Fresh & Healthy,  Kids,  Menu Planning,  Recipe

First Day of Summer Vacation Strawberry – Banana Breakfast

Brina and Karlie’s First Day of Summer Breakfast

In celebration of the girls first day of Summer Vacation I made them a special breakfast with two of their favorite fruits – Stawberries and Bananas!  They loved it!  It was nice to have a slower paced breakfast because we didn’t have to rush off to school.

  • Strawberry-Banana French Toast (smile)
  • Strawberry (nose)
  • Banana (eyes)
  • Strawberry Yogurt
  • Strawberry – Banana Smoothie

I don’t get to do this every morning for the kids but every once in awhile it’s nice to have a more relaxing day as well as an extra “smile” to start the day off on a good note!