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Spending Time with Grandma!

We were so thankful that my Mom was able to come visit us for several days.  She went with us to Savannah for my cousins graduation and time at the beach.  The girls love spending time with Grandma and were thrilled to hang out together.


Grandma Penny helping the girls do their workbooks!

I think Grandma Penny was much more patient then Mommy doing the workbooks!


Grandma Penny reading books to the girls!

The girls love it when Grandma reads them books.  Today they relaxed for a few minutes on the front porch with a stack of books to read together.  Thank you Mom for reading to our girls, they LOVE their time with you!  I am thankful for a Mom who takes the time to be with our family.  The girls have many wonderful family memories because of moments like these!