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Recipe: Beach Bucket Cake

Beach Bucket Cake (with cake crumbs for the “sand”)

I made this recipe a few months ago for my Community Group and it was a big hit.  As we get closer to the Spring / Summer season I wanted to share this one with you.  It was easy to put together and has a fun presentation for get togethers with family and friends.

Beach Pail Cake:

  • 1 Yellow Cake Mix
  • 1 (8 oz) Cool Whip
  • 1 (3 oz) Instant White Chocolate Pudding
  • 1 cup Milk
  • 2 cups Strawberries
  • 2 cups Blueberries
  • Clean beach pail, shovel and shells

Made the yellow cake mix according to directions.  Cool and cut up into cubes (see picture below) and set aside.  Mix together the instant White Chocolate Pudding and one cup of milk.  Add the container of Cool Whip to the pudding and mix well.

Put 1/3 of the cubed yellow cake in the bottom of your clean beach pail.  Next put half of the pudding and cool whip mixture over the cake layer.  Add half of the strawberries and blueberries for the next layer.  Then repeat saving 1/3 of the cake but using the remaining cool whip and fruit mixtures.  Crumble the remaining cake cubes and sprinkle over the top.  Add your shovel to serve the desert and favorite seashells for decorations.

1. Yellow cake cubed and put in the bottom of the beach pail

2.  Layer cool whip and pudding mixture over cake layer

3.  A layer of strawberries and blueberries comes next

4.  Second layer cubed yellow cake

5.  Second layer cool whip mixture

6.  Second layer of strawberries and blueberries

7.  Cake crumbs on top to make it look like “sand”

8.  Decorate the top with seashells or beach items. Add the beach shovel and enjoy!

There are a lot of great variations to this cake.  I used what I had on hand in our pantry but you could do it with a pound cake instead of a yellow cake or substitute vanilla pudding instead of White Chocolate or add in different seasonal fruits!