Loosening My Grip

  • Relationships: Granting Your Spouse Permission to Help YOU Heal

    Karlie - Red Rose FlowerRose picked by Jake from the Mother’s Day bush Karlie gave me last year! Beautiful!

    I am blessed to have a loving husband.  He takes great care of me and the girls, loves me despite my faults, pitches in around the house, always seeking ways to teach our girls, and intentionally invests regularly time and energy into our relationship and our family.

    Yet for some reason when I am tired, hurting, or discouraged he is the first person I tend to lash out at.  Is it because he is near?  Or is it that I trust he will continue loving me as he helps me get through the moments of hurt?  Is it that he is the first person who notices that I am struggling?  Is it because I allow “little stuff” to build up, get emotional, and blow the “little stuff” way out of proportion?  Or is it a complex multitude of feelings and connections of life that make me think it is acceptable to snap at someone truly trying to lovingly help me?

    Life is tough.  It would be a lie to say that I have not gone through a multitude of various emotions over the past few months.  My girls are growing up so quickly and my Momma’s heart is rejoicing yet broken over it at the same time.  I have not invested the time and energy into relationships that are important to me.  It has been a struggle to balance life, schedules, and times to the point that some days I feel like I am messing up everything or falling short. It feels like there are days when I am rushing through life and trying to just get what has to be accomplished done only to crash at night and re-start the process all over again the next day.

    How can I be an encouraging, positive, loving light, sharing God’s grace with those around me when I feel like the walls are falling in on me?  I have been praying specifically that God would break down the walls I have built up around my heart, revealed those areas I need to heal and repair, fill the holes that are plugged with the wrong motives, and work in my life, however, it is at times a very painful process.

    When an animal is hurting they tend to find a safe place and withdraw into themselves.  If you approach a hurt animal when they are in that safe place or feel like they are backed into a corner they have a tendency to snap at anyone reaching out to help them.  Their eyes are clouded with hurt or pain, their defenses are up, and they don’t know what to do so they react in anger at anyone trying to help because it is hard for them to distinguish between someone who is trying to hurt and a person who is trying to help.  I am sure vets or people who work with animals see this all the time.  The animal wants to be alone in their pain, lick their wounds, and retreat to safety even though it it not the best action if they truly want to heal.

    As humans we cannot and should not react the same way as an animal would.  We are built to value and crave relationships.  Some of our relationships may be healthy while others are pulling us down.  We cannot be everything to everybody, it’s impossible, yet we can make an impact on the lives we touch.  Starting with our relationship with Christ, spreading to our spouses, children, and reaching out to family, friends, co-workers, and others that we interact with in our lives.  It always works best when we are living our life looking for strength, encouragement, and wisdom from the top and allowing it to filter down through our lives to the people we have the privilege of loving and living life beside.

    Take time this week to spend time pray.  Investigate your heart, reflect on your relationships, and start the process of breaking down the barriers we have created to falsely shield us.  Those barriers are really just holding us back and blocking those who truly love and want to help us.  Allow your spouse and others to speak truth into your life.

  • Organized Chaos: Kid’s Bookshelves


     Kids bookshelf

    Our family loves books!  It has always been something we have done together.  When the girls were little we would read to them everyday.  Now we read more chapter books, library books, and special books together as a family.  We do a rotation on who gets to pick out the next chapter book we will read as a family.  Sometimes if Jake is traveling he may miss a chapter or two otherwise we usually do this activity together.

    When the girls were little we barely had any kids books.  We started collecting them, the kids got some as gifts, and they have also bought some with their spending money.  Over the years these books have accumulated.  For one of their gifts a couple years ago Jake made the girls a bookshelf for their room.  They LOVE it!  For the most part they do keep it pretty neat, but every once in awhile it needs a little cleaning and organizing.

    As you can see from the picture above they have books piled on top of the books on the shelf, books leaning all directions, random items that are not books on the bookshelf, and various books out of place.  Since they keep it in decent order it doesn’t take long to freshen up the book shelf, put books away, dust, and we had it looking better in no time.

