
Recipe: Easy Crockpot Applesauce

Crockpot full of fresh apples which will soon be applesauce!

The weather is starting to turn cooler now that we have officially hit the Fall season. Our family loves apples!  We have made A LOT of applesauce with apples we picked together as well as ones purchased at the store.   The best part about this applesauce recipe is that it is made in the crockpot and is super easy.  Here is the recipe in case you have some apples you want to use up or would like to make applesauce.  This recipe works well for pears too, if you want you can make pearsauce (delicious)!

Crockpot Applesauce:

  • 4 Apples
  • 1  tablespoon Lemon Juice (or 1 fresh squeezed Lemon)
  • 1 tablespoon Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 2 Cinnamon Sticks (or 1 tablespoon Ground Cinnamon)

1.  Wash the apples.   Peel, core and cut your apples into cubes.

2.  Put the apples in the crockpot.  Mix the lemon juice and water together then pour over the apples.  Sprinkle the top of the apples with Brown Sugar.  Place the cinnamon sticks on top (or sprinkle ground cinnamon)

3.  Cover and cook on low for 4 to 6 hours.  When the apples are soft, drain any extra liquid, mash them with a potato masher, fork, or blender.

4.  Store in an airtight container or bag in the refrigerator or freeze to enjoy at a later date.

I tripled the recipe to fill up the crockpot since we had quite a few apples.  You can add more or less of the cinnamon based on your family’s preference.  It is a pretty easy recipe.  I love being able to leave it in the crockpot and come home to a wonderful smelling house.

Tip:  I put most of our applesauce in ziplock bags and stuck them in the freezer.  When you are ready to use the applesauce pull it out of the freezer and put it in the fridge for a few hours.  To get out the applesauce out of the bag use scissors to cut off one of the corners of the bag and squeeze the applesauce out into a bowl.

I used a variety of apples to make our applesauce.  You can use a variety or just one type it is completely up to you.

The green apple has been skinned, now we just need to cube it and put it in the crockpot (minus the seeds and stem)

Here are a couple other great Apple / Fall Recipes we enjoy:

Apple Peel Confetti Crisps

  • Apple Peel Confetti Crisps – these were a HUGE hit with the kids and helped us use up some of the extra apple peels. The girls requested these in their lunch boxes for weeks!  I even had a classmate of the girls stop me in the hallway to ask if I could make some more (the girls had shared and he wanted some more).  🙂
Close up of our first batch of Pearsauce
  • Crockpot Pearsauce – just like our Crockpot Applesauce but with pears!  The applesauce looks very similar to this pearsauce and both taste delicious!

What are you making with your fresh apples this Fall?