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Travel & Vacation: Celebrating in Vermont

Birthday cake!  Doesn’t the birthday cake look beautiful?!  Grandma Kay made the cake and did the main layer of frosting and Brina added all the colorful frosting and goodies to the cake.  It looked pretty and tasted delicious! 🙂

The girls had a four day birthday weekend since they didn’t have school on Friday or Monday so we made a quick trip up to Vermont to spend some time with Jake’s Mom and grandparents.  We celebrated the girls birthday during our visit which was a lot of fun.  The girls enjoyed spending time with their grandparents.  It was a great trip packed full of a lot of good memories.  Grandma Kay gave Brina some good tips on cake decorating which Brina loved (she was tickled pink that Grandma let her decorate their birthday cake).

 Brina decorating her and Karlie’s birthday cake

Karlie all smiles. While Brina was decorating the birthday cake Karlie was happily picking up the toys and cleaning.

Brina loves helping in the kitchen, decorating the birthday cake was a big hit with her

Karlie discovered a cool toy in Grandma’s stash while cleaning up!  She thought the helicopter was pretty amazing!

Grandma Kay showing Brina how to do another neat trick with the frosting!

Sweet girl having fun

Brina so proud of her decorated cake

Karlie having fun!

Brina had extra frosting so Grandma let her decorate some cookies.  Daddy eating one of the cookies Brina just frosted.

Happy Birthday Sweet Girls!

Look whose eight!  Grandma Kay found some really cool number 8 balloons that the girls loved!

Brina loves it!

Karlie loves her space book!  (I cannot tell you how many times I have picked up this book the last few weeks, I am beginning to think it has feet of its own because it appears in random places all over the house, ha!)

Grandma Kay helping Brina!  So neat!  She has made some beautiful bracelets out using this nifty tool (much nicer than the ones I made by hand when I was a kid!)

Brina’s excited about her new craft

Sweet Karlie

Are you ready for the cake?!  Wait…what happened to the frosting?!

Hmmm….tasty cake!? Yes it was!  We even had a good laugh over our little frosting snatcher.

The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!