
  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    Now that I am back into a more normal schedule this week I realized how much catching up I have to do with all the travel and family visiting over the past couple of months.  It is amazing how much stuff gets put on hold during the really busy days but I am thankful for the wonderful opportunities and memories that our family has been able to create over the past few months.  The 2012 year is going by quickly and I have a lot that I want to accomplish in the remaining months so hopefully I get some items tackled this week.

    Here is the update on last weeks goals

    Family Goals

    1. Connect with each family member at least once a day
    2. Spend quality time with our Guests
    3. Spend quality time with Jake
    4. Date Night with Jake – didn’t happen but hope to get it on the calendar soon
    5. Participate in a fun kid activity (go to the park, play, or explore)
    6. Do a creative craft with the kids

    Personal Goals

    1. Exercise – walk at least 5 days this week – didn’t get to this but re-started some of my regular routine
    2. Finish reading  How We Love Our Kids by Milan & Kay Yerkovich – somehow in all my travels I lost this book (maybe on the plane from India) because I have searched everywhere and cannot find this one….hmmmmm….

    Home Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one daywe had a lot of laundry from all the house guests, bedding, and from not doing laundry for over a week so it took me 2 days to get it tackled and I still need to remake the guest bed
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu & Schedule planned out for the week
    3. Spend 30 minutes every day picking up / cleaning the house – probably spent more then 30 each day and still have some work that needs to be done

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    3. 1o minutes a day Cleaning / Organizing my desk

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch
    2. Take time to talk, listen, and encourage the people I encounter this week
    3. Be a blessing to a total stranger this weeklet someone go ahead of me in line

    Financial Goals

    1. Stay on track with budgeted amount for the week

    Here are my goals for the upcoming week:

    Family Goals

    1. Connect with each family member at least once a day
    2. Schedule a Date Night with Jake
    3. Prep for upcoming Family Trip
    4. Schedule a Family Game & Fun Night
    5. Read at least one book to the girls every day
    6. Listen to the girls read at least one book to me or Jake every day
    7. Family Yard Sale

    Personal Goals

    1. Exercise – walk at least 5 days this week
    2. Review my upcoming goals
    3. Finish reading  How We Love Our Kids by Milan & Kay Yerkovich (if I cannot find this book after I finish cleaning I will start on my next one)

    Home Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Work on Spring / Deep Cleaning the House
    3. Weekly Dinner Menu & Schedule planned out for the week
    4. Spend 30 minutes every day picking up / cleaning the house
    5. Prepare for our upcoming Yard Sale

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    3. 1o minutes a day Cleaning / Organizing my desk
    4. Work on upcoming speaking engagement

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch
    2. Be a blessing to a total stranger this week
    3. Email the updated praises, prayer requests, and schedule to our Community Group

    Financial Goals

    1. Stay within Budget on Groceries $40 for 4
    2. Emergency Fund – save 3 months worth of living expenses
    3. Put money aside for upcoming trips
    4. Put cash aside for 1 year of Jake’s College Classes

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results

  • Book & Pony Set: “Misty of Chincoteague” by Marguerite Henry

    Book Misty of Chincoteague (couldn’t find a picture of “Misty” and “Phantom” that came with the girls set)

    Book & Pony Set – Misty of Chincoteague  (with “Misty” and “Stormy” similar to the one we got, but couldn’t find a picture of the first book with the ponies)

    My girls are very different in many ways, even though they are twins, but they do have two things in common that they both love…….books and horses / ponies.  While I was in India my Mom came to stay with the girls and she brought their birthday gifts.  She gave the girls the book and “Misty” & “Phantom” ponies.  They were so excited when I got home to show me their book and ponies that went with it.  After we finished reading the current book they were going through they both agreed that the next book should be Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry.  Every time I would read the book the girls would get out the ponies and each of them hold one while I read.  They loved this story about a little boy and girl who worked hard to buy and raise these ponies.  It was a cute story that our family enjoyed.