    We have their books arranged in specific order.  On the top are the kids classics and chapter book series.  The 2nd shelf down we have more chapter books or series.  On the 3rd shelf from the top we have the Golden Classics and soft cover books.  The 4th shelf from the top contains all the kids reference and educational books.  On the 5th shelf from the top we have hard cover books.  The very bottom shelf contains more hard cover books, including some series.


     Bookshelf is all dusted and organized!

    The next big bookshelf project I need to do is to go through all the younger kids books.  Our kids have outgrown a lot of the smaller  books so I need to decide which ones to keep, donate, sell, etc….  I have slowly been starting to do this by giving some of the younger kid books to kids who I know enjoy those types of books.  I love looking into the kids rooms and seeing them reading books either on their own or together.  It makes my heart happy.  The learning to read fluently has been a journey for our family.  Part of my hesitation in going through and getting rid of some of their smaller books means I have to admit my little babies are growing up and to a Momma’s heart it kind of makes me sad.  Not sure if I will ever be truly ready, but I will eventually go through the books and eliminate some more kids ones so that it will make more room for their more advanced reading books, just not today…

  • School: Brina & Karlie’s 4th Grade Awards Ceremony!


    Proud of my girls!

    Brina and Karlie had their 4th grade Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, June 2nd.  Jake and I knew the girls did really well this year and worked very hard, but we were still blown away by the amount of awards they received.  I honestly don’t think Jake was in his chair for more than 5 minutes throughout the entire Awards Ceremony (seriously).  Every time he sat down one or both of the girls names would be announced to receive another award.  The grandpa sitting next to me said “Wow, you most be doing something right with those kids.  They are very talented!”  Both girls did worked hard all year even when it wasn’t always easy so it is something exciting to celebrate with them!

    They both had great teachers this school year.  The teachers encouraged them to learn a lot!  Their Homeroom Teachers, Gifted & Talented Teacher, Reading Teacher, and STEM Club Coaches were all good about communicating with the parents which is always key in helping the kids be successful.   Thankful for all the teachers and all energy they put into our kids this school year.

    We are VERY PROUD of the hard work these girls did and the amount they were able to accomplish throughout the 4th grade year!  The girls have the biggest class in the school so it is a huge honor to get these awards.  Their classes are large and it takes a lot of work to get these honors.  Way to go girls!!!

    Karlie and Brina received  13 Award Certificates + 10 Award Medals + 2 Award Pins:

    • 2 – Highest Math Achievement Awards (Both girls were the highest in their classes)! (Received 2 Award Certificates & 2 Award Medals)
    • 1 – Highest Social Studies Achievement Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – Highest Reading Achievement Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – Highest Science Achievement Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – Highest Language Arts Achievement Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – “A” Honor Roll Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – “A/B” Honor Roll  Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – 1st Place Accelerated Reading Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – Pickens County Youth Arts Award (Received 1 Award Certificate)
    • 1 – Children’s Book Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 2 – STEM Club Awards (their STEM Club Team – Solar SySTEM went to state) (Received 2 Award Certificates & 2 Award Pins)

    Here are some of the pictures from their big Awards Night! Very proud of our girls!


    Way to go Brina and Karlie

    School - Fourth - 4th Grade Awards Ceremony - P1150600c

    Brina’s Honor Roll


    Karlie’s Honor Roll


    Highest Reading Achievement Award


    Highest Language Arts Achievement Award


    Highest Math Achievement Awards – Brina and Karlie!


    Highest Science Achievement Award


    STEM Club Awards


    Highest Social Studies Achievement Award


    Children’s Book Award


    Pickens County Youth Arts Award


    Talking with friends after the Awards Ceremony!


    Brina showing us her cool projects in the hallway!


    Brina and Karlie’s certificates, medals, and pins literally filled our kitchen table!


    STEM Club, Highest Achievement in Math (for their class), and Honor Roll Awards & Medals for both girls!

    Below are some of the pictures of their medals from their 4th Grade Awards Night (I didn’t take pictures of all of them or they didn’t turn out plus some were similar, but this will give you the idea of what they brought home on their 4th Grade Awards Night)!


