
  • Travel & Vacation: Visiting Belize City, Belize

    'Room service and breakfast on the balcony.  Great way to start off a new day!'

    Visiting Belize City, Belize! We had a wonderful day learning about the country of Belize, seeing the area, going to Jaguar Park (thankfully we didn’t run into any real jaguars), going zip lining, and floating through massive caves on an inner-tube. Plus a great time that evening on the ship at dinner and the shows. It was a fun day!

    'Our friend the pirate!  We tried a different brand of sunblock today, it was not our favorite because it was so greasy.  Jake wiped most of his off, but I still look all oiled up from it!'
    Look out Belize here we come!
    'My hot man!'
    My Handsome!  Love this guy so much!
    'Sunblock on...check, hat on....check, swimsuit on....check, camera packed....check! Ready for our Belize adventures!'
    Excited to go
    'Jake all geared up and ready for take off on the zip line!'
    My Handsome getting ready to fly through the trees.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Exploring Cozumel, Mexico

    'Good morning sunshine!'

    Beautiful ocean sunrise in Mexico!

    Exploring Cozumel, Mexico! We had a blast sight seeing, meeting people, shopping, and going Snorkeling at 3 different reefs during our day in Mexico. We even got to talk with the girls for a tiny bit because we got cell phone service while walking through the area!

    'We had a little stow away on the balcony.  The bird stayed there for over a day.  Whenever we came out on the balcony it would just hop around our of our way.  Guess it thought we weren't too much of a threat.'
    This little guy caught a ride on our balcony and stayed there for several hours.
    'Port security worker telling us about the bird he is holding.  I even got to pet it, super cool!'
    Talking with one of the security guards about the bird he was holding.
    Ready to go on our snorkeling adventure.
    'My man all ready for our adventure!'
    I get to check out Mexico with this hot guy!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Cruising the Gulf of Mexico

    'Love this guy!'

    15 years and counting!

    We cruised the Gulf of Mexico on our 2nd day of our 15th Anniversary Celebration! We woke up to a beautiful sunrise, explored the ship, played card games on the balcony, tested our surf boarding skills, tried a round of Bingo, took a nap, ate amazing food, saw a gorgeous sunset, went to shows and more fun. Thankfully I married a man that not only loves me, but has a large amount of patience!!! It was our first formal diner night and I “attempted to do a new hairstyle” (let’s just say it didn’t turn out great after over an hour working on it so I went back to my usual style for that night).

    'Hanging out with my man!'
    Loved having a balcony!
    'He is such a sweetheart and even played a round of Bingo with me.'
    My bingo partner!  He was a good one and was only 1 away from winning a free cruise!  Thankful for the extra time with this man!
    'Heading out to dinner with my Handsome Man!'
    Hanging out on the ship for the evening with this awesome man!  He looked amazing!
    'Love waking up to a beautiful sunrise in the morning!'

    We enjoyed watching both the sunrises and sunsets from the balcony.  Gorgeous and peaceful!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: 15th Anniversary Cruise on Royal Caribbean’s Navigator of the Seas

    'We went on Royal Caribbean's Navigator of the Seas!'
    Thankful for an opportunity to get away with my man for our 15th Anniversary Celebration! Our first day cruising!  Royal Caribbean’s Navigator of the Seas.
    'We made it on board!'
    Ready for take off!
    'Our first anniversary celebration meal on the ship!'
    First dinner on the ship!
    'Thankful for the extra time with Jake!'
    Loved my time with my Handsome man!
    'It was great hanging out together!'
    It is hard to believe it has been 15 years.  Thankful for this amazing man who loves me despite my craziness!


    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Space Center Houston, Texas

    Our trip to Texas! Space Center Houston and Galveston. Jake and I had a great time exploring the area.

