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Teaching Our Children: The Value of Learning

Jake reading to the girls

Jake and I have made it a priority to read to our girls because it is such a important skill to help them continue to learn.  It is our desire to read to them or with them every day.    When life gets really busy it doesn’t always happen but it is an activity all of us enjoy.  Many times in the evening Jake will read to them after dinner.  The girls love picking out a book to read, listening to us read, and looking at any pictures that are in the book.

On this particular day the girls picked out a book about raising and caring for goats for Daddy to read to them (yes there is more to the reason behind them picking out this particular book, I will give more information on this topic soon).  It is so sweet watching Jake read to the girls and hearing all their questions.  Thankful for those opportunities to slow down, sit down, and relax reading with the kids.  Whether it is to spend quality time with your child or you get excited when your child asks the meaning of a new word or you want your child to develop her academic skills the time you spend reading with your child is valuable.

Here are a few benefits that I have discovered while reading to my kids:

  • Develops a love for reading and a story
  • Improved confidence in school
  • Increased language development
  • Demonstrates a variety communication skills and styles
  • Opens up many new worlds and adventures for them
  • Quality time with you
  • Stimulates their imagination and creativity

There are many reasons why it is important to read to your children.  As summer vacation quickly approaches I am reminded of the importance of reading with the girls.  When the girls and I are reading a “chapter book” as they call it together they are always asking me to read the next chapter because they are so excited to hear what happens next.  I think the most chapters they convinced me to read in one sitting was seven, I was having a blast following the story too!  I want to encourage you to find ways to incorporate reading into your schedule everyday even over the summer break.  How do you stimulate a healthy and fun reading environment for your kids over summer vacation?

Daddy reading about “goats” to the girls

I love Karlie’s intent look and Brina’s crazy listening position.  They make me laugh but also reminds me of the many blessings in my life too!