    2 of these Medals for Highest Math Achievement Medal (1 for Brina and 1 for Karlie)


    All “A” Honor Roll for the Entire School Year


    Highest Social Studies Achievement Medal


    Highest Reading Achievement Medal


    Highest Language Arts Achievement Medal


    Multiple ones of this medal – 1st Place Accelerated Reading &  Children’s Book Award


    Highest Science Achievement Medal


    All “A-B” Honor Roll for the Entire School Year

    We are super excited to see all that the girls have accomplished this year.  We are thankful for all their effort and hard work.   It is evident that they can do a lot and learned a great deal this school year.  They finished strong.  It is still hard to believe that this is their last day of 4th grade, they are growing up too quickly.

    We are looking forward to a fun summer full of learning, memories, and catching up with family and friends!  It is our hope that they continue to enjoy learning and growing as they get older.  Thankful for our girls.  We are very blessed!  LOVE YOU BRINA AND KARLIE!!!

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    We made it through the last full week of school.  Only two more partial weeks than they will be free for summer break.   The girls are ready for summer vacation.  Jake is still busy with work, but he is good about taking time in the evenings and weekends to spend with us.  I am blessed!  There was so much to be thankful for last week.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday – Thankful that our termite inspection came back normal with no problems.

    Tuesday – Thankful for all the hard work the girls did on their Science Fair Projects.  The girls both were both selected as the top in their class.

    Wednesday – Thankful for a thoughtful, understanding, and loving husband who takes such good care of me.

    Thursday – Thankful for an opportunity to go to my nephew’s 4K graduation celebration.

    Friday – Thankful for Brina’s tutor and the time she has invested in helping her.  Also thankful for time with my family!

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    I have so much to be thankful for in my life.  This week as I as counting my blessings I realized that coming up with 10 things to be grateful for each day was relatively easy if I really think about it for a few minutes.  I don’t ever want to take these blessings for granted as they are a gift from my heavenly Father who truly cares about me in the good as well as the struggles I face every day.

    I want to be accountable to you too so the following are snipits of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday – Thankful for Brina writing me a reminder note to adjust her meal schedule because she liked one of the meals I made her so much!  My family knows me well! 🙂

    Tuesday – Thankful that Skipper is always jumping up and down excited to see me when I get home!  Such a great way to be greeted upon arriving home!

    Wednesday – Thankful for the girls curiosity and love of learning – we did a spontaneous celery and food coloring experiment before school.

    Thursday – Thankful for a chance to talk with Jake on the phone in the morning as he was getting ready for his busy day in Charleston and even more grateful to have him back home that evening.

    Friday – Thankful for a washer and dryer to help get our clothes and laundry cleaned in an efficient manner.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • Dirty Rocks + Rock Tumbler = Shiny Gems

    It’s amazing how having kids can open your eyes to so many things, including learning more about yourself, life, and God.  A couple years ago my cousin got the girls a rock tumbler.  They LOVE it and are always on the look out for neat rocks (yes, my girls love rocks).  On numerous trips, hikes, or walking through the yard they can be found collecting various rocks to run through the tumbler.  It is a great activity for kids and can be a neat teaching tool as well.

    The rock tumbling process goes something like this……

    • Find a variety of dirty average looking small rocks
    • Put them through the tumbler to remove all the grit and smooth out the rough edges
    • Polish them

    The whole process takes days and seems forever for the kids, but the end result is something beautiful and well worth the wait.

    Recently, I came across a bag of rocks while I was cleaning.  I had to smile knowing exactly why one of my ziploc bags had been used to stash a handful of ordinary, dull, and plain rocks.  The girls know that even though they look like any old dirty rock once they are tumbled and polished their true colors will shine beautifully.

    As I was standing there looking at those old, dusty rocks it struck me that my heart is much like those sharp and dirty rocks.  There is a lot of junk that needs to be knocked off my heart and life before the beauty of God’s love can shine through.  Thankfully with His help and a tremendous amount of patience on His part He slowly and faithfully cleans the dirt away, smooths out the roughness, and round the sharp edges.  When His love, goodness, mercy, and kindness radiates from my brokenness it opens the doors for opportunities to make a positive eternal impact on the hearts and lives those around us.

    Elenco Rock TumblerAn example of a rock tumbler you can get from Amazon if you are looking for a fun activity to do with your kids!

