Fresh & Healthy,  Menu Planning,  Recipe

Recipe: Easy Baked Salmon

Delicious meal made by my sweet Husband!

Jake made an amazing meal last weekend!  It was delicious!  So thankful that he is a huge help in the kitchen.  He put together salmon, seasoned rice, and steamed asparagus.  I didn’t eat fish a lot before meeting Jake so I don’t cook it as often as he does but I have come to love it.  Usually he has more time to cook on the weekends so he will make it for our evening meal or Sunday lunch.  Our girls love seafood too.

Easy Baked Salmon:

  • 16 oz Salmon (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 to 2  tablespoons melted Butter
  • Seafood Seasoning (we used Chef Paul Prudhomme’s Seafood Magic)

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.  Grease a broiler pan and place the salmon on it.  Melt the butter and spread it evenly over the top of each salmon.  Sprinkle a little seafood seasoning on top and put in the oven to bake.  Bake uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes (depending on thickness) or until flaky.  We used thawed salmon but you can do it from frozen you’ll just need to cook it a little longer.