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Thankful for My Family and so Much More!

Thankful for sweet girls who made me a “special” breakfast.

There is magic at our house! Every night I lay out all the non-perishable items (cups, plates, bread, english muffins, or bagels, etc…) that I need to make breakfast the next morning, however, this week by the time I get to the kitchen breakfast has been made for the whole family and the kids are already eating! It’s like breakfast has magically appeared every morning (and there’s no mess either)! This morning I must have been extra good because I got more than the normal Tuesday Toast! Thankful for my sweet girls!  I saved the sweets that they gave me for breakfast for later so I could share them!

Thankful for kids who love making crafts and expressing their appreciation

Karlie’s turkey from school. She had the most turkey feathers out of all the students in her class, her reason “I have so much to be THANKFUL for in my life!” Not sure if you can read the feathers they say – friends, social studies, love, food, life to live, teacher, pets & animals, family

Thankful for hot chocolate

Made hot chocolate and apple cider for my two chickies since it was a cold and rainy afternoon.  They enjoyed their hot treat after school.

Thankful for a husband who plays games with the family

We figured out that Jake has the steadiest hand in our family.  Karlie is watching him carefully so she’ll be ready for her next turn.

Thankful for kids who enjoy playing games

We played Kerplunk and Jenga tonight. After a few close calls we did manage to get quite a tall Jenga tower before it came crashing down. Here’s a picture of Brina focusing on her turn. Thankful for some fun with the family tonight!

There is so much to be thankful for today and really every day of my life!