
  • Free Ebooks: Tips To Help You Save Money And Get Out Of Debt, Gluten-free Salad Cookbook, Organize your Office, Frugal Simplicity, Hamlyn QuickCook, Organic Pest Control, Free wood II, and more!

    The price to download these books is currently $0.00 (although the price may change at any time, please confirm prior to downloading).  The ebooks are specifically for Kindles, however, you can click here and download the free application that allows you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC.

    Download a free copy of Great Tips To Help You Save Money And Get Out Of Debt – Money Saving Tips (Debt-Free Book) by Mike C. Adams

    Download a free copy of Gluten-free Salad Cookbook: Easy and Delicious Salad Recipes for the Gluten-free Diet (Quick and Easy Gluten-free Recipes Book 7) by Vesela Tabakova

    Download a free copy of Organize your Office: The Ultimate Guide to Organizing your Office and having a Stress-free workplace! (Time Management, Organization) by Online Business Buddy

    Download a free copy of Frugal Simplicity: 101 Ways To Use Frugal Simplicity For Organizing And Decluttering Your Life And Embracing The Simplicity Lifestyle (Debt Free, Mindfulness, Simplify Your Life) by Lilly Sparks

    Download a free copy of Hamlyn QuickCook: 50 Recipes in 10, 20, or 30 Minutes by Hamlyn

    Download a free copy of Organic Pest Control : Homemade Organic Pest Repellents, Natural, Easy And Proven Solutions For A Pest And Disease Free Home And Garden by John Parker

    Download a free copy of Free wood II: (More tools, tips and techniques) How to upcycle usable wood from pallets and crates. With five projects. (Free Wood Series Book 2) by TG FORGE

    Download a free copy of How to Create a Complete Meal in a Jiffy (Book 6) by Prasenjeet Kumar

    Download a free copy of Creating and Planting Alpine Gardens by Rex Murfitt

    Download a free copy of Baking Soda Power! Frugal and Natural: Health, Cleaning, and Hygiene Secrets of Baking Soda (Home Remedies, DIY Household Hacks, Chemical-Free, Green Cleaning, Natural Cleaning, Non-Toxic) by Patty Korman

  • Olive Garden Teams Up With My Gym for 2nd Annual Parents’ Night Out!

    Olive Garden

    On Friday, Feb. 20, Olive Garden will break down the barriers to date night for parents through a national partnership with My Gym. Olive Garden will cover the cost for kids to have a fun-filled evening at My Gym while parents enjoy an affordable Four Course Festa Italiana dinner as part of its second annual Parents’ Night Out.

    Parents Night Out Banner

    A recent survey found that the overall cost, including childcare and dining, combined with lack of trustworthy child supervision are the largest barriers to date night for nearly 75 percent of parents.* Parents’ Night Out is designed to solve this dilemma. Parents can enjoy quality time over an affordable and delicious meal at Olive Garden while their kids are entertained with games and activities in a safe environment.

    Couples can participate in Parents’ Night Out by contacting their nearest My Gym location to confirm participation, obtain event details and register. Space is limited to approximately 30 kids at each of the 148 participating My Gym locations in the U.S. and Canada, and reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis (deposit required).

    To help parents make the most of their evening, Olive Garden is offering its first-ever Four Course Festa Italiana starting at $12.99, featuring unlimited breadsticks and choice of homemade soup or famous house salad, and choice of small plate, entrée and decadent Dolcini mini dessert.

    For more about the great deals at Olive Garden, visit or connect with Olive Garden on social media and

  • Flashback Friday: Barnyard Theme 1st Birthday Party

    Happy 1st Birthday Brina and Karliec

    Happy 1st Birthday girls!

    Today our flashback event goes back to the girls first birthday party!  We had a barnyard theme for their first birthday party.  Our family and friends came to celebrate the special day with us.  They were very excited and quite confused by all the commotion that day.  Even Jake’s Mom, my parents, and my grandparents were able to come for this special event with us!

    First Birthday Party Groupc

    Thankful for our family and friends who celebrated this special day with us!  It is amazing to see how much these families have grown and changed since this celebration over 9 years ago!

    Brina and Karlie's 1st Birthday Cakes made by Grandma Kayc

    Jake’s Mom (aka Grandma Kay) made these beautiful farm cakes for the girls.  She put a lot of time and energy into the cakes and they were so adorable! Brina’s was a calf and Karlie’s was a lamb.  The rest of us got to enjoy the barn cake!  They were super cute and delicious.

