
  • Christmas Tree Ornaments


    Thanks to my sweet cousin Renelle the girls got a cool Christmas Ornament craft this year.  Renelle sent glass ornaments and some paint so the girls could make their own Christmas tree ornaments.  They had a blast making these ornaments!  The ornaments turned out beautifully too!

    The ornaments have a tie die and swirl mix of several colors.  Brina and Karlie were so excited to have these hanging on the tree.  Both girls agree that they want  to do more of these or another Christmas tree ornament next year!

    P1070553cKarlie squeezing paint into her ornament

    Take the glass ornaments and slowly squeeze paint into them.  Add at least 2 or more colors and swirl around until the glass ornament is coated on the inside.

    P1070563cBrina making sure the paint is covering the entire glass

    After adding paint rotate the ornament around until the paint has coated the entire inside of the ornament.  The colors will start to blend as you do this which is very fascinating for the kids to watch.

    P1070558cKarlie swirling and coating the inside of her glass ornament with paint

    The colors blend together and look pretty neat together.


    Turn the ornament upside down in a styrofoam cup or muffin pan so the extra paint can drain.


    Every few hours flip the glass ornament the opposite direction so the paint will dry evenly inside the bulb


    One of the glass bulbs hanging on the trees


    Beautiful ornament made by the girls hanging on the tree


    The girls did a fabulous job making these ornaments.


    Colorful and looking great on the Christmas tree


    The colors merged beautifully on their glass ornaments


    Thanks Renelle for an amazing craft!  The girls had a craft and they turned out beautifully!

  • Creative Kids: New Hot Pads!

    Karlie’s colorful hot pad she made!

    The other day I was working on several items that needed to be done so the girls took some time to do some crafts.  I wasn’t sure what they were up to, but they were staying busy and being good.  The next morning I was presented with two brand new colorful hot pads!  One that Karlie had made and one from Brina! What a special treat it is to get such a sweet gift first thing in the morning.  Thankful for my thoughtful girls.  I am very blessed and will think of them every time I use their beautiful hot pads.

    Brina’s new hot pad she made for me!

    My beautiful new hot pads!  Love them and especially love the two sweet girls that made them for me.

  • Great Work Girls!

    Great Work Girls!

    The girls completed their extra math work this week and earned pumpkins!  The pumpkins were on clearance for two dollars at Walmart so we figured it would be a fun activity to do together with the Halloween Holiday.  I don’t know which was more fun for them,  scooping the seeds out and dehydrating them so they could eat them or doing the jack-o-lanterns!

    Super excited that they continue to go the extra math with their math learning.  If you want to read more about why we are doing this activity you can see my post on Going the “Extra” Mile with Math It has been very beneficial for our family!

  • Going the “Extra” Mile with Math

    Way to Go GIRLS!

    Every week we give the girls 4 additional math worksheets to complete “on their own time”.  Each sheet for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division contain between 50 to 100 math problems (a total anywhere from 200 to 400 extra problems to compute).  We give them their math sheets in a folder on the weekend and they have until that Friday at 5:00 pm to have all their math sheets finished, checked, and corrected.  The worksheets are to be completed on their own time after homework, chores, and other family activities.

    If they get all their extra math worksheets done then they get a special message and a surprise!  We do not remind them of the worksheets or force them to do it.  Every week both girls have worked earnestly after homework or while riding in the car or during free time to complete the worksheets so they can get their special message and surprise.

    We have re-useable bags that we set up on the chalkboard with their treat in them.  Typically, the items will be ones we find on clearance that we know they’ll enjoy.  Over the last few weeks we’ve done anything from games, whistle candy, toys, bubbles, chalk, flashlight, crafts and more fun stuff.  On Fridays when they get home they immediately run upstairs to get their message and surprise.

    It has been interesting seeing how they have adjusted their activity patterns over the last few weeks.  At the beginning they would do one sheet at the beginning of the week and save the remaining three for Thursday night, which resulted in them hurrying to finish them before Friday.  They are figuring out the advantage of pacing themselves and getting some items accomplished earlier in the week so they are not rushed to get it done.  One time they didn’t get it done before Friday and were disappointed when they came home and no special message or surprise were waiting for them (guess they were really testing us to see if they really had to do the work) so they both sat done immediately and finished up their worksheets before the 5 pm Friday deadline.  They did it and got their reward!