    All the incidents in this story are real.  They did not happen in just the order they are recorded, but they all happened at one time or another on the little island of Chincoteague.  All the characters in the book Misty of Chincoteague really lived on Chincoteague Island.  – Marguerite Henry

    The part that was really neat about the story is it was based off a real family and event “Pony Penning Day”.   After getting into the book you quickly grow to love the Beebe family.  The grandparents dialogue is a little choppy to read but otherwise it was a wonderful story to share with your kids especially if they love horses or ponies!

  • Recipe: Strawberry Chocolate Surprise Cupcakes

    Strawberry cupcake with a dark chocolate center

    The fun part about having kids is they inspire you to experiment.  The girls and I were busy doing something in the kitchen and had to make a dessert for an upcoming event so I told them to pick out a box cake mix out of the pantry.  They picked out a Strawberry Cake mix and as we were talking about all the different strawberries recipes we love it lead into can we make something super special with the strawberry cupcakes……..something that would be a surprise for those eating the cupcakes???  That’s when we came up with the Strawberry Chocolate Surprise Cupcakes!

    It is super easy to make too.  Take your favorite cake mix, make it according to directions, pour into cupcake liners, and bake for 5 minutes.  After 5 minutes add a piece of chocolate to the center of each cupcake.  The chocolate will sink to the middle of the cupcake and melt.  We used dark chocolate eggs left over from our Easter candy stash.  The girls were so happy to bring their strawberry cupcakes with a chocolate surprise to their friends.  We did have chocolate frosting and half vanilla frosting (sorry I didn’t get a picture of a cupcake frosted).

    You can see the dark chocolate pieces sinking down into the cupcakes in the picture.  Can you tell which rows the girls put the chocolate into first?!  🙂  This is a great recipe to try with your kids.  They love being able to help unwrap and put the chocolate pieces into the cupcakes, plus they are super excited to share the treat with family and friends.

  • Travel & Vacation: Exploring Hyderabad, India

    Young boy putting sugar cane stocks into a juicer

    Juice from the sugar cane

    You could buy a drink from multiple street vendors who were making sugar cane juice.  Jake and I decided that since there was only one cup and we were not sure about the process it was better to pass on this one although it was fascinating to watch.

    Watering a herd of goats on the side of the road

    It was not uncommon to see a small herd of goats, cows, or chickens on the side of the road.  Sometimes they would be laying under vehicles, on the sidewalk or on hard clay dirt.  There were not a lot of grassy areas in the parts of Hyderabad that we went so the animals would be fed or have to find food various ways (we even saw a few eating out of dumpsters or trash piles).

    Make shift homes on the side of the road

    It was pretty common to see make shift homes like the ones above near the road.  Basically the people didn’t have the means to build or buy a home so they would collect items they found on the side of the road or trash to build a shelter for their family.  Many of these homes were so small and open you could see right through them.

    I did not see a lot of horses in Hyderabad but was able to find this one on a side street

    Brina and Karlie wanted to know if I saw or rode any horses while in Hyderabad.  At least in the city of Hyderabad I only saw a handful of horses.  This one was on a side street and was beautiful so I took a picture of it for the girls.

    Local Bakery in Hyderabad

    Most of the stores and people selling goods to the locals or tourists would set up shop on the side of the road in these little stalls.  Anyone could come to the “market” and shop at the stores along the road.  According to our driver the stores did not open until late morning but would stay open late at night.  Many of the shops would bring everything they could to sell every day and at night they would pack everything up to take it home.  The “stalls” were not rented it was first come first serve so if you wanted to get a good location you would arrive early to set up your store for that day.

    Hyderabad “general store” on the side of the road

    As you can see from part of the sign this is a General Store which sells anything from balls to play dough to toys to chips and more.  The family would set up shop and sit until someone came to shop.  When you came into the store they would try to sell you almost anything while trying to convince you it is a great deal.  Bartering is very common in this area too, although foreigners tend to a pay a premium price.

    Notice the balconies and rooftop

    This building is a combination store set up and apartments for residents.  If you look closely at the picture you will notice that all the balconies (even the top ones) have bars covering the entire opening.  Why?  Because people are desperate enough that they will climb up the building, over the balcony, and break into the apartment to steal.  One of the major problems with these bars covering the balcony is when they have a fire, there is no place to exit other than through the stairwells inside the building which can be dangerous.  Now look at the roof, see the barbed wire at the top.  Why?  If people could climb or get to the top of the roof then they can climb down into the apartments below so they place barb wire at the tops of buildings to help keep the residents and their apartments safe.

