
  • Travel & Vacation: Cold Hollow Cider Mill Tour (Waterbury, VT)

    Apple Cider Mill

    On the way back to the airport we made a stop at the Cold Hollow Cider Mill in Waterbury, Vermont.  We were hoping to do a tour but we didn’t time it quite right.  It was really great going through the apple cider mill.  The girls had a lot of fun following the apples to the cider press, seeing all the cool machines, reading about the process, and drinking the homemade apple cider.

    Welcome to the Cold Hollow Cider Mill!

    The girls loved watching the bees make honey

    The girls thought this sign was hilarious

    Apple cider press

    Big container of apple cider

    A bunch of flattened apples, interesting (yup)!

    Apple Cider Mill

    Fresh Apple Cider Doughnut

    Karlie enjoying her apple cider doughnuts!

    Brina eating her apple cider doughnut

  • Travel & Vacation: Ben & Jerry’s Factory Tour (Waterbury, VT)

    Ben & Jerry’s Factory Tour

    On our way back to the airport in Vermont we made a quick stop by the Ben & Jerry’s Factory in Waterbury, Vermont.  The girls found the tour fascinating and they especially liked the ice cream sample at the end! 🙂  The factory we visited makes all the pint size ice cream for Ben & Jerry’s.  They do 160,000 containers of one flavor every day.  If I remember right they were making “Coffee Caramel Buzz” the day that we went through the factory.  We couldn’t take pictures while we were actually in the factory but here are some of the highlights.  If you are every in that area it is a pretty fun and quick tour to go on with the kids.

    We parked in front of a neat “Infarmation” sign that describes the steps for making Ben & Jerry’s ice cream

    Do you see what the big containers are labeled in front of Jake and Brina?  From left to right – Sugar, Milk, Milk, Cream, and Cream (definitely an ice cream factory)

    We all got a good laugh from this one!  It is the “original Vermont fly swatter”.  It is a stuffed cow tail.

    Display with pint size containers of Ben & Jerry’s euphoric flavors

    Karlie and Brina loved exploring and learning all the neat things about the Ben & Jerry’s factory. They especially enjoyed their “Hot Chocolate” ice cream sample! 🙂

  • Travel & Vacation: Visiting Our Grandparents (part 2)

    The girls had a wonderful time up in Vermont with Grandma Kay and Irish.  Thankful for an opportunity to spend some time with Jake’s Mom and grandparents.

    Earlier this year we were able to fly up to Vermont to spend a long weekend with Jake’s Mom and grandparents.  We were blessed to have a good trip, plenty of snow, safe travels, good memories, and lots of fun. The girls weren’t ready to go home when the weekend was over, but it was time to get back to school again.  The day we left was the coldest day, but we ran outside for a few quick pictures before we had to head back to the airport!

    Hanging out with Nana and PopPop in Vermont (aka Grams and Gramps)!  Karlie and Brina had a blast.  We took this picture on the front porch right next to the big snowdrift!

    Last morning in Vermont, we had a great trip!

    Karlie’s card that she made for Grandma Kay. Very cute, I especially like the creative “pop-out” heart!

    When we came down that morning this is what we caught Karlie doing…yup, playing a game on Grandma’s Kay cell phone.  Somebody got them hooked on it the night before!

    And what do you think Brina was doing at the same time?!  Yes, Grandma had introduced Brina to a new game and she was hooked within the first few seconds of playing!  Oh boy!

    Daddy, Brina, and Karlie building some cool items

    Sweet Nana and PopPop

  • Travel & Vacation: Visiting Our Grandparents

    Playing in the sun room

    We recently had an opportunity to go to Vermont and spend some time with Jake’s family.  The girls had a blast playing games, doing puzzles, reading books, and more!  They thought it was awesome having a dog in the house too and loved leading Irish around as well as learning how to give her various commands.  It was a nice relaxing weekend with Jake’s Mom and grandparents.  Thankful for a chance to spend time with them and have fun.

    Brina hanging out near the stove with Irish.  Hmmm….seems like Irish should be the one in that bed?   She thought Irish’s bed was a soft place to sit.  Irish was a good sport and didn’t seem to mind sharing.

    Craft time!  The girls loved doing crafts and were often found at the table cutting, gluing, coloring and more!

    Jake and Gramps – Wonder what they are up to now!?

    We made a stop by Eatons Sugar House in South Royalton, Vermont

    Glad to see the bridge is back up and working again.  It was taken out with a flood over a year ago

    The river looks a little icy today, don’t think anyone wants to go tubing this time

    PopPop looking great

  • Travel & Vacation: Celebrating in Vermont

    Birthday cake!  Doesn’t the birthday cake look beautiful?!  Grandma Kay made the cake and did the main layer of frosting and Brina added all the colorful frosting and goodies to the cake.  It looked pretty and tasted delicious! 🙂

    The girls had a four day birthday weekend since they didn’t have school on Friday or Monday so we made a quick trip up to Vermont to spend some time with Jake’s Mom and grandparents.  We celebrated the girls birthday during our visit which was a lot of fun.  The girls enjoyed spending time with their grandparents.  It was a great trip packed full of a lot of good memories.  Grandma Kay gave Brina some good tips on cake decorating which Brina loved (she was tickled pink that Grandma let her decorate their birthday cake).

