Family,  Fresh & Healthy,  Kids,  School

Fresh & Healthy: Lunch Box Meals

Lunch is ready for the kids to take to school.

The girls love taking their lunch to school.  I try to pack a protein, a veggie, fruit, drink, and snack.  With one kid with food allergies she doesn’t have dairy, but the other chickie usually takes yogurt and cheese stick.

Lunch Box Meal:

  • Tuna Fish Sandwich
  • Fresh Apple Slices with Caramel
  • Fresh Banana Pepper
  • Dried Peaches
  • Fruit Chew
  • Mott’s Pomegranate Applesauce
  • Animal Crackers
  • Stila Blueberry Granola Bar
  • Yogurt Tube
  • Windmill Cookies (Egg, Diary, & Peanut FREE)!
  • Cranberry Juice

The girls are pretty good about helping put together their lunches, however, on busy days I will do it for them.  Do you pack your kids lunch everyday?  What do you like to put in their lunch boxes?