    'Cool display at Space Center Houston'
    We would love to take the girls to Houston, TX sometime with us so they could see the Houston Space Center.  Karlie especially would love it!
    'Checking out the neat equipment at Space Center Houston!'
    Jake by a piece of the Saturn 5
    'Yes, I got to touch a piece of a moon rock!  So cool! :)'
    Touching a moon rock.  Sweet!
    'Wall of all the astronauts!'
    Wall of astronauts and various missions.
    'The newest Mission Control Center for NASA!  Awesome!'
     Watching the actual ISS from the Mission Control Center.
    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!
  • Flashback Friday: 1st Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

    Our 1st Pumpkin - Karlie and Brina (Oct. 2005 - 8 Months)c

     So proud of their pumpkin!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back 10 years when the girls went to their first pumpkin patch.  They were so excited to check out the pumpkins.  They didn’t like the feel of the prickly hay and grass on their feet, but were fascinated by the pumpkin and it’s stem.

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie both wanted to hold the stemc

     Investigating the pumpkin

    Mommy and the girls checking out their pumpkin - Brina and Karliec

     It was like a cool new toy to Brina and Karlie

    Daddy and his girls at the pumpkin patch - Karlie and Brinac

     Jake and his sweet girls Karlie and Brina

    Daddy, Karlie and Brina at the pumpkin patchc

    Karlie and Brina hanging out with Daddy at the pumpkin patch

    The whole crew at the pumpkin patchc

    Our 1st pumpkin patch adventure as a family of four.

  • Travel & Vacation: Animals at the Denver Zoo (Denver, CO)

    Travel & Vacation - Colorado - Denver Zoo - P1370270c

     Elephant on the move

    Our kids love animals.  On one of our trips to Colorado we had an opportunity to go to the Denver Zoo with extended family.  The kids had a blast.  It was neat seeing all the different animals, going to show, learning about the zoo animals, activities, and so much more.  Thankful for a chance to go to the Denver Zoo with the kids.

    If your family enjoys Zoo’s and you are in the Denver, Coloardo area you should check this one out.  They have a lot of animals to see.  The shows and activities are fun and very educational for the kids.


     Hanging around and watching all the people walking by


     Decided to make a move and head the other direction


     Two of them moving along the rope now


     Rhino munching on its hay.


    We watched the penguin demonstration.  They were happy to get treats!


    Found something tasty to eat1


    Elephant Show, this elephant was only a few feet in front of us.  I was just hoping it wasn’t going to spray us.  If you are at the Denver Zoo I highly recommend the elephant show, it was really neat.  Kids and adults really enjoyed it!


    Getting ready for the next act!


    Getting ready to bow for the audience!


    Didn’t want to look at us.


    What animal is this!?


    If you guess “camel” in the picture above you are correct.  Never saw a camel lay down like that before.


    This camel is either all stretched out or doing it’s yoga for the day!


    Pretty giraffe’s hanging out together in the shade.


    Sea lions swimming around!


    Beautiful white arctic fox hiding in the log


    Capybara still wet from his swim


    Big snake….no a big fan of snakes so thankful when they are behind glass.

    Travel & Vacation - Denver - CO - Cozy Cow Dairy - Colorado - P1370494c

    Gorgeous zebras enjoying some treats!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Flashback Friday: Celebrating & Fun with Family

    Flashback Friday - Brina reaching for Rachel's cakec

     Brina trying to steal a piece of Rachel’s birthday cake!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to September 2005 when the girls were eight months old.  We celebrated my brother Lee’s birthday with several of our cousins who were still going to college in town.  The girls learned how hold their bottles on their own.  They loved being silly and playing together.  They could easily make each other laugh.

    Brina watching Uncle Lee playing with her toyc

     Brina hanging out with cousins Rachel, Alecia, and Jordan.

    Everyone enjoying a game of Cranium at Lee's Birthday Partyc

     Playing a game….fun times!

    Karlie liking the cool whipc

     Daddy gave Karlie a bite of Uncle Lee’s birthday cake.  He let her lick off one of the candles.

