun Around Town: Baby Animal Barn & Creature Feature Show at Hollywild Animal Park (Wellford, SC)


    Someone came to say “hi” to me!

    It is no great surprise to us that the Baby Animal Barn and the Creature Feature Show at Hollywild Animal Park were a big hit with the kids.  There is something extra sweet about interacting with a soft fluffy baby animal.  The girls could have spent even longer petting and feeding the goats.  They were very entertained by them.

    It was fun to watch them bottle feed the goats.  Several of the little goats had obviously had some red juice earlier that day because their faces and mouths were covered with red drips.  It was a great spot to have the kids interact a little more with the animals.  You can’t pet every animal (like the lions, tigers, and bears for obvious reasons), but you could pet and feed some of them which made the experience more fun for the kids.

    For more information about our adventure at Hollywild you can check out our other blog posts:


     They had the most beautiful face and big eyes!


     One of the parents with the little baby named “Marshmallow” they were so soft!


     Saying “hi” to the crowd of goats!


     Brina petting and talking with a friendly goat!


     Jake got the girls bottles to feed the goats.  They loved it!


     Love the pink/red bottle drippings all over the face of this little goat.  Too cute!!!


    “Hey, do you have any treats for me!”


     The hot pink tongue cracks me up.  So adorable even with the hot pink spots on its face!


     Karlie feeding a little one.


     Brina feeding one of the goats while chatting and laughing at some of the other goats in the pen.


    Brina feeding and petting the baby goat at the same time.


    She probably could have stayed all day.  Brina loves her goats and they are pretty entertaining to watch!


    No matter where you stood there was always a goat friend nearby to greet you and see if you had any more treats to share!


    Karlie loving it!


    Having fun with my family.  Thankful for a good time together learning about a variety of animals at Hollywild.


    Brina would be content to do this everyday.  She loves animals!


    Trying to make sure everyone gets their turn with the treat!


    This one looks super soft!  He must have gotten enough to eat and is now taking a little rest.


     Bottle feeding the goat.


     Karlie giving a little goat a treat!


     Smart goat!  A kid dropped a bottle inside the pen which got kicked around a few times to where it was unreachable.  This goat picked up the bottle off the ground walked over to the fence and propped it up so it could easily drink from the bottle.  Hilarious watching it, but very resourceful if you want a little sip.


     The newest baby in the group.  Super soft and cute!


     The little guy decided to take a rest in the feed bucket.


    Karlie petting the zebras and animals next to the goats


     Brina giving him a good rub!


     It was cute hearing the girls talking with the animals.  I really liked how the animals were very active and friendly.  All the ones you could pet always came to the fence which made the kids happy.


    We got there a few minutes early so relaxing for a minute while we wait for the Creature Feature Show to start.


     “Speedy” the turtle!


     “Marshmallow” not sure about all the people looking at her.  She was still a little bit timid.


     Talking about Marshmallow


     Another soft one to learn about and pet.


     Petting the turtle


     Petting the turtle and talking with the worker about the animals.

    Hollywild Animal Park Coupon Discount (Free Child’s Admission):

    • Print off the coupon for Free Child’s Admission with purchase of an Adult Admission and bring it to the park with youLimit one per family. $8 Value. This coupon is valid during our Park Season which is open Weekends in March, Daily April through Labor Day, and Weekends from Labor Day through the end of October. Please visit our website for seasonal hours prior to your visit. Coupon not valid during our Holiday Lights Safari Benefit.  Expires: 10/24/2015.

    A special thanks to U.S. Family Guide and Hollywild Animal Park for offering a special discount to our readers.  Any specific product information was provided by Hollywild Animal Park and U.S. Family Guide, however, the opinions expressed in this post are our own.  We did receive tickets so our family could visit and share our experience.

  • Flashback Friday: Naps with Tigger

    Flashback Friday - Sleeping Brina and Karlie hugging little Tigerc

    Brina sleeping soundly on her boppy with Tigger!

    Today’s Flashback Friday takes us back 10 years ago.  The girls were only a couple months old.  They were great nappers and would sleep pretty much anywhere (from their cribs, swings, boppies, pack-n-plays, and other random locations).  We usually rotated them to different spots to take naps so they got used to sleeping anywhere in the house.  At night we would always put them to bed in their cribs, but were more flexible with their napping locations.  Looking back on it they were awesome travelers because of this too.  They could sleep at anyone’s house or a hotel and it never bothered them the least bit. Probably their favorite place to sleep was their swings, they LOVED their swings!!!

    There is something so peaceful about a little one that is sleeping.  So thankful for these two little ones.  It doesn’t seem like that long ago they were rolling around on the floor, taking naps throughout the day, and playing with the little Tigger toys.  The years have went by quickly, but I am grateful for these precious moments.

    Karlie sleeping with her Tiger buddycKarlie on her boppy with Tigger on her tummy and her foot sticking out of her clothes.  She had a way of wiggling her toes out of the closed-toed outfits!

  • Flashback Friday: Exhausting Day

    Daddy, Brina and Karlie nappingc

    Must have been an exhausting day!

    Our Flashback Friday goes back to April 2005 when the girls were almost 2 months old.  Jake and the girls were playing while I was making dinner.  When I came back to check on them this is what I discovered.  Everyone was napping peacefully.  Must have been a busy day for the crew.  Maybe it is all those middle of the night feedings interrupting our sleep.

    Thankful for my family and the blessings in my life. They look so peaceful when they are sleeping.  Those first few months were especially tiring for Jake and I.  I am not sure how he did everything.  He got up every night to help me with feeding the girls and then go work a full day.  There weren’t a lot of parties and late night fun activities other than taking care of babies during this season of our life.