Travel & Vacation

  • Vacation: “Sky Safari Zip Lining ” – Basseterre, St. Kitts (Part 2, Pictures)

    The following are some pictures from our day in Basseterre, St. Kitts!


    We arrived in Basseterre, St Kitts!

    We had a fun time exploring the capital of St Kitts.  Basseterre was a neat place to walk the streets and meet people.  They had monkeys you could take pictures with after getting off the port, if you wanted a picture with the monkey you had to pay $20.  You learn quickly to say “no, thank you” because there can be so many people asking for your attention.

    Dad getting an aloe massage!

    While the rest of us were walking through the shops Dad sat down for a few minutes at a table and ended up getting an aloe massage.  The guy said he looked 20 to 40 years younger after the massage, it was pretty funny to watch!

    Sailboat Cruise Ship, really neat!

    There was a sailboat cruise ship at Basseterre, St Kitts.  We encountered a lot of amazing boats during our vacation!

    Coca Cola appeared to be a universal soda of choice in many of the islands!

    Coke was a popular sign no matter where we went.  Here is one of their advertisements painted on the side of a building in St Kitts.

    Building a house in Basseterre, St Kitts!

    A construction crew working on a home.  Often times they would go ahead and run the pipes before building the next level that way they had a head start when they were ready to build again.

    Beach at Basseterre, St Kitts

    St Kitts had beautiful turquoise water and white beaches.  We didn’t make it to the beach that day because we went on the Sky Safari but we heard a lot of great feedback from other people on the ship.

    Catch of the day, Basseterre, St Kitts!

    The catch of the day!  The fish were almost as big as the fisherman carrying them.  One of the big industries in St Kitts is fishing.  These guys are rinsing off some of their fish they caught earlier that morning.

    We made it to our Sky Safari Zip Lining Adventure!

    We arrived at our excursion.  They took us by bus to the Sky Safari Zip Lining adventure!  It was a beautiful place and soooo much fun going on the zip lines.

    Standing in the Botanical Gardens overlooking the town and ocean!

    Amazing view while standing in the Botanical Gardens and overlooking the town and the ocean.  It was a breathtaking site, absolutely beautiful!

    Fresh coconut in Basseterre, St Kitts

    Fresh coconuts were hanging in the trees all over the island.  They had a spot where there were so many coconuts they just couldn’t eat them all.  Almond trees were in abundance as well.

    Beautiful flower in the Botanical Gardens, St Kitts!

    Beautiful flowers in the Botanical Garden in st Kitts!  They had interesting flowers, trees, and artists to see!

    Fresh Fruit on the trees in St Kitts!

    A tree loaded with fresh fruit, I think these were the goya fruits.  Very popular in the islands!

    Local artist in St Kitts demonstrating how she uses wax, paint and canvas to create her paintings.

    A local artist showing us how she does her paintings with wax and canvas.  Each color takes a day to paint and dry some paintings take days before they are complete.  Very interesting to watch.

    Flowers & Bench at the Botanical Gardens in St Kitts!

    Beautiful white bench with flowers peeking through at the Botanical Gardens on St Kitts!  They had plenty for flowers, plants, and trees to see or you could just relax on one of their benches.

    Neat "Wagon" Wheel Bench in St Kitts!

    I really thought this wagon wheel bench was pretty neat.  The Botanical Gardens had great stuff to see or you can take a moment to relax and enjoy the surroundings while we were visiting.


    A friend running past in the Botanical Gardens!

    We saw several lizard or iguana type animals during our excursions. Although it was neat to see them running around I was thankful they wanted to keep their distance from everyone.  I think our guide called them ground lizards.


    Old Sugar Mill in St Kitts

    Sugar Cane was once very popular industry on St Kitts (and many of the other islands).  This sugar mill was no longer active but was very neat seeing how they use to make the sugar from the cane.

    St Kitts form of Poison Ivy!

    This is St Kitts form of poison ivy, none of us volunteered to touch.  We decided to take our guides word for it on that one.  No one was wanting any type of poison ivy reaction on our vacation.

    Apples growing in St Kitts

    This is a St Kitts apple growing in their tree.  Almost everywhere you walked you could see fruit growing in trees.  Even though the apples are not the same as ours I am sure they are delicious.  They don’t eat the skin on their apples.


    Very thorny tree in St Kitts!

    This tree was near the Sugar Mill in St. Kitts, in the past it was said that when slaves first came to the islands they were tied up to these thorny tree for several days.  I didn’t even want to touch it because the thorns were so sharp, ouch!

    Jake's all geared up for the Sky Safari zip lining adventure!