    Brina and Karlie eating their birthday cakesc

    Brina demolished her birthday cake.  Karlie didn’t want to touch her cake or get messy, the only frosting she got on her fingers and face was from us sticking her fingers into the frosting for her and smearing it on her face.

    Brina - what's everyone looking at, it was good cakec

    What’s everyone looking at!?  Brina thoroughly enjoyed her birthday cake! 🙂  What a mess!

    Brina's Little Calf Cakec

    Brina’s adorable calf cake before she tore into it.

    Karlie's Little Lamb Cakec

    Karlie’s cute lamb cake.  It looked almost the same once she was done with it!

  • Toenail Painting Party

    Ozobot, Butterflies and Flowers, Snap Circuit

    Every once in a while when we get a few extra minutes the girls enjoy doing a toenail painting party.  We usually make it a fun event by choosing a variety of neat colors.  Sometimes we paint our own toenails and other times paint each others toenails.

    We spend our time chatting and catching up with each other during this relaxing activity.  A lot of great conversations and laughter usually happen during these parties (I am sure it has nothing to do with the paint fumes)!  While our toes may not always be perfectly painted or we make a mess we have a lot of fun together which is the most important part of the activity anyway.  Thankful for these wonderful moments that I can share with my girls!

  • Free Trial of Amazon Prime – FREE 2 Day Shipping & Unlimited Instant Streaming TV Episodes, Movies, and Music!

    You can get a 30 day FREE trial of Amazon Prime.  If you are looking to try out Amazon Prime this is a great time to do it!  The 2 Day Free shipping could come in handy if you are ordering any gifts on Amazon too!  You get unlimited ad-free songs, instant streaming movies and tv shows as well as free Kindle books!

    Amazon Prime Benefits:

    • FREE 2 Day Shipping (No Minimum Order)
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    • Borrow Kindle Books from the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library

    This is a great time to try out Amazon Prime, see if you like it and enjoy the benefits.  You can chose to cancel your membership after the 30 day free trial or get a yearly membership.


  • Recipes: Classic Chex Mix in the Crockpot (Gluten, Peanut, & Dairy Free)

    Original Chex Mix

    Classic Chex Mix made in the Crockpot!

    I have always enjoyed Chex Mix!  It is a great winter snack food as you are sitting by the fire or playing board games around the dining room table.  There are so many amazing variations to it as well.  I especially like the sweet Chex Mix recipes here are some of my favorites:

    The other day I decided to try making the Classic Chex Mix out with items I already had in our pantry and in the crockpot.  I added several variations to the Classic Chex Mix because we have a family member that cannot have peanuts or dairy and we have some friends who cannot have gluten.  My recipe is gluten free, dairy free, and peanut free for those who do not want to use those products in their Classic Chex Mix. You can substitute regular pretzels, dairy butter, or peanuts if you would prefer them instead.

    Classic Chex Mix (Gluten & Peanut Free)

    • 5 cups Rice Chex Cereal
    • 5 cups Corn Crunch Cereal
    • 2 cups Gluten Free Pretzels
    • 1 cup Almonds
    • 6 Tablespoons Dairy-Free Butter or Margarine (melted)
    • 1/2 Tablespoon Seasoned Salt
    • 1/4 cup Worcestershire Sauce
    • 1/2 teaspoon Garlic Powder

    Place the cereal, pretzels, and almonds into your crockpot.  Melt the butter (or margarine) in a separate bowl and mix in the salt, garlic, and worcestershire sauce.  Pour the butter mixture over the cereal mixture in the crockpot and gently stir until the cereal is evenly coated.  Cover and turn the crockpot on low for 3 hours.  If your crockpot does not have a hole for moisture to escape you can leave a slight gap at the lid so the moisture can escape otherwise you can place a towel or paper towel up by the lid of the crockpot to absorb any condensation from the Chex Mix cooking.  Stir the Chex Mix every hour to keep it from burning.  Once it is done spread the mixture out evenly on parchment paper and let it cool.

    I love using my crockpot for a variety of great recipes.  Plus the house smells amazing as the food cooks.  The only thing I forgot to do was take a picture of the finished Classic Chex Mix.  Sorry!  Guess it is time to make another batch.  It turned out well.  I still prefer the “sweet” Chex mixes over the salty, but this was a great alternative snack to have around the house for those who cannot eat gluten, dairy, or peanuts!

