Deals,  Family,  Fun,  Gift Giving,  Kids,  Raising Multiples,  Seasonal Clearance,  Twins

You Never Know….What You Might Find!

You never know what you may find in the clearance section at a store.  During a quick trip to BiLo (a local grocery store) to grab a gallon of milk I noticed these two chairs sitting up in the front of the store.  As I was speed walking past them to get the milk and I thought to myself that’s an odd place for two chairs and the second thought was those chairs are pretty cute!  While standing in line waiting to check out they caught my attention again so I got out of line, went over to them and found out they were marked down to $2 (originally priced over $20).  They were the last two chairs and the store was trying to move the final pieces of their seasonal stock.  These are the only 2 chairs I have ever bought in a grocery store but it goes to show you never know what you may find when you go out to get a gallon of milk!

When the girls got home from school that day I had the two chairs set up in their room.  They were excited and gushing over how “cute” the chairs were.  I didn’t have to ask or tell them which chair was for who they knew instantly, that’s one of the joys of having twins with two very different personalities.  Since then the chairs have been used for reading, watching TV, playing school and many other fun activities.  Each girl has their own chair so their is no disagreements on who got the chair first or who has been sitting in it the longest… those types of conversations take place at your house too?!

The chairs are big enough the girls are comfortable, but small enough they can carry them from room to room.  I love that they have so much personality with the smiling frog and cheerful ladybug!  Sometimes it is worth it to take the extra minute to glance at the clearance section, you might find a something you need or a fun treasure.  Although their favorite place to sit when we read a book together is still on our laps, which is fine with me because someday soon these precious days of them being little girls will be a thing of the past!