  • A Sweet & Simple Note Can Melt a Moms Heart


    Occasionally, Jake has to travel for work and there are times when he is gone random craziness happens at home.  On this particular week Jake was gone it was busy with a lot of school activities, tutoring, animals getting out of their pen, doctor appointments, sick kids, and more.  This particular day had a tough afternoon noon of school work, followed by chasing the goats back into their zone (multiple times), leftovers for dinner, a couple of not-so-cool Mommy moments, and running around trying to get the kids in bed on time.

    By the time the girls were in bed I was exhausted and ready to relax, but lunches still needed to be put together, dishes washed, kitchen picked up, bills to be paid, and more regular household duties waiting for my attention.   I decided to take 10 minutes and sit down, on the couch, and reflect on the events of the day.  While sitting there I started thinking about everything I could have done better regarding my interactions with the girls in some of the sticky situations specifically regarding my actions, words, and attitude.

    As I was thinking about the day I looked over at the dry erase board and saw a note from Karlie.  Some days you don’t know if they realize how much we love them…..then they do something spontaneous and sweet like this simple note that melts my heart.  And brings more tears!  We are not perfect parents by a long shoot, but it does a Moms heart good to know that they really do feel loved and appreciated even in amidst those hurried, frustrating, and crazy days.  I had no idea this note was on the dry erase board or when she put it there with everything going on that day, but it was the perfect encouragement boost I needed for that evening.  Thankful for my kids and for their thoughtful ways of showing love.

    She picked yellow so it’s a little harder to read, but it says:

    I love Daddy.

    I love Mommy.

    I love Brina.

    I love Oreo, Snowball, and Skipper.

  • Heart Reflections: Walk That Mile

    As I was walking on the treadmill one morning earlier this week I realized…..whether it’s the first mile you have walked in years or the final mile in a marathon after months of training that first mile is always the hardest.  You have to remain focused and determined to finish.  You may not notice the fruit of all the hard work invested right away but over time you’ll build up endurance, strength, and that extra energy you need to get through each day.  It really is worth it, stay focused.

    It is hard enough for me to get up early and walk my one mile or more but yet often I set similar expectations on others.  I figure if I can raise multiples, write a blog post for the day, work, maintain my house, attend activities, and everything else I manage to squeeze into my day surely everyone else can do the same.  Right!?  These type of expectations are not healthy, mainly because I have no idea of what complications or road blocks the other person faces in their lives.

    On the outside most people may look like they have it all together when in reality everything really could be falling apart.  Only God sees their heart.   If I had to walk a mile under the weight and pressure they are baring I would most likely crumble.  God does not call me to walk in their shoes but down the path He has given me.  While my day to day stress is not the same as my neighbors with His guidance I can have many opportunities to make a lasting imprint on the lives of others.  Instead of judging others or getting jealous of the easy life they seem to have set before them I need take those first steps down the next mile in my own life to focus on what God has for me to do today in my corner of the world.

  • Love It – You Version (Free Bible App)


    A friend of mine shared this free app with me back in September.  While in a conversation with a group of friends we started discussing how much time we actually spend reading and/or listening to Scriptures. We decided as a group to encourage each other to read through the Bible completely.

    Each of person has chosen various plans, versions, etc…. Since I didn’t start this until the middle of September I decided to do the whole Bible in 90 days so I can listen to the entire Bible before the end of the 2012 calendar year.   Here’s the 90 Day Plan I chose.

    At the beginning of the New Year I plan to switch to another plan. I have a few that I am excited about doing but haven’t completely decided which one yet.  Even though I have grown up in a godly family and church and probably have read all the Bible verses at various times I honestly cannot say that I have not faithfully followed a “read / listen the whole bible plan” until this one (I know it is really sad and embarrassing to admit).

    I have been thinking and praying a lot about my life, parenting, etc…. if my heart isn’t right and I am not gaining wisdom from the best source available how am I suppose to raise children who love God? How can I make an eternal positive impact on the lives around me if I am living life in the flesh or doing what “I” think is best?

