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Book: “Am I Messing Up My Kids?” by Lysa TerKeurst

I recently finished reading the book Am I Messing Up My Kids? by Lysa TerKeurst.  This is one of the books that I picked up a couple years ago at the eWomen’s conference in Greenville when I met Lysa TerKeurst in person and got the book autographed.  The book has traveled many miles with me and got a little messed up when the van got totaled but thankfully was still readable as there were several topics Lysa discussed that my heart needed to hear.

The book discussed many of the feelings we as Mom experience.  Lysa talked about focusing your heart on Christ and not on everything else, including our spouse or children.  When your child makes a mistake it doesn’t mean your a horrible parent.  She talked about how we often compare ourselves to the “super moms” that we see around us.  At the end of each chapter there is a section called “Refresh My Soul” with scripture references to read regarding the topic that was being discussed and questions to help you dig deeper in the issues of our hearts.

Some of the topics discussed in the book:

  • Being a Mom is Tough
  • This is All I have to Give
  • I Trust You to Fill In the Gaps
  • This Child is Yours First
  • Thank You for the Privilege of Being a Mom
Here are a couple quotes that I enjoyed:
When you aren’t depending on your husband to fill you up, then he can make mistakes and you are still okay…..He can be your partner and your friend, because he does not have to be your Savior. 
When you are living in the fullness of  Christ, your children are being sloshed with His grace and tenderness.