    Opps, Karlie has cool whip on her nosec

     Ummm….Karlie….I think you might have some frosting on your nose.

    Flashback Friday - They think they are so funny - Brina and Karliec

     They think they are so funny…silly girls playing around before drinking their bottles – Brina & Karlie

    Brina loving her treasurec

     Brina happy and playing on the floor

    Karlie smiling for the camerac

    Karlie smiling at all the fun toys around her

    Flashback Friday - Brina checking out the walls, Karlie still trying to figure out what's going onc

     Two babies in a bucket, they were ok with this until Jake spun them around.  Then both Brina and Karlie didn’t like it.

    Brina with her feet up on Karlie's walkerc

    Brina in the Johnny Jump Up with her feet on Karlie’s walker tray.  They thought they were so funny in this position!

    Flashback Friday - Karlie thinks she is funny with the bull's eye stuck on her nosec

    Karlie you have a bulls eye target stuck to your nose.  She didn’t care.

    Flashback Friday - Brina so proud of herselfc

    Brina laughing and making some noise.

    Brina thought she was so funnyc

     Silly Brina it’s time to get dressed not time for playing!

    Morning bottles - Brina and Karliec

    This was a big moment for them.  They officially can hold their own bottles.  It was an exciting and sad day for Mommy.  I was glad they could do it and it saved me a lot of extra time, but I did miss some of the morning snuggles with them.    I was able to squeeze in plenty throughout the day though.

    Karlie really enjoying the book Guess How Much I Love Youc

    Daddy and Karlie reading a book together.  Karlie LOVED reading books!

    Flashback Friday - Brina so pleased with her slick blue ballc

     Brina was thrilled to find the blue ball and that she could pick it up and throw it by herself.

  • Flashback Friday: Silly Girls, Dargo, and a Fall Festival

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie watching Daddy, he just brought out the trainc

    Watching Daddy bring in a train toy!  What is it!?  Looks like fun!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to when the girls were 8 months old.  They would get so excited to play with various toys.  If you pulled out a new toy that they haven’t seen before they would eagerly check it out.  The hard part was when both wanted to play with it at the same time.  They were pretty good at sharing back and forth with only a few exceptions at this point.  If one would take a toy away the other one would just play with another one, no big deal.

    Choo, choo, here comes the train - Brina and Karliec

    Fascinated by the moving and musical Mickey Mouse train – Karlie and Brina.

    Isn't life just GRAND - Brina and Karliec

    Goofy girls – Brina and Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Karlie being silly with her shirtc

    Karlie loved to “talk” with you as you changed her clothes.  Her little babbling and smiles were so cute.

    They could play no more, but they are still clutching the toys they were playing with - Karlie and Brinac

    We have one thumb sucker (Karlie) and one two finger sucker (Brina)….oh boy.  At first we thought it was “cute” until it was time to break them of it.  You can take away a pacifier, but it is a little more difficult with fingers…

    Flashback Friday - Brina - oh my Dargo what big teeth you havec

    “Dargo what big nose and teeth you have!” – Brina

    Dargo and Brina face off as Karlie provides a head rest for Dargoc

    Dargo thought Karlie’s belly was the perfect chin rest.  He was so gentle with the girls.  They could do anything to him and he would just lay there enjoying the attention.  He was a big black lab, but was so sweet with the girls.

    Karlie gets sleepy as Brina and Dargo continue to playc

    Karlie more interested in relaxing, but Brina wants to talk and play with Dargo

    Karlie proud of her stashc

    Where are my Oreos?!  Sneaky Karlie….  She had no idea it was food and was more interested in the crinkling of the container.

    Flashback Friday - Brina looking prettyc

    I wonder who has been watching Brina…..  Daddy put the stickers on her face and it didn’t bother her at all.

    Karlie and Brina with address label stickersc

    My sweet babies, Brina and Karlie, playing away and totally ok with the stickers on their faces.  Don’t worry we didn’t leave them on long.  They weren’t easily upset by that type of stuff.