    It is really neat seeing how much this activity has motivated them to do extra math exercises on their own time.   They are getting more efficient with their math facts too which will help them for the rest of their lives.  The results have been amazing for our kids.  It may take a little extra time for us to plan and execute, but if it is something that will encourage them to go the extra mile in learning it is worth it.

  • Native American Homes – Extra Credit School Project

    Now that the girls are in third grade is seems like they have more “hands-on” projects coming up these past few weeks.  They had the opportunity to earn extra credit for Social Studies by building a replica of a South Carolina Native American home.  They spent a lot of time building their houses, writing out their facts, and presenting their project to the class.  Thank goodness for a yard full of saplings, vines, monkey grass, and for Jake who is creative and patient when helping the girls.

    The girls really LOVED the arrow heads (even though they did not come from SC).  The arrow heads are actually ones that Jake and his Grandpa Hayes collected when he was a boy.  Both girls did well and got a 100% on their extra credit projects.  Even though they worked hours on this project they told us it was one of the most fun homework projects they had ever done and would love to do more!  Glad they enjoyed it because it was a great way to learn even more about the Native Americans from South Carolina.

    Brina building the structure out of saplings for her Longhouse

    Brina’s House:

    • Longhouse
    • Cherokee Native American’s lived in Longhouses in the summer months
    • The Cherokee’s live in the Blue Ridge Mountain Region of South Carolina

    Karlie weaving vines to make the structure for her Wattle & Daub

    Karlie’s House:

    • Wattle & Daub House
    • Cherokee’s from the Blue Ridge Mountain Region lived in a Wattle & Daub house during the winter
    • Yemassee’s from the Coastal Zone Region also lived in a Wattle & Daub house during the winter
  • Travel & Vacation: Spending Time with Family in Kansas

    The plane was delayed due to rain, but now we are ready to go.  Two little chickies all buckled in….one snacking and the other one with her nose already in a book.  Thankful that the girls travel well.

    The girls and I recently flew out to Kansas to spend some time with my family. We stayed at my parents house, but thankfully we were able to catch up with quite a few people while we were out there visiting. While we were in Kansas Jake was traveling with work so he was managing to stay busy too.

    The girls even got in on the last part of my parents church’s VBS, which included getting wet with water balloons.  I think the highest temperature I saw during out week and half in Kansas was 113 while it was hot the wind helped make it more tolerable.

    A cooler full of mammoth water balloons for VBS game time the next day!

    Lots of little water balloons too!  I think by the end the count was somewhere around 300 water balloons.  The kids loved it!

    Karlie picked a variety of flowers from Grandma Penny’s gardens and displayed the flowers in a pie dish.  They actually lasted almost the entire time we were out there!

    Brina made a blue cat while Brandon is working on some blueberry cookies!

    Karlie is busy socializing and creating play dough goodies too!  Grandma Penny made some homemade play dough for the kids.  They loved it (and were asking me to make some a couple days ago)!

    Beautiful purple flower along the road in Harlan, Kansas

    Some of my Great Grandma Viola’s rose bushes were blooming near the Kelly’s Store and the Post Office in Harlan, Kansas where she used work.  She planted the roses many years ago and yet they continue to bloom every year! Grandma Vi had an amazing green thumb (something I did not inherit, by the way)! She loved flowers and I thought it would be appropriate to stop to snap a quick picture of one of her pretty roses while I was in the area!


    Brina and Brandon hanging out in their giant tent they built downstairs in Grandpa Russell and Grandma Penny’s basement!

    Three silly kiddos hanging out in their fort tent while chomping on some “spicy” candy Aunt Renelle brought for them to try!


    One of the girls favorite places to visit when in Kansas!  A view of my parents house from the top of Windy Point.

  • The Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry

    Heading to the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry

    While we were in Charleston over Spring Break we made a trip to the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry.  We haven’t been there before so the girls were very excited.  We headed out first thing Wednesday morning to downtown Charleston so we could be there when it opened to go exploring. The girls had a blast playing in all the rooms from being creative in the art room to checking out all the nooks and crannies in the castle, splashing around in the water wise room, experimenting with golf balls using Newton’s Laws, steering the pirate ship, shopping for groceries, and all the neat games outside too.