  • Be My Valentine: 14 Ways to Show Love to Your Spouse While At Home

    The Valentine Season has hit!  It is time to think about ways you can show your loved ones how much you appreciate them.  I love the Valentine’s Holiday because it reminds us of the importance of celebrating with the ones you love.  Wouldn’t it be awesome if we made a point to show love to our spouses not just during this season, but everyday!?

    A few days ago I was thinking about some of the things Jake does to make me feel loved and appreciated.  I am thankful for a spouse who loves me and invests his time into my life.  He is always doing something sweet for me even if it is not the most convenient for him.

    Today I am going to share 14 ways you can show love to your spouse while at home.  I wanted to provide a list to get your creative juices flowing.  There are so many ways to demonstrate your love to that amazing spouse who puts up with you everyday!

    14 Ways to Show Love to Your Spouse While At Home:

    • Keep the Communication Open – set aside time regularly when you can talk one-on-one with your spouse.  We typically do this once the kids are in bed so it cuts down on the interruptions.  This is a great time to talk about your days, share your thoughts, and to unwind after a busy day.  These times are precious and important to keep the communication flowing smoothly with your spouse.
    • Give a Hug – make a point to give your spouse at least one hug a day
    • Make a Special Treat – find something that your spouse enjoys, but doesn’t get very often and make it for him/her.  It could be a steak dinner or delicious homemade cookies.  Even if it is something you don’t especially like when you go out of your way to make something specifically for him/her it shows them that you care and you notice the things that he/she enjoys.
    • Say “I Love You” With Your Words and Actions  – make sure to actually say “I Love You” to your spouse regularly as well as demonstrate your love through actions.  For example, if she asks for your help on something – do it or if he wants dinner to be ready at 6 pm every day – do your best to have it ready for him.  Your actions speak volumes to your spouse.
    • Give Your Undivided Attention While Your Spouse is Speaking – it is increasingly difficult to spend several minutes speaking with anyone, including your spouse, without some kind of interruption.  Maybe I am unique, but it can be very frustrating to speak with someone when they are constantly looking at their cell phone, laptop, or their attention is somewhere else.  Put down your phone and walk away from it!  Don’t let the texts, emails, phone calls, or other beeps coming from your cell phone interrupt this time with your spouse.  While the cell phone makes us more accessible there are times when you need to break free from it and give your undivided attention to your spouse.  Listen to what he/she is saying. Shut the laptop (or turn away from the computer) so he/she can visibly see that they are important to you and you are paying attention to him/her.  Find a time when the kids are in bed or doing something else so they will not need to interrupt your conversation.
    • Share a Kiss – give your spouse a kiss when it is least expected.  We always make sure to share a kiss whenever one of us is leaving the house or coming home.  However, the unexpected kiss when your spouse is cleaning out the dishwasher for you, switching the laundry, or bringing you another drink before you had even realized your cup was empty is a special surprise.
    • Turn Down the Lights & Light the Candles – turning down the lights and lighting up the candles can be a great way to switch the room atmosphere into a relaxing mood for an evening.
    • Help Your Spouse –  your spouse may have had a super busy day at work or with the kids.  Take the time out of your busy day to do something nice that will help him/her.  Whether it is to laying out his clothes for work the next day, washing dishes, emptying the dishwasher, holding tools while they are building something,  getting supplies ready to help change the oil in the family car, putting together a scrapbook, helping as they clean out the garage, or anything else.  You really show your love when you pitch in and help on a task or activity that he/she knows is not something you enjoy or are good at because he/she knows you are doing it because you love him/her.
    • Make Your Bedroom Inviting – Doing the basic cleaning and pick up can make the bedroom an inviting place to go to for your spouse.  Simple tasks like making the bed, picking the dirty clothes up off the floor (at least put them in the laundry basket), hanging up the dirty towels, vacuuming the floor, dusting, and other tasks can go a long way in making the bedroom be a place you both enjoy.
    • Open Arms Welcome – when your spouse comes home from work, errands, or any activity make a point to welcome him/her with open arms.  Give him/her with a hug, kiss, and / or tell him/her how happy you are to see him/her.  You may have a kid hanging on your leg, soapy hands, or may be in the middle of quizzing the kids on their spelling words, whatever it is you are doing stop and welcome him/her home.  Let him/her know how happy you are to see him/her.
    • Make Eye Contact – When your spouse is talking look at him/her.  Catch his/her eyes at random times throughout the day or evening and smile (it lights up your eyes too) or wink at him/her.  Let them know you value them by making a point to have direct eye contact with him/her.
    • Back Scratch or Massage – some people love having their backs scratched or massaged or both.  Some may also enjoy a foot massage.  Whatever it is that your spouse enjoys make a point to regularly do these activities for him/her.  You may pause as you are clearing the table to give a brief back scratch to your spouse or give them a foot massage as they tell you about his/her day.
    • Words of Affirmation – voicing positive traits about your spouse.  Verbally thanking him/her for pitching in and helping you.  Telling them how proud you are of him/her.
    • Share Memories & Laughter – whenever a fond memory pops into your head share it with your spouse.  The memory will bring up the past experiences you share together, make both of you smile, or even laugh.  There have been many times throughout our marriage one of us will just say one word or phrase which brings a smile to the others face.   Watching a comedy that you both enjoy together can be a great way to laugh together too.  Laughter is wonderful for your marriage