    Jake all geared up and ready to go.  My handsome man helped me get all my gear on as well.  The hats and harness were pretty comfortable and everyone had a blast on the zip line.  Fun times together with family!


    Basseterre, St Kitts

    Goodbye Basseterre, St. Kitts hope to see you again!  It was wonderful spending a day with you and we enjoyed all the fun adventures on your island!

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Vacation: “Sky Safari Zip Lining ” – Basseterre, St. Kitts

    Sky Safari Zip Lining Adventure in St. Kitts, our gear is on and training complete, whose ready for some fun.....

    The fourth day of the cruise we stopped at Basseterre, St Kitts.  Basseterre is one of the oldest in the eastern Caribbean and was originally part of the French colony.  Then in 1727 the British made Basseterre the capital of St. Kitts.  The island is known for its rich volcanic soil, tropical climate, and almost 70 sugar plantations.  Although the peek years for sugar plantations have past you can still see the old plantations,  sugar cane fields, abandoned fortresses, city squares, and architectural structures.  The volcanoes are dormant on St Kitts and the mountains are a great place to take a hike.

    Our excursion today was AMAZING!!!  The whole group went on the “Sky Safari Zip Lining” adventure.  We went on a zip line that was 1,400 feet long,  25 stories above ground, and up to 40 plus miles per hour.  There were four zip lines all at different spots on the mountain.  On three of the zip lines we went one at a time and on the last line we raced a partner….I raced with Jake.  We both thought that Jake won but when we got the pictures it looked like I made it to the platform first, interesting!  The zip line clipped into a harness and was super easy to learn how to do.  On the way down we were up so high the boats in the ocean seemed tiny plus our feet were hitting the tops of trees as we flew along the zip lines, it was awesome!

    We had a blast in St. Kitts!  If you have a chance to go sometime, we definitely recommend you check out the Sky Safari Zip Lining.

    Facts about St. Kitts:

    • Sovereign: Queen Elizabeth II
    • Governor-General: Sir Cuthbert Sebastian
    • Prime Minister: Denzil Douglas
    • Capital: Basseterre, St. Kitts
    • Total area: 65 square miles
    • Population: 49,898
    • Monetary: East Caribbean dollars

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

    Information on St. Kitts found on Info Please.

  • Vacation: “Catamaran Adventure” on Philipsburg, St. Maarten (Part 2 – Pictures)

    We enjoyed visiting the beautiful island of St. Maarten!

    Here are some pictures we took during our excursions that day!

    A map of St Maarten in the port!

    When we got out at each port there were maps of the location and usually a lot of people offering to “help” us see the island.  We had our excursions planned the day before so it allowed us the freedom to say “No Thank You” to all the offers.  Plus one of the many benefits to going on an excursion that was through the cruise line was that they guaranteed that you would arrive back on the ship in time or they would hold the boat for you.  When you go on an independent excursion if you don’t make it back to the port on time they just leave you!

    Mom and Dad in St Maarten!

    Mom, Dad, Jake, and I walked through the town.  It was neat seeing all the different shops and talking with the people that lived on the islands.

    Spending time together in St. Maarten! (Jake & Bridgette)

    It was difficult getting a picture near signs without having other tourists in the middle of the shot.  This sign was further on away from the port so we were able to get pictures without a group of random people being in it.  This picture was taken on the edge of a little park in Philipsburg.

    Huge private boat docked at the same port! We were told that it was Steven Spielberg's boat!

    This boat was huge and docked near our ship, it was Steven Spielberg’s boat (or so we were told)!  You know a private boat is big when they have garages on their boat for smaller boats!

    Snorkeling near St Maarten, somehow I was one of the first people in the beautiful water!

    Snorkeling was a fun adventure!  It always takes some time getting use to the gear but everyone had fun swimming around!

    We saw some schools of Black & Yellow striped fish and pieces of metal during our snorkeling adventure!

    Our camera is waterproof so Jake was able to bring it into the water and take some pictures of the fish.  They were a little harder to see with all the sand in the water but we still found a few.

    We saw several beautiful and huge boats on our excursion!

    We saw some amazing ships while on the catamaran.  I had no idea that there were so many private boats.  It was a beautiful place to visit.

    The airport was so close to the beach it literally looked like the airplanes were landing on the beach with all the people!

    It was really neat watching an airplane land in St Maarten.  The plane really looked like it was going to land on the beach with all the people.

    Helicopter that had crashed on the retired!

    We saw this helicopter on the port on our way back on the catamaran.  It had a rough life that ended in a crash and was being stored on the pier.  We knew our little one who enjoys cars, trucks and planes would get a kick out of seeing this one.

