
  • Travel & Vacation: Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum – U.S.S. Laffey & U.S.S. Clamagore


    After exploring the U.S.S. Yorktown we toured the U.S.S. Laffey and U.S.S. Clamagore (the submarine).  We packed a lot of learning, exploring, and fun into one day while we were at Charleston.  Thankful for the opportunity to learn little pieces of our country’s history and share the experience with our kids.  It was a muggy and rainy day, but we had a great time.  Although it poured when we were going between the Laffey and the Clamagore we just splashed through the puddles laughing the whole way (luckily there was no lightening since we were in between large hunks of metal conductors).

    The U.S.S. Laffey was used back in the 1940’s.  One of it’s biggest battles was off the shores of Okinawa when over 20 Japanese bombers and kamikazes attacked it.  They have an actual place you can go into and “experience” what it was like for the men on that day.  It was a rainy day so we only had to wait a couple minutes to get into the Mount 53 experience, it was really neat activity to do if you are ever on the U.S.S. Laffey!


    Walking through the U.S.S. Laffey!


    Neat model of the U.S.S. Laffey.  It was hard getting a good picture with the on and off rain storms that day!


    Brina’s in charge!


    Both girls in the captain’s chair!


    Brina hanging out with her Dad!


    U.S.S. Clamagore Submarine!


    All of us were completely soaked by the time we reached the Clamagore, Karlie was the first one to arrive safely!


    A little wet and slightly cool, but ready to explore the Clamagore Submarine!


    It was a fun day in Charleston despite getting a little wet!


    After dinner we were going to go to Books A Million, but it was closed already so the girls found another way to stay entertained.  Brina having fun!


    Karlie’s flying now!  Look out!

  • Travel & Vacation: Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum – U.S.S. Yorktown


    Our family on the flight deck of the U.S.S. Yorktown!

    Whenever we have an opportunity to go to Charleston we try to pick at least one historical adventure to go on as a family.  One of our recent trips to Charleston we decided to spend a good chunk of the day at Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum touring the U.S.S. Yorktown.  When we got the tickets the day before they said to plan on being there at least 2 to 3 hours, we spent over 6 hours going through the U.S.S. Yorktown, U.S.S Laffey, and the U.S.S. Clamagore.  The kids had a blast and it was a wonderful learning activity for all of us.  Makes us appreciate the men and women who serve our country even more.


    Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum – U.S.S. Yorktown

    Patriots Point Maritime and Naval Museum USS Yorktown USS Laffey Submarine

    Of course, they had to check out the cannon!


    Ready to explore Patriots Point in Charleston

    The day started off overcast and bright, but thankfully we were still able to do everything and were back inside the ship when it was pouring.


    Brina in the cockpit!


    Karlie ready to fly the plane!


    Soaking it all in….


    Big guns!


    Anything relating to space captivates Karlie’s attention!


    We all did the blast off to the Moon Simulation together, so much fun!


    Learning more about D-Day


    Pilots are ready for their orders and paying attention…..ha!


    Karlie looking through the wing of the airplane!


    Learning how to work the different pieces.


    Karlie walking with Jake and asking him a bundle of questions about the various planes on the flight deck.


    That blade is huge Brina!


    Brina found a spot under the wing with a good breeze on the warm muggy day!


    Checking out another plane!


    Brina all smiles!


    I think I recognize those two on the other side of the port hole!


    Yes, they are sitting in the captains chair!


    Look at that Handsome Man on the other side of the port hole!


    Karlie giving out orders to the pilots.  She looks like a tough commander!


    Brina ringing the bell!


    The Medal of Honor Museum was amazing!  They had a cool interactive display as you walked in that lit up with a variety of shots from the wars (pictured above).


    What the Army, Navy, and Air Force Medals of Honor look like.  A Medal of Honor is given by the President, in the name of Congress, to a member of the military who distinguishes themselves by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of losing their own life.  They go beyond the call of duty.  The act must be one of bravery or self-sacrifice.  The youngest person to ever receive a Medal of Honor was William Johnston, age 12.  In 1862 during the Peninsula Campaign many men were taking off their equipment so they had less to carry and could retreat faster.  William (also known as “Willie”) was the only drummer boy to bring his drum off the battlefield.