    So after gathering with a few friends (for accountability) who want to do the same thing we started using this awesome free app. I LOVE that I can listen to Bible with this app. Everyone learns a different way. I have found that if I get up earlier and listen to it while I walk on the treadmill I actually retain more. The girls have come down a few times and heard me listening to it as well and have asked to listen to the last half with me while they eat breakfast for school. It warms my heart to see them eager to hear the Bible.

    When I miss a day I have it set to remind me which helps me stay on track. I find the weekends harder to keep up with it since our schedule is always different so I listen to more chapters on Mondays to catch up. Doing the 90 day plan has a lot more reading / listening then some of the other plans but it has been wonderful, insightful, and encouraging listening to it.

    There are 100’s of plans to chose from (whole bible plans, topical plans, devotional, and more). I chose to do the whole bible because I have never done it before.   You can read it, listen to it on your phone, or on your computer. I typically listen to it on my phone (if I do it on the computer I tend to get too distracted) where I can take my phone downstairs where it is quiet and listen without interruptions or distractions.

    I am so EXCITED to say that I have actually stuck with this plan!  Tomorrow is my last day – Day 90!!!!!  YAY!!!!  I am already looking forward to narrowing down the next plan that I want to go through.

    While I did listen to the Whole Bible in the past 90 days I still have A LOT to learn!  There were days that I didn’t listen very well or got distracted.  I am so thrilled to finally find an app that works really well for me that I want to share it with you.  Since starting I have shared this app with many family and friends too.  Jake is working through one as well.

    I hope as we quickly approach Christmas Day and the New Year that you would consider challenging yourself to read or listen to the Bible, whether it is with this app or another.  We have so much that we can gleam from the Scriptures that can help encourage us throughout our days as well as point us to the One who truly has all the answers!

    Download The Bible App Now

  • Happy Bedrest Day!

    My sweet babies (Karlie & Brina) at 5 months old!

    I truly do have so very much to be grateful for in my life.  Eight years ago on December 1, 2004 I went on permanent bedrest after almost losing the girls at 20 weeks into my pregnancy. Thankfully with God’s help,  doctors wisdom, and the prayers of many people their lives were spared.  Jake and I had prayed for these kids for so long that the thought of losing them was overwhelming.  After surgery and several days in the hospital I was put on strict bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy.  The girls were not due until April 15, 2005 but here I was on December 1st stuck in bed for the rest of my pregnancy.  Their nursery wasn’t started, I was training my work replacement from my bed, and I was completely dependent on others for almost everything.

    My Bedrest Orders (per the doctors)

    • Allowed one 5 minute shower a day, sitting down (Jake put a step stool in the shower)
    • Drink 1 gallon of water a day to help reduce contractions
    • Must be reclined for the majority of the day / night
    • Only physical activity would be to walk to and from the bathroom (which was part of the master bedroom so it was about 5 to 7 steps each direction)
    • No more than 3 hours of work each day (included computer work and phone calls, this helped reduce any extra stress).
    • No driving or riding in a car (only exception was when Jake drove me to my weekly doctor appointment)
    • One trip in a wheel chair to the high risk and regular ob doctor each week (they happened to be one floor apart so they both coordinated my appointments).

    Every time I “disobeyed” these instructions I was in the hospital that evening with severe contractions.  For example, I decided that I could walk to the kitchen only 20 steps or so away and pick up a few dishes on the counter top.  That night I was in the hospital with serious contractions.  I did this and similar things a couple other times.  The last time I was in the hospital for not following the bed rest rules the high risk doctor looked me in the eyes and said “If you cannot follow these instructions and have to come to the hospital again we will keep you in the hospital until you have the babies.  It is your choice, stay home on strict permanent bedrest and follow the guidelines we put in place for you or live in the hospital until they are delivered.”  I really think he was serious too.  After thinking about it for a few minutes I realized how selfish I was being risking the girls lives to “pick up a few dishes” in this instance.

    It was VERY difficult relying on others to do almost everything for me.  I couldn’t cook, clean, walk around, decorate, go outside, drive, ride in a car, shop….nothing……unless it was safe to do from bed and only for a limited time.  Thankfully, Jake had a more flexible work schedule and would work all morning in the office and come home in the afternoon and work from home.  During this time I learned A LOT of very important lessons.

