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Teaching Our Children: How to Celebrate Special Days (Wrapping Gifts & Writing Cards)

Birthday balloons they picked out earlier this year - Karlie picked out the star one and Brina picked out the birthday celebration one.

When a celebration is drawing near whether it is a Birthday or Holiday or Baby Shower or  Wedding or just something fun the girls get excited.   They LOVE wrapping gifts and writing cards.  It is cute watching them pick out the perfect card, beautiful wrapping paper, special balloon, and diligently work on putting together their surprise.  Sure they use a lot more tape, wrapping paper and the process can be messy but think about all the amazing opportunities you have to teach your child during it.

  • The Joy of Giving to others
  • How to wrap a gift with wrapping paper, in a gift bag, and adding the additional bling (ribbons, small gifts, etc…) to it
  • Hand Eye Coordination Skills with the cutting, taping, and folding
  • Creativity with wrapping and writing the card
  • Thinking of others
  • Measuring
  • Shapes
  • Sharing with someone else
  • Sizes and how they fit into a bag or how much paper they will need
  • And Many More
Karlie wrapping a gift

 I let them each pick out their own wrapping paper to use.  It was a looked a little more like “Christmas” Holiday wrapping paper but that’s what they wanted and it was their gift to give away.  As you can see she picked out a special “treat” gift as well!  I am amazed at how much more efficient they have become even in the last year with wrapping.  Yes, we still have the occasional – “Mom, I didn’t cut the wrapping paper big enough” but overall they are getting better at the process as a whole.  (I’ve even had problems not cutting the paper big enough!)

Brina working on a card

 Many times the girls will write not only a note in a card to someone but also draw and color a picture for them.  They really do put a lot of heart and thought into the cards and gifts.  It is really neat to see how much they care for others and enjoy doing it.  To them wrapping and card writing is almost as good (maybe better some days) than doing a craft.  Thankful for their willingness to be a blessing to others both family and friends.