    U.S.S. Yorktown

  • Travel & Vacation: Spiritline Cruises


    Our ferryboat transportation from Patriots Point to Fort Sumter

    In order to get to Fort Sumter you have to take a boat over to it.  We met Spiritline Cruises Ferryboat at Patriots Point and took it over to Fort Sumter.   It was relaxing and informational riding the boat over to Fort Sumter.  They explained a little bit about the area around us and give us highlights on Fort Sumter as well.  The girls brought their monoculars and it was pretty cool some the items they were able to see clearly with them.  We even learned about a fort I hadn’t heard about before Castle Pinckney.  It sprinkled a little on the way over and poured on the way back, but thankfully the big rains came while we were on the boat not during our actual tour.  We did get to see several dolphins on our trip too which was exciting for the girls!


    Karlie looking through her monocular at Castle Pinckney


    Brina checking out the forts, harbor, and surrounding areas as we cruise on the ferryboat.  The Orion 10×42 Waterproof Monoculars we got the girls for Christmas have been amazing (the Swagbucks we had earned came in handy when buying these on Amazon too)!  If you travel with your kids this is a great way for them to see a lot of neat things and are they light, waterproof, easy to carry, and simple to use.


    Brina loving the ferryboat ride!  We even saw dolphins swimming alongside of the boat!


    Checking out all the cool sights around the Charleston harbor!


    The Castle Pinckney was one of the really neat sights we saw on the way to Fort Sumter.  I had never heard of this fort before our trip and it was fascinating to learn a little piece of its history too.   It was named after Charles Cotesworth Pinckney who was well known in Charleston area as well as a general in the American Revolution and a South Carolina delegate in the Constitutional Convention.  The site where the castle was built was selected for military purposes by President George Washington.

    The castle was originally a log fort in the early 1800’s until a hurricane hit and they had to rebuild with stronger fortification.   It was considering unique when it was built because the men could fire on the attacking ships from multiple levels with it’s half circle architecture.  Although, when the long range cannons were created Castle Pinckney’s usefulness decreased.  The Pinckney Castle became the second line of defense once Fort Sumter was completed.   You can see Castle Pinckney when going to and from Fort Sumter, however, there are no public tours of this fort at this time. You can learn more about the history of Castle Pinckney and other neat historical landmarks at Explore Southern History.


    Karlie having a blast touring the Charleston area!


    Our final stop was P.F. Chang’s in Mount Pleasant.  I have eaten at the one in Greenville several times for work or with friends, but since Jake and the girls hadn’t eaten at P. F. Chang’s we decided to try it.  The girls especially liked their giant horse outside the restaurant!


    Karlie relaxing and sipping her drink while waiting for her dinner to arrive!


    We were seated immediately, but due to a mix up with our order it took almost 2 hours to get our food and once we got it part of the order was wrong (even the 3 tables around us, with the same server, who were seated after us got their orders before we did).  The girls were good sports despite the long wait and we passed the time talking and playing games.  The food was good, but I am not sure the rest of the family is overly excited about going back due to the service we received at this particular restaurant.  Thankfully, we still had a good time and there are a lot of other restaurant choices in the Charleston area.

  • Travel & Vacation: Touring Fort Sumter in Charleston, SC


    Arriving at Fort Sumter

    The last time we visited Charleston, South Carolina we were able to go to Fort Sumter.  The construction began on Fort Sumter in 1840’s it was slow work, but they put down over 7 million bricks for the 5 foot thick outer walls which were 50 feet above the water level.  When the American Civil War started Fort Sumter was almost complete.   On April 12, 1861 the Confederate soldiers located at Fort Johnson fired the first shot at Fort Sumter.

    Fort Sumter was bombarded for over 30 hours and over 3,000 shells being shot at the fort.  Citizens from Charleston watched the cannons fire on Fort Sumter from their rooftops.  After a couple of days of bombardments the Union Army led by Major Anderson surrendered to General Beauregard of the Confederate Army.


    Welcome to Fort Sumter!


    Looking through one of the cannon portholes.


    Jake and the girls.


    Hanging out at Fort Sumter.


    Brina standing on top of Fort Sumter!


    Exploring Fort Sumter!


    Our family at Fort Sumter!  It was a rainy day, but we managed to miss most of the raindrops and had a grand time!


    On top of Fort Sumter!


    Getting ready to leave Fort Sumter, right before a big rain storm hit.  Perfect timing!

