
  • Travel & Vacation: Dolphin Show at SeaWorld (Orlando, FL)

    So beautiful and graceful

    One of the other highlights at SeaWorld was the Dolphin Show.  It was really neat watching the dolphins gliding through the water, jumping, and interacting with the people.  Amazing creatures and fascinating to watch!

    Another show at SeaWorld

    This show is with Dolphins!

    Part of the Dolphin Show, pretty neat!

    The Dolphin came up for his treat

    Standing up on two dolphins, that’s neat!

    These dolphins are well trained

    This Dolphin looks like it is having fun


    Beautiful animals

  • Travel & Vacation: SeaWorld (Orlando, FL – Part 2)

    Yes, those are sharks swimming above our heads!

    We had a blast at SeaWorld!  🙂  There were so many amazing things to see and explore.  The kids had a grand time and are still talking about all the neat stuff they got to do at SeaWorld.  Thankful for friends and an opportunity to hang out with them for a few days.

    WWatching Stingrays swimming above our heads

    Giant starfish

    There are four strange fish in that fish tank!

    Ice cream break!

    Sweet girl

    A cold and delicious treat!

    Going for another ride

    Everyone had fun on that one!

  • Travel & Vacation: Seals at SeaWorld (Orlando, FL)

    A seal sitting up on the tank.  The seals were very entertaining!

    The seals were loud and amusing to watch.  We watched people feeding the seals.  The birds kept trying to steal the fish treats before the seals to could it or would quickly grab a treat if it was dropped.  They were very entertaining to watch!

    This bird was hanging out near the seals area and would try to grab a snack whenever people tried to feed the seals

    Looking for a treat

    Catching some sun

    Hanging out on the edge to catch a few sun rays (and maybe a snack or two)

    A couple seals barking and begging for some treats!

    Both the bird and seal are waiting for a snack

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Shamu Killer Whale Show at SeaWorld (Orlando, FL)

    Kids on the move at Sea World

    The kids were super excited to go to the Shamu Killer Whale Show at SeaWorld.  Of course, they all wanted to sit in the “splash zone” so that they could get sprayed by the whales.  I think the adults got the most spray, but we all have a blast. It was amazing watching them glide through the water.  They are so big and beautiful!

    Beautiful creatures!

    Amazing killer whale show at Sea World!

    The girls were absolutely fascinated by the Shamu show

    Shamu orca killer whale show at Sea World

    Shamu the killer whale show


    These killer whales were mesmerizing to watch

  • Travel & Vacation: SeaWorld (Orlando, FL)

    We made it to SeaWorld! 🙂

    A few months ago our family was able to go to Florida and visit some great friends that lived there.  One of the days we were in Florida we spent at SeaWorld.  The girls LOVED it!  It was so much fun exploring SeaWorld with friends.

    Got their maps out and a mission to have fun!

    Our troop at Sea World, we had a great time!

    Girlies trying to see who can lean up against the ice cap the longest!

    The polar bear was swimming

    Fun at Sea World with friends

  • Heart Reflections: The Powerful Impact of Words

    Let no corrupt communication come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. –  Ephesians 4:29

    Ouch!  This is a hard one at times…  I read this verse a few days ago and I have continued to think about it as I plunge into another busy week.  Sometimes we forget how powerful of an impact our words have on others.  Are we encouraging our family and friends with kind words or we doing damage?

    It is hard to be positive and encouraging all the time.  Often I find myself regretting the words I spoke immediately after they were said.  Speaking poorly about another person does no good and in reality it only makes me look bad.  Complaining about the little inconveniences in my life only shows my discontent heart.  How I am suppose to be a shining light in a dark world, if my words are just as hurtful or hateful as the next persons?

    We are all human.  We make mistakes.  Things will happen that offend and upset us.  It feels natural to get defensive or to lash out against those who hurt us.  I find it very difficult to control my words especially when it comes to children (any kids, not just my own).  I think part of that is the mothering instinct, however, it is wise to consider our words prior to opening our mouths.  At times it may be best to wait to discuss something big after you’ve had time to pray about it and when it is more convenient for all parties involved.

    Will you pray with me asking God to give us the words to speak that may be good for building up and give grace to those who hear?  Let’s try with God’s help to be positive, encouraging, and speak kindly.  We don’t know what is going on in the hearts and lives of those around us but if we can control our tongue we may have more opportunities to be a blessing and make a positive impact on the life of someone else.

  • Birthday Celebration (part 2)

    Happy Birthday Brina & Karlie

    We were actually traveling on the girls actual birthday (they had a great time visiting their grandparents in Vermont).  After we got back from our trip we scheduled a birthday party for the friends and family in our area.  It was held at the Upstate Children’s Museum.  The girls had a blast playing at the Children’s Museum with their family and friends.  It was a great place to have a birthday celebration!

