School,  Twins

A Common Sight On the Way to School

Usually we are stopped by a train going by at least a couple times a week going to and from school.  Some trains are long & slow and others are short & fast.  It typically isn’t a problem when the train stops us on the way home but there have been a few times throughout the year the train will stop a whole line of cars going to school, thankfully not often, but occasionally a large group of  kids could be late to school because of a train taking too long (especially if it is a really slow one).

These pictures are taken at a different intersection a little further down the same tracks.  The girls always love watching the trains go by even if it means we have to pause for a few minutes.  They repaired the tracks earlier this year and for a few weeks they were extremely rough, but thankfully they got them fixed and the road smoothed out.  It’s neat to see the trains and they have become a familiar sight on our weekly track to and from school.