    One of the Beach Taxi Boats going back and forth all day!

    If you are planning on going to the beach these Beach Taxi Boats were a great choice.  You could ride them as much as you like all day for $6.  They went back and forth every few minutes.  You could spend the morning at the beach go to the boat for lunch then come back to the beach and hang out for the rest of the afternoon.

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Vacation: “Catamaran Adventure” on Philipsburg, St. Maarten

    Beautiful butterflies & flowers at Philipsburg, St. Maarten. This butterfly fluttered around us for several minutes before landing on this flower.

    During our recent trip we were able to stop by Philipsburg, St. Maarten!  Philipsburg is the capital of St. Maarten and on the Dutch side of the island.  the island is well known for it’s most popular “must-have” ingredient….SALT!  In the 17th century the Dutch settlers started harvesting the salt from Great Salt Pond and sending it by the ship load back to Europe.  The natives nicknamed the island “Soualiga” or “Land of Salt”.  Today the island is split with France owning the Saint Martin side and the Netherlands Antilles owning St. Maarten.

    The first wildlife to greet us upon arriving at the island was a beautiful little butterfly, it must have been one from the Butterfly Farm on St. Maarten sent to welcome us to their island.  St. Maarten has great “beach taxis” that will take you back and forth from the boat to the beach all day for $6.   If you are looking to spend the day at the beach this was a great deal plus you could come back to the boat for lunch then head back out to the beach for free as long as you still had on your wrist band.  St. Maarten is also a great place to shop and pick up some neat souvenirs for those back home.  Some of our group went to the beach that morning to swim, collect seashells and relax while others went strolling down through the town and shops.  It was a fun and relaxing morning at St. Maarten.

    That afternoon we all went on the “St Maarten Reef Express” which took us to two snorkeling locations.  On the way to our excursion we walked past a huge private boat, it was said to be Steven Spielberg’s private boat!  They had a lot of wind and storms that week so the water was a little cloudy but the weather was beautiful.  We were able to see some fish but didn’t get to go to the ship wrecks due to the cloudy water.  The food, drinks and ride along the beach were amazing.  We even got to see a plane almost land on the beach.  St. Maarten’s airport is located very close to the beach and when planes land they look like they are landing on the beach while people are enjoying their time sun tanning or swimming in the ocean.  Along our catamaran adventure we saw amazing boats, pastel homes, and were able to swim in its turquoise blue water.

    Here are a few fun facts about St. Maarten AKA St. Martin (depending on which side of the island you were on at the time!):

    • Official Name(s):  St. Martin – dependency of French overseas AND St Maarten – part of the Netherlands Antilles
    • Population of St. Maarten – 40,100
    • Capital of St Maarten – Philipsburg
    • Language of St Maarten – Dutch and English
    • Currency – Netherlands Antilles Florin (although US Currency is widely accepted)
    • Religions – Catholic, Protestant and Others
    • Land Mass – 13 square miles
    • Landforms – The island is known for its white sandy beaches and coves.  They have a lot of greenery in the hills and valleys of the island, the highest point of the island is 1,200 feet.  They do not have any significant rivers on the island.
    • Climate – warm throughout the year, the high temperatures vary just slightly between the seasons.

    Information taken from World Atlas

    In an later post we will share some of the pictures we took during our adventure on St Maarten.  If you ever have a chance to go to St Maarten we trust you will enjoy it as much as we did.  Maybe we will have the opportunity to visit and explore their beautiful island again in the future, you never know!

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Vacation: “Nature’s Little Secrets” – Tortola, British Virgin Islands (Part 2)

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words, here are ones that highlight our adventures at Tortola, British Virgin Islands.

    A beautiful place to visit!

    View from Tortola, B.V.I. looking out over some of the other islands.

    A BEAUTIFUL view from Tortola overlooking the surrounding islands!

    Tortola painting along the road showing their history!

    They had a wall of history depicted through many paintings, very neat!

    "Serenade of the Seas" our cruise ship looks so small from the top of Tortola!

    We got to see a lot of neat views from the top of Tortola, including our ship, which looks small from the top of the mountain!

    Range free cows on the edge of the road!

    The animals (cows, chickens, horses, goats, etc…) were not fenced in so you would see them on the roads or standing next to vehicles grazing.  They had no one where to go since they were living on the island.

    Beautiful coves and beaches on the island of Tortola!

    The water was beautiful!  Tortola had gorgeous beaches on various parts of the island!

    Tortola had beautiful flowers throughout the island and along the side of the road!

    Tortola had a lot of amazing flowers that we seen along our excursion!

    Yachts at the beach on Tortola!