    Do you see the spiked object on the front of this car?

    I noticed that on the front of some cars there was a “spiked” object.  After seeing them in a couple different spots where Jake & I were sightseeing I asked about them and found out that these were on the vehicles of government officials.  It really isn’t a spike but an India flag rolled up and on special occasions they will unroll the flag.

    Bicycle loaded down with goods

    The streets were very busy in Hyderabad.  You would see cars, trucks, rigshaws, auto-rigshaws, bicycles, people walking, animals and more.  It was pretty common to see someone pushing a bicycle or cart full of goods down the street.  It looks like this guy is planning to work on plumbing or sell plumbing hardware.

    Roadside market

    They love brightly colored items.  These are two more stores on the side of the road.  You can barely see the divider between them.  One store is selling kids clothing, peacock feathers, and knickknacks and the other store N.K. Store was selling “All Marriage Items and Meena Herbal Powder” according to the sign.

    Hospital in Hyderabad, India

    We wanted to walk through some of the street markets so we parked in the hospitals parking lot.  Next door was a walk-in free health clinic.  Made me very thankful for the health care and hospital we have only minutes from our home in South Carolina.  You will often see people walking with a limp from an earlier injury that they never got medical care for or when they got care it wasn’t set right.

    I saw and experienced so many things during my brief stay in Hyderabad, India.  The people I met and interacted with the regularly were extremely kind, hospitable and generous.  Several times while driving down the street you would have an old man with a missing limb or someone begging you for money.  At one spot as we were walking one lady came up to me, knelt down, held out her hand and said “Sister….Sister…..please help”.  It broke my heart to see so many people pleading for help.  While I couldn’t help everyone it was nice to share what little we had with those around us.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Sweet Sisters

    Brina picking up a duck out of the river so she can toss it back into the water.

    Now that’s one big bubble!

    Sweet sister

  • Teaching Our Children: The Value of Learning

    Jake reading to the girls

    Jake and I have made it a priority to read to our girls because it is such a important skill to help them continue to learn.  It is our desire to read to them or with them every day.    When life gets really busy it doesn’t always happen but it is an activity all of us enjoy.  Many times in the evening Jake will read to them after dinner.  The girls love picking out a book to read, listening to us read, and looking at any pictures that are in the book.

    On this particular day the girls picked out a book about raising and caring for goats for Daddy to read to them (yes there is more to the reason behind them picking out this particular book, I will give more information on this topic soon).  It is so sweet watching Jake read to the girls and hearing all their questions.  Thankful for those opportunities to slow down, sit down, and relax reading with the kids.  Whether it is to spend quality time with your child or you get excited when your child asks the meaning of a new word or you want your child to develop her academic skills the time you spend reading with your child is valuable.

    Here are a few benefits that I have discovered while reading to my kids:

    • Develops a love for reading and a story
    • Improved confidence in school
    • Increased language development
    • Demonstrates a variety communication skills and styles
    • Opens up many new worlds and adventures for them
    • Quality time with you
    • Stimulates their imagination and creativity

    There are many reasons why it is important to read to your children.  As summer vacation quickly approaches I am reminded of the importance of reading with the girls.  When the girls and I are reading a “chapter book” as they call it together they are always asking me to read the next chapter because they are so excited to hear what happens next.  I think the most chapters they convinced me to read in one sitting was seven, I was having a blast following the story too!  I want to encourage you to find ways to incorporate reading into your schedule everyday even over the summer break.  How do you stimulate a healthy and fun reading environment for your kids over summer vacation?

    Daddy reading about “goats” to the girls

    I love Karlie’s intent look and Brina’s crazy listening position.  They make me laugh but also reminds me of the many blessings in my life too!

  • Song: “A Mother’s Prayer” by Celine Dion

    In celebration of Mother’s Day this week I picked out a song about Mother’s.  This song is about the prayer of a Mother for her children as they grow up.  I am thankful for my Mom and everything that she has done in my life.  She is still an encouragement in my life.

