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Book: “Heaven is For Real” by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent

A couple months ago my Mom left a book that she had recently finished for me to read called “Heaven is for Real”  by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent.  “A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back” retold by his family.  Colton was a little boy when he under went several touch and go surgeries.  For several months after his release from the hospital he revealed things he saw in heaven during his brief trip there, including descriptions of heaven, characteristics of God, he even met family members he never knew on earth and many more neat pieces of information regarding heaven.  It was fascinating and encouraging to read the book.  The book shows the real struggles families encounter when their are going through a tough time.  The Burpos family had a tough few months with a miscarriage, broken leg, kidney stones, a child in the hospital and more challenges along the way.  I appreciate the openness from the family as they share their story and glimpse of heaven in the book.  If you want a short and positive book to read regarding heaven you may want to check this one out.