  • Travel & Vacation: H.L. Hunley Submarine in Charleston, SC


    H.L. Hunley Submarine!

    A few years ago they found the H.L. Hunley Submarine off the coast of Charleston and have been restoring it in the Warren Lasch Conservation Center.  Last year the girls learned about the Hunley in Social Studies and wanted to go see it.  They were very excited because we got to visit the Hunley on our recent trip to Charleston.  They are still in the process of restoring the Hunley so you have to look through an observation glass to see it, but there are a lot of neat items to see and learn about!

    The H. L. Hunley is a neat piece of history because it was first submarine to sink an enemy vessel.  It sunk the U. S. S. Housatonic in 1864 during the American Civil War.  Unfortunately after it sunk the U.S.S. Houston the Hunley nor it’s crew could be found until just a few years ago.  The scientists are still working to preserve the Hunley and there are several different opinions about why the H. L. Hunley disappeared.


    Karlie peeking out one of the hatches!


    There were two hatchways on the Hunley – one in the front and one in the back.  They were only about 20 inches by 14 inches big (which would be about like trying to fit through a tire).  Not very big!


    Trying to power the replica of the Hunley by turning the bars in the submarine!  Man-powered submarine!


    They got Jake to help power the submarine!


    Digging for the gold coin!


    Looking at the actually H. L. Hunley while it is in the cleaning tank!


    Another picture of the Hunley in the tank!


    Learning about the Hunley!


    A fun family adventure!


    Lieutenant George Dixon’s gold coin!  George Dixon’s girlfriend gave him this gold coin during the Civil War.  At the Battle of Shiloh, George Dixon was shot, but the gold coin stopped the bullet and saved his life.  He was said to be carrying it the day he went on the H. L. Hunley and it was one of the artifacts discovered when they brought the Hunley out of the water.


    Brina powering the submarine!


    Brina having fun learning about the Hunley submarine!


    Karlie all smiles and soaking in the information!


    Fun times with the kids!

  • Living on a Budget: Creative Cash (September Update)

    Creative Cash - Living on a Budget

    It’s been awhile since I have shared the Creative Cash report with everyone, but I made it happen this month!  Honestly, I have not been as consistent these last couple months in finding creative ways to earn a little extra cash.  It’s been busy, but that really isn’t a good excuse.  It was brought to my attention recently that when I make a point to share this information with you it:

    • Helps keep me accountable
    • Gives me extra motivation to be creative
    • Keeps me on track
    • Reminds me of the goals we are trying to accomplish as a family
    • Refreshes my memory on the importance of sharing with others

    When you have the ability to share a piece of what you earn with others not only are you blessing their lives it makes your life richer and fuller too!  I have made a few adjustments regarding my Creative Cash goals, but otherwise it is pretty similar to the report that I have shared with you in the past.

    What is Creative Cash?  My definition of Creative Cash means finding a variety of ways to make extra cash each month to put towards my family’s current financial goal as well as having a little extra to share with others.

    Why do it?  I am working part time, a stay at home Mom, and wear many other hats from day to day, however, I feel that it is not only important to save money for my family by using coupons and buying items on sale, but to earn a little money to help with the family finances and to share with others.  The extra amount I bring in on top of work is what I call “Creative Cash” and it is made by finding ways to make money creatively or with items and talents I have already.  As I continue to challenge myself to make my life more simplified as well as find ways to bless others I have made it my goal to remain accountable for the Creative Cash I bring in month to month.  My family has faced many obstacles over the years, however, we are blessed and have a multitude of reasons to be grateful.

    Explanation: The creative cash will be made throughout the entire calendar month through various endeavors.  As Creative Cash arrives the money, gift cards, and other extras are entered into my Creative Cash worksheet. The cash, gift cards, and other items are stored in a specific Creative Cash folder or marked in the account as Creative Cash.  At the end of the month the money will be split with part of it going towards the current financial goal my family is working on and the other part will be donated to  someone or a group of people such as a charity.  It is important for me to find ways to be a blessing to people outside of our immediate family.

    In the past the donated amount has only gone to charity and was always 50% of whatever Creative Cash was made that month.  After much thought and prayer I decided to change this part of my goal.  I don’t want to limit myself to giving only 50% or only giving it to charity.  There may be some months I feel led to give more than 50% and it may be to a specific cause, purpose,  family, or charity.  In order to keep me accountable I will be reporting my monthly total and who I will be sharing the Creative Cash with that month.  If it is a specific family or cause I may or may not be able to give all the details due to the amount of privacy they may want, but I promise share any details I can.

