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Memories of the Blue Lobster Named “Tsunami”


A long time ago before children and large pets……Jake and I lived in a little apartment.  Our apartment was home but there really wasn’t a lot to it.  We had a hand-me-down love seat from one of my clients who was upgrading her furniture, a bed, and a few pieces of other miscellaneous furniture.  When a group of friends came over to our apartment the first year or so of our marriage we would sit on the floor and eat because we didn’t have enough chairs for everyone.  Gradually over time we accumulated more pieces, most items were hand-me-downs or second hand items, but neither of us were picky.

The biggest piece of furniture I have ever bought personally was for Jake.  One year I saved for several months to buy Jake a 72 gallon bow-front fish tank for our anniversary.  He was thrilled.  Thankfully fish were pretty easy pets.   One of the most “unique” pets we owned was a blue lobster for our fresh water tank.  It was so exciting to finally get one!  On the way home from the pet store I was holding our new blue lobster in my lap when Jake went around the corner to our apartment I forgot to hold onto him and he went tumbling down my legs and to the floor thus resulting in his name “Tsumani”.

A few days ago Jake and I were discussing pets which brought me back to the many fun memories we had picking out and finding our first few fish.  As I continued to think about the fish tanks and various fish “Tsunami” came to my mind.  He was pretty neat looking in the fish tank and for the most part did really well.  The other fish in the tank figured out that it is best to give him some extra space otherwise he might “snap his claws” at them.  In the picture above Tsumani’s tail was tucked under his body but when he was stretch out he got up to 6 inches long.

Having a blue lobster was a great conversation starter.  We got a lot of different reactions to seeing it in the tank.  If you are looking for a unique addition to your fresh water fish tank you might enjoy one too!