    Being a Mom is one of the most rewarding yet challenging roles I have in my life.  The girls are an amazing blessing, however, I find that they tend to stretch my character a little bit too.  It is my prayer that I will be the best Mom I can be for my children and that they will not only see past my faults and failures but more importantly that they will learn to rely on Jesus (who never fails) for their strength and portion every day.

  • Travel & Vacation: Golconda Fort – Hyderabad, India (Part 2)

    At the top of Fort Golconda looking down on the front of the fort and the old city of Hyderabad

    The highest point on Fort Golconda is approximately 394 feet and the exterior wall is 6.2 miles in circumference.  There are four smaller forts within Fort Golconda.

    Fort Golconda had a lot of huge boulders, these two were on the top of the temple area.  The wall in front was a 10 to 15 foot wall and the trees were large.

    Fort Golconda had cannons, drawbridges, royal chambers, temples, mosques, stables, markets, and many other things to see.

    Large India coachroach was running along the wall beside me as I was going down the stairs…..ewww……

    The bottom sole of someone’s shoe laying with some other trash along the path in Fort Golconda. 

    I am convinced that some people literally wear their shoes until the walk right out of them….all that is left laying on the side of the path (in several areas) are the bottoms of their shoes.  Just shoes how random things can be!

    Looking down onto the a section of the Fort Golconda, it was a huge fort! 

    Yes, I walked down several flights of those stairs.  The stairs were steep and uneven but it was a neat experience.  I cant count the number of times Jake and I were stopped inside the Fort to shake someone’s hand, talk with them, and let them take our pictures.   Many of the people we met had never talked or seen with anyone from “The United States of America” and were super excited.  It made me chuckle but also gave a lot of great opportunities to talk with people from the area!

    Looking up to the area where the royalty chamber overlooks the rest of the city

    The rock wall that you see next to the picture is full of many stones, several of them coming lose.  On one of the stairways one of the stones broke lose when Jake was walking by and fell out.

    These are a crazy set of stairs and these are just one set. 

    I cannot imagine all the soldiers during the old days running up and down these stairs in their full gear.  I kept thinking if I fall….I am going to bust out all of my front teeth out.

    The place where the women in the fort went to worship, beautiful!

    It was pretty amazing to look at, I can only imagine how beautiful when it was full of people.

    Ladies Mosque, the men and women had separate places to worship. 

    Most places we went you had to take off your shoes prior to going into a temple.  I am assuming “chappals” must be sandals?

    Men’s place of worship, it looks awesome even after many years!

    Picture taken with ones of the guys we met in Fort Golconda. 

    This picture was after going through the part of the fort that had bats flying around and whispering through the channels in the walls.  Several of the people we met showed some neat parts of the Fort (well….maybe not the bats)

    Delivering the goods in the fort with a tractor

    The clapping portico is a place in the fort that when you stand in a specific spot and clap your hands you can be heard throughout the entire fort.

    If you stand on this tile and clap everyone in the entire fort can hear you. 

    The place this tile was put allowed noise to travel quickly and easily throughout the entire fort even all the way to the top where the royalty chambers were located.  This was one of the ways the soldiers would communicate and alert the royalty of danger.

    We were told that Golconda Fort now does an amazing “Light and Sound” show in the evenings.  They use light, sounds, and narration to tell the history and stories of the Golconda Fort.  Jake and I decided to not go after several friends recommended that we avoid it at night because mosquitoes and bugs were really bad during the evening event.  It would have been neat to see but we figured staying healthy and not getting munched on by bugs was a better choice for us.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Golconda Fort – Hyderabad, India

    Golconda Fort in Hyderabad, India.   The external walls of the Golconda Fort in Hyderabad, India and my “tour guide” (aka Jake) waiting patiently for me to snap a picture.

    Jake and I were able to spend one Saturday and see several places in Hyderabad.  Thankfully we had a great driver that got us from place to place, there was only one spot he wouldn’t let us go by ourselves.  The Golconda fort is over 400 years old and was once famous for its diamond mines.  It is said that the world-renowned “Kohinoor” diamond came from this fort.