    What I Learned While On Bedrest

    • Prayer is powerful.
    • God can perform miracles.
    • You live “Day by Day” with gratefulness because each day we made it through was better for the little ones I was carrying.
    • Thankfulness for a spouse who is kind, patient, positive, helpful, and dedicated.
    • The house will not always be clean when house guests came over
    • You can have a great time visiting with friends and family (even if everyone is sitting on my bed in the bedroom)
    • Thankfulness for Friends & Family and the MANY AMAZING blessings they bestowed on our family (bringing food, encouraging notes, cleaning, sending goodies, prayers, helping get the nursery ready, coming to spend time with me, gifts, watching movies, so much more).
    • You don’t have to be involved in everything and life goes on for everyone even though your spending your days in bed.
    • Listening to messages from church on audio is not ideal but doable.
    • Family, Friends and Strangers will never see me “pregnant”
    • I would not have a “normal” pregnancy and that’s okay we each have our own journey God chooses to take us on.
    • I will not get to shop or go to the store to pick out items I want for a baby shower registry (thankful for friends, family and online for this one as well).
    • Holiday travel and normal shopping is not an option, but people may come to see you (My sweet creative husband set up the guest bed in the living room and wheeled me down the hall in the wheelchair so I could enjoy Christmas Day in bed and in front of the tree.  My parents and brother made it out to celebrate with us that year.)
    • You can drink a gallon or more of water every day.
    • The local Multiples Club can be an wonderful resource and encouragement during a season of bedrest.
    • There is much to be thankful for even when you spend every day and night in bed.
    • Changing the bedroom / bed every night and day makes a huge difference in perspective (regular bed at night with all computer items removed from the room and during the day having throw blankets / pillows with the curtains open)
    • The stressfulness of the bedrest season has more of an impact on a spouse then I first realized.
    • You can stay busy even while on strict bedrest.
    • You can handle shots and needles when there is a great blessing at the end of the painful season.
    • Having my little brother next door was a tremendous blessing
    • It is only for a season even though strict bedrest is not ideal it is very worth it – I have two beautiful girls now!
    • It is possible to go over 5,000 minutes a month on one cell phone
    • Thankful that I had a job where I could work a couple hours a day even from bed.
    • Phone, email, mail, and internet communication was a lifeline between those I could not see or visit
    • I really should have taken more pictures…..somehow I never got a full picture of my bedrest room (Jake did an amazing job setting up the table, shelves, computer and everything.  Literally everything was within arm’s reach.)
    • Going to the doctor and getting a Big Mac on the way home could really be my biggest highlight during a bedrest week!

    I have MUCH to be grateful for in my life.  Looking back over this season in my life it was a mix of happiness and tears.  I was rejoicing in being pregnant but at the same time I struggled with relying on others to do stuff that I have always done for myself.  God taught me a lot during this time.

    When the girls were little we would spend all day in bed on December 1st to celebrate bedrest day.  We would spend the day looking at pictures, talking about how God helped us through this time and protected the girls, playing games, reading books, and watching a movie.    The girls were always amazed at how far away from their actual birthday Bedrest Day was.  Now that the girls are in school it is difficult to spend the day in bed to celebrate our Bedrest Day, but it is still fun to discuss it with the family!

    After 12 weeks of bedrest the girls made their appearance on February 18th.  Thankfully they were only in NICU for a few weeks and even though they were small they were healthy.  It is amazing to look back and see how God has carried us through even the tough seasons.  I am truly grateful for my family, friends, and the many blessings in my life.

    Loosening My Grip is a series on areas in my life I am learning to let go of slowly.  Several months ago I was studying Jonah and one of the phrases popped out at me was “Whatever you are holding on to in this life, hold it loosely so it won’t hurt when the Lord has to pry your fingers open to take it away.”  I have found that in some areas God has had to pry my fingers off of whatever I am holding onto one finger at a time.  There are areas in my life that I feel like I need control over and hold onto them tightly when God really has something so much more beautiful in store for me.  I have been learning how to let go and hold onto things more loosely so God can do His work in my life.