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Recipe: Crockpot Pearsauce

Homemade Pearsauce

Our neighbors were generous and gave us a bunch of delicious pears from their tree.  The girls were thrilled to have pears to eat.   It is amazing the variety of yummy treats you can make out of pears from sliced pears to smoothies and more.

The girls LOVE applesauce so I decided to try my hand at making Pearsauce (much like Applesauce but with pears). You can do this with fresh picked pears or ones that you buy on clearance at your local grocery store.  I was thrilled at how well the recipe turn out which is perfect for lunches and as a side for meals.

Crockpot Pearsauce:

  • 4 Pears
  • 1  tablespoon Lemon Juice (or 1 fresh squeezed Lemon)
  • 1 tablespoon Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 2 Cinnamon Sticks (or 1 tablespoon Ground Cinnamon)

1.  Wash the pears.   Peel, core and cut your pears into cubes.

2.  Put the pears in the crockpot.  Mix the lemon juice and water together then pour over the pears.  Sprinkle the top of the pears with Brown Sugar.  Place the cinnamon sticks on top (or sprinkle ground cinnamon)

3.  Cover and cook on low for 4 to 6 hours.  When the pears are soft, drain any extra liquid, mash them with a potato masher, fork, or blender.

4.  Store in an airtight container or bag in the refrigerator or freeze to enjoy at a later date.

I tripled the recipe to fill up the crockpot since we had quite a few pears.  You can add more or less of the cinnamon based on your family’s preference.  It is a pretty easy recipe.  Love being able to leave it in the crockpot and come home to a wonderful smelling house.

Bowl of fresh pears from our neighbors tree, thank you for sharing!

 Wash the pears

Peel the pears

I used a potato peeler to peel the skins off the pears.  It was really easy to get them off.

Cut up pears

Quarter the pears then cut them into cube like shapes.

Crockpot full of fresh pears.

I filled up the crockpot with sliced fresh pears.  Squeeze out the lemon juice and mix it with water then pour it over the pears in the crockpot.

Adding the final touches before cooking.

Sprinkle the brown sugar over the pears and add the two sticks of cinnamon (or sprinkle ground cinnamon over pears)

Ready to Cook the Pearsauce

Cook in a crockpot on low for 4 to 6 hours until tender then mash, blend, or mix to make into a pearsauce (or applesauce) like consistency.

Close up of our first batch of Pearsauce

You can make it smoother or chunkier based on your family’s preference.  The house smelled amazing when the pearsauce was cooking.  The girls had their first helping the next morning for breakfast and asked if there would be enough to eat for lunch and dinner!  I am very excited it turned out so well!  I divided this batch up – some to eat this weekend, froze a container full for later and filled up several small containers to stick in the girls and Jake’s lunches.  A big thanks to our sweet neighbors for sharing their pears with us!