    We had only been there for a little while and McCown Bridges came to welcome us as well as let us know about the upcoming events.   If you are in the Charleston area and want a fun place to take the kids you should check out the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry!  Here are some of the highlights of our trip to the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry.

    Karlie having fun exploring the castle room!

    Brina and Karlie having fun

    Brina and Karlie at the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry

    What things happen in Spring?

    Walking the plank

    Brina steering the pirate ship

    Our little Karlie pirate!

    One of Karlie’s paintings. Both girls loved hanging out and doing several crafts & paintings in the art room

    Brina really liked the art room and the colored rice

  • Travel & Vacation: Visiting Our Grandparents

    Playing in the sun room

    We recently had an opportunity to go to Vermont and spend some time with Jake’s family.  The girls had a blast playing games, doing puzzles, reading books, and more!  They thought it was awesome having a dog in the house too and loved leading Irish around as well as learning how to give her various commands.  It was a nice relaxing weekend with Jake’s Mom and grandparents.  Thankful for a chance to spend time with them and have fun.

    Brina hanging out near the stove with Irish.  Hmmm….seems like Irish should be the one in that bed?   She thought Irish’s bed was a soft place to sit.  Irish was a good sport and didn’t seem to mind sharing.

    Craft time!  The girls loved doing crafts and were often found at the table cutting, gluing, coloring and more!

    Jake and Gramps – Wonder what they are up to now!?

    We made a stop by Eatons Sugar House in South Royalton, Vermont

    Glad to see the bridge is back up and working again.  It was taken out with a flood over a year ago

    The river looks a little icy today, don’t think anyone wants to go tubing this time

    PopPop looking great

  • Creative Kids: Fuzzy Caterpillars & a Princess Crown

    Brina created these super cute fuzzy caterpillars for everyone in the family

    The girls love to do crafts!  Whenever we have a little bit of extra time the girls like to sit down and get creative.  It is really neat to see the girls get more creative and they can do a lot of the crafts on their own.  The other day the girls requested to do a craft.  We had several leftover items from an earlier craft we did so they used the scrap construction paper, fuzzy balls, and googly eyes.    Brina made adorable fuzzy caterpillars and Karlie made a princess crown for Brina.  Love seeing their creations! 🙂

    Karlie decided to take her construction paper and fuzzy balls to create a princess crown for Brina

    Brina gluing the craft pieces together

    Karlie finished Brina’s beautiful princess crown….sweet sisters

  • Tissue Paper Bleeding Art

    Do you have some crumpled tissue paper laying around?  At the next birthday party or gathering make sure to keep the colorful, crinkled tissue paper for this craft or if you already have some on hand that works great too.  It is super easy and loads of fun!  Our girls loved these and had a blast doing this craft.

    Colorful tissue paper in one of the kids bowl

    Tissue Paper Bleeding Art

    • Variety of colorful, crumpled Tissue Paper
    • White Paper (we use a heavier paper or poster board)
    • Small Bowl of Water
    • Paint Brush

    Gather some brightly colored tissue paper. Tear the tissue paper into a variety of pieces (small to several inches).  Put a piece of tissue paper on the white paper and use a paint brush dipped in water to wet the tissue paper, you will see the colors start to bleed.    Continue putting the tissue paper pieces down and painting with water until your white paper is full.  Set aside and allow to dry over night.  Once the tissue paper has dried, remove all the pieces and throw away.  You can use your new tissue paper bleeding art paper to cut out shapes and use them for thank you notes or display (see picture at the top of the post).

    Tip – if the kids are not able to get all the tissue paper wet you can use a spray water bottle and lightly mist the art piece before putting it away to dry.

    Putting down the tissue paper

    Water in a bowl and a paint brush

    Tissue paper covering the paper now just need to wait for it to dry

    What the paper looks like after the tissue paper dried and removed.  The tissue paper die bleeds onto the heavy paper underneath and this is what it looks after it has dried, really neat!  You can use this paper to cut out shapes and use for thank you notes or something special for the kids to display.