     Brina decorating her and Karlie’s birthday cake

    Karlie all smiles. While Brina was decorating the birthday cake Karlie was happily picking up the toys and cleaning.

    Brina loves helping in the kitchen, decorating the birthday cake was a big hit with her

    Karlie discovered a cool toy in Grandma’s stash while cleaning up!  She thought the helicopter was pretty amazing!

    Grandma Kay showing Brina how to do another neat trick with the frosting!

    Sweet girl having fun

    Brina so proud of her decorated cake

    Karlie having fun!

    Brina had extra frosting so Grandma let her decorate some cookies.  Daddy eating one of the cookies Brina just frosted.

    Happy Birthday Sweet Girls!

    Look whose eight!  Grandma Kay found some really cool number 8 balloons that the girls loved!

  • Heart Reflections: How do they do it?

    How do kids wear their clothes on backwards and not even notice it?  As an adult I would be so uncomfortable…..if I accidentally put my shirt on backwards it drives me nuts until was fixed.  When the girls were younger they would go an entire day at school with their shirt or pants on backwards and it didn’t bother them (even after several requests from me to correct the clothing). They didn’t have the extra motivation to switch it around because they really didn’t mind it being backwards.  It was rather hilarious seeing slipper slide marks and grass stains when they were going through the wash since they had worn them backwards all day.

    Recently I re-read a book that I had read many years ago.  When I read it years ago I loved the book.  I still enjoyed the book but there were pieces that stood out to me much more this time around, not necessarily because I missed it the first time around but because of the journey my life has taken the emotions the people in the book feel more real.

    I noticed those one or two sentences in the book where someone expressed sadness because they could not have children.  Read my  Loosening My Grip: Why Can’t I Get Pregnant series if you want to learn about our story.  I was disappointed and even sad when the characters in the book faced other hardships similar to those trials that I have gone through.  Many years ago when I first read this book it didn’t bother me because I didn’t have such a personal connection to what the people were going through.

    Now after all these years and many trials later it is more emotional to read the story.  Much like the girls when they were younger wearing their clothes inside out, it really didn’t bother them too much because they really didn’t know what it was suppose to feel like.  Over time they learned that wearing clothes backwards was uncomfortable much like those trials we go through that much us uncomfortable.

    Maybe….just….maybe God has us go through certain situations that make us uncomfortable so later when we encounter another person going through a similar trial we can be an encouragement to them.  We can cheer them on, share our story, and be a blessing to them during a hard time.  Isn’t that what life’s about anyway?  Using our gifts, talents, and what we have learned to make a positive impact on the lives of people around us.  Is there someone in your life that you can be an encouragement to today?

  • Travel & Vacation: Snow Days (part 2)

    Karlie hanging out in the snow fort

    The girls were so happy to have time every day to play in the snow while we were in Vermont.  We went sledding, on walks, built a snow fort, started a little fire, had a snowball fight, made snow angels and more!  We were thankful to have some time with family up in Vermont this winter.  It was a relaxing time full of great memories!

    Brina getting ready to do a snow angel

    Karlie working on her snow angel

    Brina sliding down this hill without a sled just on her bottom

    Karlie collecting sticks

  • Travel & Vacation: Snow Days

    Jake walking through the woods with his girls.  This area had changed a lot since we had been there last (besides the snow) there was a clearing were the loggers had been.

    The girls had a grand time exploring the area.  We took several walks that let to the river or other places nearby.   A couple times we stopped to take a break or they got pulled on the sled but for the most part they kept up.  We even built a snowman this year which was a lot of fun.  Little pieces of the snowman (mouth, nose, etc…) started falling off throughout the weekend but he remained standing even as we were getting ready to leave.

    Grandma Kay and Irish leading the way

    The river looks a little chilly! The last time we were in Vermont we were swimming and splashing around in it.

    Daddy and Karlie chatting


    Daddy and Karlie working on a snowman


    Brina decided she was too cold so she went inside with Grandma and watched from the window

    Karlie being silly!

    Daddy and Karlie by the snowman

  • Travel & Vacation: Sledding in Vermont (part 2)

    Karlie sledding right past me, giggling the whole time

    The girls had a BLAST sledding in Vermont.  They tried out several spots for sledding.  The snow was beautiful and the weather was perfect.  They didn’t even complain about carrying their sleds back up the hills.

    Brina zooming past me on the steep slope

    Daddy’s coming down now!

    Mommy is having a blast sledding too!

    Brina all bundled up and sledding down the hill again

    Karlie came to an abrubt stop when she hit a tree.  Somehow she was the only one all weekend that hit a tree and she managed to get snagged on more than one!

    There goes Brina Bee again!

  • Travel & Vacation: Sledding in Vermont

    Brina got some air on that ride down!

    The girls were excited to make up a trip North to Vermont this winter.  They have been waiting to go sledding all winter and with us being in South Carolina we haven’t had any good sledding weather.  The girls spent hours outside over the long weekend playing in the snow and sledding.  We found some great places to go sledding!

    Karlie kicking up some extra snow on her trip down the hill

    Brina is ready for sledding

    Karlie had some interesting stops on the sled

    Going for a sled ride, the girls are really excited!  Oh my, I  think Karlie is getting ready to throw a snow ball right at me.

    Here comes Brina!  Look Out!

    Here comes Karlie!