    Monthly Goal:  It is my goal to make at least $100 extra Creative Cash a month to help with my family goals as well as share with others.

    September was a wonderful month and I was able to accumulate more than anticipated!  I will share with you the ways I did it so if you are looking for ways to make a little extra creative cash for your family hopefully it will be an inspiration in getting your creative juices flowing:

    • $50.00 – Credit Card Bonus Rewards (if you are looking to earn interest both on your savings and checking accounts as well as rewards I recommend checking out  Capital One 360)
    • $116.68Google Ads payment
    • $50.00 – Writing a review for a company
    • $15.00 – Walmart Gift Card from SheSpeaks for sharing about the Febreze Fall Home Harvest Collection

    September Creative Cash Total:  $231.68

    Current Family Goal: We are currently working to stay within our written budget and pay down debt (yes, exciting I know)!  A couple months ago both our microwave and fridge bit the dust.  Plus, we had some additional expenses and emergencies that have caused us to have a little extra debt that we would like to get paid off!

    • $15 Walmart Gift Card is not cash nor could we pay down debt with it so we used it towards the vehicle maintenance budget.  It was used to purchase oil change supplies for my car which came in handy this month after many miles of driving this summer.   Thankful for a husband who can service the vehicles!
    • $50 credit card bonus was put towards a debt we currently have on our credit card.
    • Any remaining money that is not going to our Creative Cash Blessing Highlight that’s listed below will be applied towards paying down debt!

    September Creative Cash Highlight:  Our extra Creative Cash this month will be going to a very sweet family who is in the process of adopting a beautiful little girl named Annalise.  We have known this family for many years and we are blessed to call these amazing people friends.  As you may already know adoption can be a very long and expensive process.  You can read more about their adoption story or give as they go through this awesome journey!

    It was exciting to surge past the $100 goal!!!  I know this will help us get a little closer to our goals as well as helps others along the way!  A hundred dollars extra a month may not seem like a lot to some people, but every little bit helps!  If I find that I am going over my goal every month (which would be awesome) I will make an adjustment.  I have plan of action on ways to earn creative cash next month so stayed tuned, hopefully, it will be another  great month of sharing.  Each month I will do a variety activities to accomplish this goal, the items above are just the ones I did specifically this month.  I look forward to sharing more of the things that work well for our family as I do them in the upcoming months.

    I will share with you the challenges, successes, and updates as I go through this journey so you can keep me accountable or even go through it with me by participating  and sharing your story. Taking the extra time to find ways to help my family as well as invest in the lives of others is important to me.  I hope that I have been able to encourage you to find ways to come up with some creative cash for your household as well.  Obviously, each situation and family is unique so decide what works for you and go for it!  If you know of another way to earn creative cash I would love to hear it!  Feel free to comment on how you earned creative cash this month or post a picture or link to what you did!

    Living on a Budget is a series of ways our family uses a budget to help keep us accountable with our finances.  Life doesn’t always go as planned.  We have used some of the ideas I will be sharing for years while others are ones we are just starting to implement as we continue finding ways to be creative and have fun with what we have been given.  Having a plan in place allows us the freedom to be smart with what we have been given, get more creative when it is a tight (week, month, year or a season) and when necessary live a much more simplified life.  A budget helps us stay on track so we have more opportunities to enjoy the many blessings we have been given as well as share what we have with others.  There is so much more to life than having all the stuff!  We may not have the newest or greatest items in our house, we drive used cars, wear clothes we find at garage sales, etc…however, if our family is taken care of and has love in our hearts for others we have more than all the riches in the world.

  • Heart Reflections: Raising My Girls

    My Girls - Brina and Karlie

    Sweet Brina Bee!

    I am so thankful for my girls!  They are growing up too quickly.  It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago when they were little ones crawling around the house.  God chose to bless us with these girls.  It has been a fun adventure raising twins!  Not everyday has been perfect, but we have so many reasons to be grateful for these two blessings.  They have made me grow more as a person.  They bring more love and laughter into my life than I ever realized was possible.


    My sweet Karlie Kool Kat is always game for a road trip!

