
“Flip the Coin”

“Heads” orFlip the Coin “Tails”?!  Then….pause….with a moment of excitement before finding out if you are the winner of the toss.  We do not like to admit it, but there are  times when the coin lands in what appears to be our disadvantage.  Unfortunately, our first thoughts in these situations are not always encouraging or positive.

A few weeks ago on a clear sunny day my husband was in a car accident.  The person that hit his car failed to stop in a timely manner.  My first reaction was of concern for him quickly followed by thoughts of  “we do not have time for this extra inconvenience right now.”   After several days I began trying to figure out ways to “Flip the Coin” and look at the positive side of the situation.

  • Thankfulness – Although the car is totaled my husband is still with us.  The car is much easier to replace!
  • Together Time – More time in the car together for communicating during the busy days.
  • Creativeness – You can creatively coordinate and balance an entire family’s schedule even when you only have one vehicle.
  • Appreciation – For Jake because he is a great Husband, Daddy, Friend and contributes to the family in so many ways.  Also, an appreciation for family and friends who encourage during the challenges of life.

Find ways to “Flip the Coin” and make even the difficult circumstances a positive experience.  It will not always be easy to change your mindset but by being proactive and taking the time to think of ways to see the good will benefit you both personally and professionally.  We will still face obstacles along the path of life and situations out of our control so let’s remember to encourage one another especially during the tough times.  Do you have an example of how you were able to “Flip the Coin”?