    Happy Karliec

    Happy Karlie Kool Kat

    Karlie enjoying her toy and Brina smiling at herc

    They loved any toys that made noise.  It was hilarious when they discovered it made noise for the first time.  They both stop and stare at it confused by the noise. Karlie proud of her noise making skills and Brina watching.

    Flashback Friday - Brina waiting for her fishing teasure at the George's Creek Fall Festivalc

    Their 1st local Fall Festival.  They were fascinating just watching all the activities around them.  Karlie got a flower and Brina got a butterfly painted on their face.  They did much better with this face painting session.

    Karlie won a pumpkin door prize and Brina instantly stole it from hercc

    Karlie won a stuffed pumpkin door prize.  As soon as they handed it to her Brina immediately swiped it to investigate it further.  Karlie didn’t care she was having fun.

    Pretty smiling Karliec

    Karlie giving us a winning smile.

    Brina and Karlie loving the adventurec

    Brina and Karlie shrieking and laughing as Daddy lifted them up in the air.  They thought it was so much fun playing with Daddy!

    Brina and Karlie playing nicely nowc

    They spent most of their time at home when they were eating or sleeping playing – Brina and Karlie

    Thieves - someone always wants what the other one has - Brina and Karliec

    Brina wants the cool toy Karlie is currently playing with.   Thankful that the were pretty good about sharing.

  • Flashback Friday: Hanging Out At Home

    Flashback Friday - Awful lot of talking and moving for quiet nap time - Karlie and Brinac

    Two little critters, Karlie and Brina, who are talking, laughing, and giggling when it is suppose to be nap time.

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back on October 2005 when the girls were 8 months old.  They have started babbling a lot more and discovered that they could get our attention when they shriek.  Brina especially had a shrill screech she would make followed by lots of giggles.  The first time she did it she surprised herself so of course she decided to just do it more.

    They are happy babies.  We tried to do some fun Fall activities with them this year.  They didn’t understand everything we were doing, but were always up for an adventure.  They were my little cuddle bugs.  Love my sweet girls.

    We love our books - oh yeah - Karlie and Brinac

     Karlie and Brina very excited about the cool John Deere books Daddy brought home for them!  

    Flashback Friday - Brina getting excited and doing her screechesc

    Brina giving one of her shrill screeches….wish I could transfer it into an audio on this picture.

    Karlie giving us a smilec

    Karlie is all smiles as she plays

    Brina is talking this morningc

    Brina talking with Mommy.  While I couldn’t understand what she was saying at this point she loved to happily chat away.

    Karlie loving lifec

    Karlie cutting some more teeth and drooling like crazy, but still a sweet happy baby.

    Brina up close and trying to steal the camerac

    Brina decided that she was going to steal my camera

    Karlie proud to be in charge of Mommy's cupc

    Karlie in charge of Mommy’s water cup, so proud of her big girl duty!  She didn’t even tip it.

    Flashback Friday - Brina on her cool ridec

    Brina loves the riding toys!  Anything to keep moving!

    Hey, what's up doc - Karliec

    What’s up Karlie rabbit!  Not sure about these glasses Mom!

    Sleepy Brinac

    Brina our little two finger sucker.

    Flashback Friday - Daddy's coming back from his first work trip to Plano, TXc

    Daddy’s first work trip away since the girls were born to Plano, Texas!  It was so good to have him back home again.

    Flashback Friday - Awake and ready for their 1st Halloween - Karlie and Brinac

    They are so happy first thing in the morning.  It is cute hearing giggles from their crib in the mornings – Karlie and Brina

    Brina and Karlie taking a nap so they can go out on Halloween nightc

    Brina and Karlie crashed in their seats

    Brina chewing away as Karlie smilesc

    Playing is one of their favorite activities!  Brina chewing on a toy and Karlie looking up to smile at Mommy!