Heart Reflections,  Intentional Living,  Kids

Never Alone

It has been a full week of activities, guests, work, and so much more.  There have been many moments of celebration and joy as well as some moments of  great tears.  During this week we received news from three different families about the loss of one of their children.  After processing the news it can be tough as a friend knowing the right  words to say and finding ways to be an encouragement to the family during such a painful time.  Earlier this week while I was going through my email I came across one from DaySpring that has stuck in my mind and I want to share it with you.  This little piece was such an encouragement to me during unusual week.  It is called “Never Alone”

Never Alone

You’re never alone. God is with you.
He knows your name.
He numbers the hairs on your head.
He understands the cares in your heart.
Every morning, He’s by your side.
Every night, He watches over you as you sleep.
There’s never a moment you’re not in His thoughts…
never a day you’re not in His care.
You’re never on your own.
He whispers to your heart, “You’re forever My own.”

I wasn’t planning on sharing this but after all the events that have unfolded in the past week (including the loss of three young children) I think it is important that we occasionally see some words of encouragement.  I do not know what you are going through today, but whether you are on a hilltop rejoicing or in the valley with tears in your eyes we can take comfort in knowing we are never alone.  Even though life has a way of throwing us curve balls and taking us through trials that are painful we know that each one was placed in our life for a specific purpose.

Take time to focus on the amazing blessings you have given then spend a few moments thinking of ways you can make a positive impact on the lives around you.  After brainstorming pick one activity and do it for someone else whether it is saying “congratulations” or words of “sympathy” let someone know you care about them.  It can be as simple as an email, phone call, text, meal, flowers, or card and will probably only take you a few moments but it can make a powerful impact in the life of another person.

I apologize for my absence these last few days.  It has not only been a tough week with all the tears but we had Jake’s sister and her family staying with us who are missionaries to Indonesia which brought much joy and laughter to our week.  I am thankful for the many wonderful times and memories we created together over the past week.  It is my intention to be back on schedule next week, I soooooo appreciate all of you checking in on me and your patience.   You are a tremendous blessing in my life, thank you!

Photo by Noel Reynolds