    A map of the Golconda Fort, the girls are fascinated with maps!

    We had many people offer to give us a tour of the Fort (some were quite persistent too) but since Jake had gone with a guide previously he knew enough of the details and history to show me around.  The Golconda fort is built on a granite hill and has 8 gates (or Darwazas as they are called in local language).

    Inside the main gate (called Fateh Darwaza )at Golconda Fort

    In the 16th century the Qutub Shahi kings built the Golconda Fort.  The fort was originally called “Golla Konda” in Telegu which is the official state language of Hyderabad.

    Place where they set up a farmer’s market in the fort

    The area next to the market was the gardens where they would grow fruit trees and other vegetation.  When we were there it looked like they had replanted several trees in the gardens.

    The view as we were hiking up Golconda Fort in Hyderabad, India

    The story regarding the fort has been told many different ways and has variations like any piece of history…..  Around 1143 a shepherd boy found an idol in the rocky hill called ‘Mangalavaram’ which was given to the king, Kakatiya,  who built a mud fort. Over the next 60 plus years the Qutub Shahi rulers transformed the original mud fort into a beautiful granite wonder. Golconda Fort remained a marvelous granite fortress until the Mughals invaded and plundered the fort.

    The “Queen’s Pool” at Golconda Fort. 

    Pretty massive pool, not sure if it was used as a pool or a water retention for the rainy season or both.  We went to the first in the early morning because while we were in Hyderabad the temperatures were getting over 100 degrees with humidity and not always any breeze.  Thankfully they had trees planted along the way so we could enjoy a little bit of shade as we hiked up the fort.

    Looking through the fort to the city of Hyderabad below us

    It was pretty amazing thinking about how much time and energy it must have taken to build this huge fort.  The fort overlooks the old city of Hyderabad.

    There are stray dogs everywhere and since one of Jake’s co-workers got bit by a wild stray dog (and had to go to the hospital) I decide it was safer to give the dogs a pretty wide path….you never know! 

    This dog was actually looked pretty healthy but I wasn’t taken any chances.

    Entrance to the Sri Jagadamba Mahankali Temple inside Fort Golconda

    The sign lists the people on the “trust board” for this particular temple.  The temples were one spot that I didn’t notice any litter and seemed to have people in the area watching the activity going on in the temple.

    Jagadamba Temple inside Fort Golconda

    We had to take off our shoes to go up to see this temple.   The guy is currently lighting the candles and preparing the area for the next worship.  It broke my heart seeing people praying, worshiping, and giving to this idol (and to many other idols throughout our trip)…..they have to work hard to “earn favor” and good standing from this idol made out of rock.

    An altar where they burn incense and hang items to bring good luck before entering the Jagadamba Temple. 

    Seeing this brings tears to my eyes.  The people I met were amazing, kind, and generous yet this altar is a reminder of how traditional Indian religion affects many generations.

    I was amazed at all the liter inside the Fort which is a historical monument. 

    This made me appreciate those who work hard to keep our national parks and monuments clean.  On the flip side there were not a lot of places to dispose of your trash.  Many of the local people will go completely barefoot even on the hot stones or rocky ground.  I lost count of the number of shoe soles I found laying along the paths like the person literally walked in their shoes until they fell off their feet.

    Entering the royalty chambers of Fort Golconda.

    I bet it was pretty amazing during its height season, wouldn’t it be neat to get a glimpse of what it looked like during that time!

    India wild “squirrel” oh how Skipper would have loved to chase this one scurrying around looking for food in Fort Golconda

    Aw….we found a trash can with the words “Use Me” written on it….funny part is there is trash all around it but not much in it!

    Hyderabad has several official languages, one of them being English. Thankfully almost everyone we met could speak English so it was fairly easy to have a conversation with people and they were eager to talk with us too.  I did notice that the men and boys would walk right up to us shake our hand and talk.  The women and girls were much more reserved, often times I would feel someone looking at us or hear giggles, if I made eye contact or extended the invitation to start the conversation only then would the majority of women speak to us.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!