    Both girls are very different, yet perfect and gifted in their own special ways.  I pray that God will give us as parents the wisdom to raise them into amazing young women.  I know I will make mistakes as their Mom along the way, but hopefully they will overlook those mistakes and  know that I love them despite those not-so-good-moments.   It is my prayer that they will seek God’s wisdom and direction in their lives.

    I want to go through life focusing more on the good memories and letting go of the little things that get my feathers ruffled.  Life is too short to not have fun, smile, and enjoy the blessings God gives us everyday.  For those of you who are new to my blog these two girls were the inspiration for my blog, Blessings Multiplied.  They continue to amaze me with their creativity, learning, talents, and their love for life!  I look forward to many more awesome memories with these two sweet girls and seeing how God uses them to make an impact in the lives around them.

  • House Building, Ice Cream Floats, Birds, Cats, and Crab Apples!


    Fluff was such a good sport and let Brina carry her around!

    We had a grand time in Kansas visiting family.  Our time went by too quickly, but we were able to pack in a lot during our time in the area.  We spent time with Great Grandparents, Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins and more.  Thankful for family and the moments we get to share.


    We brought ice cream floats to the guys who were working on my brother Josh’s house!  Ice cream floats are a rare treat for the girls since we have one that has a dairy allergy so they were very excited!


    Karlie enjoying her ice cream float!


    Brina relaxing and sipping her float!


    My brother is currently building a house so we got to watch the process and help carry a few boards.  He is getting married later this year so he has a deadline!  It will be a nice place for the new couple!


    Checking out Great Grandpa Verlyn’s birds!


    They always love going out to see Grandpa’s birds!


    Some of the chickens!


    And a turkey!


    The girls wanted to help Grandpa collect the eggs, he had already done it that morning, but they had laid some more!


    A few more eggs, some big ones too!


    Grandpa Verlyn gave the girls some of his Crab Apples!  He warned them that they were tart, but they insisted that they wanted to try them anyway!


    Karlie thought the crab apples were great!


    Brina loved the crab apples too!  I thought the crab apples were a little too tart, but they both thought they were awesome!  There are very few food items especially fruits and vegetables that they don’t like!

  • Pampers Gifts to Grow – 50 Free Points

    You can receive another 50 free points from Pampers with a new Gifts to Grow code!

    This code is different from the previous codes I have given.

    • Use Code:  50WICFSCL201415

    (Did not see an expiration date, but I would enter this big one as soon as possible!) 

    You can save up the rewards to purchase gifts!  For more information about the Pampers Gift to Grow Program and how you can start earning Pampers “Gifts to Grow” Rewards for your family go to Pampers Gifts to Grow!

  • Fun with the Animals


    Walking the animals!

    At Grandpa Russell and Grandma Penny’s house they had two dogs, cats, pony, and a horse that provided a lot of fun entertainment for the kids.  Everyday they played with the dogs, cat, and did something with the horse and pony.  Sometimes they went for carriage rides, combed them, rode the horse and pony, or led them around the pasture.  The girls enjoy anything to do with animals so these activities were a big hit!

    Colorado & Kansas Summer Trip with Family

    Karlie playing with Aunt Renelle’s dog!

    The girls love animals and are always game to spend some extra time with any animal.  When we were in Colorado we stayed with at my cousin Renelle and Eric’s house.  They have two dogs and two cats that are in the house so the girls thought that was awesome.  They had a blast playing with all the animals (well, except for one of the cats who booked it as soon as he saw us bringing our suitcase inside the house.


    Brina petting Renelle’s dog!


    Buzz and Misty were very excited to see the kids back in Kansas and came running (of course they were with Grandma Penny and carrying a bucket of treats too).


    Brina carry a halter and a bucket of treats for Buzz and Misty!


    Heading to the pasture with Grandma to spend time with the animals!


    Brina leading Misty around.


    Karlie was giving Buzz some exercise too!


    The dogs thought it was a great game and were running back and forth as the girls walked Misty and Buzz!


    Enjoying some time with the animals!


    Brina loves Misty!  Such a sweet pony!


    Buzz and Misty did really well being led by kids and a lead rope!


    Brina would spend hours in the pasture if we let her!


    Switched!  Karlie is now leading Misty and Brina is leading Buzz around the pasture!


    Going for their last walk of the evening!


    Beautiful Kansas sunset!  Taken in the front yard at my parents house.