    Karlie having fun at the Children’s Museum

    Brina shopping at the Children’s Museum


    Karlie having fun at the Children’s Museum

    Daddy and Brina building a structure

    Karlie having a blast

    Daddy and Brina playing the Turn the Lights Off game

    Karlie made a giant “K” out of the light brights

  • Birthday Celebration

    Our Sweet Brina

    The weekend after we got back in town we took the girls to Outback for their birthday lunch.  It was nice to have a quiet lunch with them, talk, and celebrate their birthday.  I still cannot believe my girls are growing up so quickly.  There is so much to be thankful for in our lives.

    Our Karlie girl

    Brina giggling…always love hearing my girls laugh!

    Sweet Karlie with a big smile

    Sirloin tips and fries, can’t ask for a better birthday dinner at Outback! 🙂  The girls both wanted steak for their birthday lunch.

    Brina’s little gift to Karlie.  Love that she wrote a cute message to Karlie  – “I love you!”  I took each of them out at different times to pick out a gift for their sister.  Brina used her money to go to Goodwill and pick out a bunch of used “chapter” books for Karlie to read. It was so cute helping her look through the books and pick out ones Karlie would like.  Karlie was very surprised Brina found so many books and been enjoying reading them.

    Karlie’s “secret” birthday message to Brina.  It says “K(arlie) L(oves) Y(ou) Brina!”  Karlie picked up some really cute crafts for Brina.  Brina has been found painting and doing a variety of crafts over the past few weeks!

    Aw…Karlie got a gift from Brina

    My Handsome Man!  Enjoying some time with his girls!

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    Last week was the typical hurricane of activities from work, volunteering, tutoring, car searching, and more.  It was really nice to have Jake in town for the entire week, glad he didn’t have to travel.  The girls are looking forward to Easter and their upcoming Spring Break!

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Read Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the girls (Book 7)
    2. Read Imagination Station: Attack at the Arena by Marianne Hering and Paul McCusker (Book 2) – working on it
    3. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    4. Daily School Activities & Homework Completed
    5. Attend After School Activities
    6. Plan one special Activity with the Family
    7. Volunteer One Day at Girls School
    8. Easter activity & celebration
    9. Get together with Family and/or Friends

    Personal Goals

    1. Exercise at least 5 days this week – did three days!
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    3. Continue my YouVersion plan(s)staying up to date
    4. Finish reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp – on hold briefly
    5. Finish reading Overcoming Dyslexia by M.D. Sally Shaywitz (someone gave me this to read) – making headway

    Home Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Pay all upcoming bills

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    3. Work completed for clients

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch
    2. Write and Send Out Community Group Email
    3. Send out Alms & Legs Meeting Notes

    Financial Goals

    1. Groceries $40 for 4 – didn’t keep the reciepts or take pictures during the busy week, but I was able to stock up on meat
    2. Payoff the Van – working on it
    3. Pay medical bills in full – got a few paid off, still working on the rest
    4. Complete 2012 Taxes – YAY! (and we already got our federal refund back)!

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Read These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the girls (Book 8)
    2. Read Imagination Station: Attack at the Arena by Marianne Hering and Paul McCusker (Book 2)
    3. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    4. Daily School Activities & Homework Completed
    5. Attend After School Activities
    6. Plan one special Activity with the Family
    7. Volunteer One Day at Girls School
    8. Easter activity & celebration
    9. Get together with Family and/or Friends

    Personal Goals

    1. Exercise at least 5 days this week
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    3. Continue my YouVersion plan(s)
    4. Finish reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
    5. Finish reading Overcoming Dyslexia by M.D. Sally Shaywitz (someone gave me this to read)

    Home Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Pay all upcoming bills

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    3. Work completed for clients

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch
    2. Write and Send Out Community Group Email

    Financial Goals

    1. Groceries $40 for 4
    2. Payoff the Van
    3. Pay medical bills in full

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results.

  • The Ladybug Game by Zobmondo

    Our family has been trying to play at least a couple games together every week.  Sometimes we do it on a week day and other times we play over the weekend.  The Ladybug Game by Zobmondo is one that the girls have had for a long time.  We have played this game many times over the past few years.  It is a cute, colorful, and fun game that we have enjoyed.  The best part is you can play it with young children.

    • Colorful graphics
    • Easy to play (recommended for ages 3 to 8)
    • Simple directions (reading is not required to play)
    • For 2 to 4 players
    • Object of the game – the first ladybug to reach home wins!
    • Learning Benefits – math, colors, information about Ladybugs, Praying Mantis, Aphids, and more

    I thought it was really neat that this game was actually invented by a kid!   Each player gets a ladybug “Ella Yellow, Rickie Red, Tommy Teal, or Olivia Orange” and moves his / her piece based on the card that is drawn.  You may go forward or backward or skip ahead.  You may have to get a Praying Mantis pass to go on and you want to make sure your collecting some Aphids along the way so you can get past the ants.  The game is pretty short (approximately 20 minutes) so there is no need to block off a large part of your day to play.

    We love games!   We have found that playing games is beneficial for many reasons.  It gives us quality time together as a family.  The kids learn that they will not always win (which is not always an easy lesson to learn), but the game can still be fun even if you are not the victor in every game.  It provides opportunities for us to talk and create memories together.  Games teach and help our kids practice a variety of useful skills like following directions, reading, writing, counting, taking turns, and more.