    These are just a handful of ways to show your spouse how much you love them.  Go ahead and try some of these ideas.  Get creative and do some fun activities that will put an extra spark into your spouse’s day.  The whole point is to show your spouse how much you care!

    “Be My Valentine” is a series of creative ways you can celebrate Valentine’s Day with those you love.  You can make it a special Holiday without spending a lot.  Spread a little extra cheer to those around you this Valentine’s Day!  Surprise your loved ones with a fun and thoughtful gift from the heart.  It is a great time to reflect on sweet memories as well as create new ones with whole family.  May this Valentine’s season be bursting with love for you!  While these ideas are wonderful for the Valentine’s Season they are also a perfect treat that will be appreciated any day of the year!

  • Free Ebooks: Valentine’s Day On A Dime, 30 Easy Weeknight Dinners, My Yummy Paleo Valentine, 65 House Cleaning Hacks, Weekend Breakfast Ideas, I Love You S’more and S’more, and more!

    The price to download these books is currently $0.00 (although the price may change at any time, please confirm prior to downloading).  The ebooks are specifically for Kindles, however, you can click here and download the free application that allows you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC.

    Download a free copy of Valentine’s Day On A Dime  by Jill Cooper and Tawra Kellam

    Download a free copy of 30 Easy Weeknight Dinners – The Winter Recipes and Winter Food Edition (Quick and Easy Dinner Recipes – The Easy Weeknight Dinners Collection Book 7) by Pamela Kazmierczak

    Download a free copy of My Yummy Paleo Valentine! Kid Tested, Mom Approved – 14 Quick & Easy Gluten-Free Valentines Treats and Paleo Snacks (Paleo Diet Solution Series) by Lucy Fast

    Download a free copy of The Friendships of Women: The Beauty and Power of God’s Plan for Us (Dee Brestin’s Series) by Dee Brestin

    Download a free copy of Pup Pup’s First Valentine’s Day (Children’s Bedtime Stories) by Amy Morford

    Download a free copy of 65 House Cleaning Hacks to Make Your Life WAY Easier: (DIY Hacks, Household Cleaning Hacks, House Cleaning Tips, Natural Cleaning) by Elizabeth Bolling

    Download a free copy of Weekend Breakfast Ideas: Ideas for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Birthdays or Any Weekend Morning by Dennis Weaver

    Download a free copy of I Love You S’more and S’more: Valentines To Your Child by Ginny Jalen

  • FREE 30 Day Trial of Amazon Mom

    You can sign up for a FREE 30 Day Trial of Amazon Mom!  Amazon Mom is a membership program aimed at helping parents and caregivers in the prenatal through toddler years use Amazon to find and save on products their families need. Amazon Mom is open to anyone, whether you’re a mom, dad, grandparent, or caretaker.

    Benefits of Amazon Mom:

    • 20% off diapers with Subscribe & Save (Exclusive to Amazon Mom members)
    • FREE 2-day shipping on millions of items with Amazon Prime
    • 15% Off Amazon’s Baby Registry completion discount (Exclusive to Amazon Mom members)
    • Unlimited movies and TV shows with Prime Instant Video
    • Unlimited music streaming with Prime Music

    Try out Amazon Mom for free and see how many ways you can save!

  • Date Night With My Sweet Girl


    Eating dinner at Ryan’s Steakhouse

    Recently, I was able to spend the evening with my Karlie Kool Kat.  It was fun hanging out with her for the evening.  We had a great time chatting over dinner, in the car, and on our adventures.

    She had some specific requests of activities that she wanted to do that evening.  While other activities were more spontaneous.  Thankful for some time with my girl.  We had a blast together.


    She was excited to use her 2nd & Charles Gift Card from Christmas to buy some new books to read!