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Life on the Farm: Pigs, Cows, & Planting Tomatoes….Oh My!

The girls had to go check out the pigs.  Thankfully they were really tame because they were pretty big!

Our girls love animals and always enjoy spending time with ANY animal they come in contact with…yup including the pigs, ha!  During our recent trip to the Midwest to see family the girls spent some extra time on the farm.  The guys happened to be working cattle so they got to watch some of that process as well as hand feed the pigs.  The girls quickly discovered that there was only one barn cat (out of the 15) that would even let them get close enough to pet it!

My cousin Renelle was in town from Colorado so in between hand feeding the farm animals and exploring with the kids we planted tomatoes for Grandpa Verlyn and Grandma Doris to enjoy later this Summer.  I am thankful that the girls got an opportunity to spend time on the farm as well as some time getting to know their grandparents and great grandparents a little better.  We have a lot of great memories of our time in Kansas!

To Brina hand feeding the pigs and petting at the same time.

This pig’s got it made….lounging in the shade being hand fed grass from Karlie!  What a life!

Hand feeding the pigs

Giving the cows a special snack!

They couldn’t feed the cattle fast enough as soon as they brought a handful the cows pulled it through and were munching away on it.

One of the furry critters (aka “brown cow” as the girls described her) followed them along the fence begging for some more grassy snacks.  The girls enjoyed hand feeding the cows.

Grandpa stopping to chat with the girls, Renelle, and I for a few seconds in between working the calves.  The girls found it fascinating to watch!

Planting Grandpa and Grandma’s tomatoes!  The Black Cherry tomatoes will be awesome in a few weeks! 🙂

The Black Cherry, Purple Slicer, Red Slicer, Orange Slicer, and the Green & Orange tomato plants are now planted and marked accordingly.  Thanks to Renelle picking them out, starting them, bringing them from Colorado, and then planting them.  The only thing I can really take any credit for, which I thought turned out really well, are the cool wooden signs marking the tomato plants.  I couldn’t find any markers so I used some stakes I found and crayons; it seemed to work well! 🙂

Grandma wanted to go check on Grandpa after we finished planting the tomatoes so we went up to the barn where they were working the cattle. Grandma decided after walking around for a little bit to take a rest on the bench.

Beautiful view from the top of Windy Point!  You can just see for miles… Like a patchwork of pasture and fields.