    A lot people come to Tortola to sail in yachts.  Another popular activity and site at these islands!

    Police to the Rescue - traffic was stopped due to an accident!

    Tortola’s roads were steep and curvy.  Thankfully, we weren’t in an accident but were held up for a few minutes by one.  The police finally came and outlined the cars in the accident so traffic could once again flow!

    Party place on the island in the evening, the seaside Bomba Shack!

    The Bomba Shack by the ocean is said to be the party place for the islanders in the evening.  It was an interesting sight!

    "Shack for Love" the Bomba Shack

    Couples that get married in the Bomba Shack can sign their names inside.  No pictures were allowed inside the “shack”.

    Pink house with a purple roof!

    We took a picture of this “princess” house to show our little princess!  It was a pretty pink house with a purple roof view an amazing view of the island!

  • Vacation: “Nature’s Little Secrets” – Tortola, British Virgin Islands

    Our first view of Tortola, British Virgin Islands, beautiful islands!

    During our recent trip we were able to stop by Tortola, British Virgin Islands where the licenses plates read “Nature’s Little Secrets”.  Tortola is the largest and the capital of the 60 islands.  We took a shore excursion called “Tortola Highlights”!  The excursion started out in an open-air safari bus (aka a large open taxi).  We took a scenic drive through the beautiful island of Tortola.  The driver told us pieces of the history and culture as the bus climbed up the narrow curvy roads.  We passed many local villages including Trench and Fahie Hill.

    Tortola wasn’t always a peaceful island, it is said to be the spot where many pirates such as Bluebeard and Sir Francis Drake used to hide in the coves to pounce on the treasure ships as they sailed past.  The old pirate dens are now used for snorkeling, exploring, or relaxing on the beach.  British Virgin Islands includes Norman’s Isle which is believed to be the source of inspiration for Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Treasure Island”.  Pirate Jost Van Dyke’s island is well known for it’s beaches.  Virgin Gorda is the place where Rockefeller first promoted the island as an ideal tourist destination.

    The island has “range” free livestock – cows, chickens, horses, goats everywhere, there was no place for them to go unless they wanted to take a long swim in the ocean.  Tortola’s main source of revenue was sugar cane, however, their primary source is now tourism.  You can find plenty of rum distilleries, old sugar mills, and colonial landmarks while exploring the island.

    At the top of the island we stopped at the “Sky Top” Restaurant which was the highest point on all the islands.  We were able to get a panoramic view of the British Virgin Islands, it was beautiful! The biggest hit for the “Sky Top” restaurant was the view, if you wanted to use the restroom you had to buy a drink (a can of Coke was $4.50), buy an expensive souvenir, or pay a $1 cash to use their facilities.  The  restroom had a working toilet but soap and paper towels were not available.

    Tortola is also known for their white sand beaches and mountains full of fruit trees.  We stopped for a swim at the Cane Garden Bay.  We traveled around the entire island over Zion Hill for the scenic drive along the Sir Francis Drake Highway and back to Road Town where we browsed through some local shops.  The driving was a little bumpy in areas as they recently had a storm that dropped over 4 feet of rain.  We got stuck in a traffic jam due to a car accident but we all managed to make it back to the ship on time.  It was interesting hearing the highlights from the drivers’ point of view, he was very proud of their schools, churches, and a new hospital they recently built.

    If you go to Tortola make sure to bring cash for tips and to use the restroom as well as hand sanitizer!  Tortola is a beautiful place with breathtaking views of the other islands.  It is worth exploring if you are in the area!  We hope to one day go back for another visit!  I will be sharing in a future post some of the pictures we took while on the island of Tortola!

    Below are some more facts regarding Tortola and the surrounding British Virgin Islands:

    • Monarch – Queen Elizabeth II
    • Governor – His Excellency Boyd McCleary
    • National Anthem – “God Save the Queen”
    • Flag – “Union Jack”
    • Territory Status – Non-Sovereign, overseas territory of the United Kingdom, internal self-governing
    • Legal System – English Law
    • Largest Island – Tortola
    • Language – English (official), Spanish
    • Population – 28,882
    • Religion – Christianity (major), Hinduism, Islamic
    • Monetary Unit – US Dollar
    • Economy – One of the most prosperous in the Caribbean. Highest Income Generators – Tourism & Financial Services
    • Sales Tax – None
    • Life Expectancy – 70 to 78
    • National Flower – Oleander
    • National Bird – Turtle Dove
    • National Tree – White Cedar
  • Cruising on “Serenade of the Seas”

    We had the privilege of cruising on Royal Caribbean’s “Serenade of the Seas” ship on our last vacation.  The first evening we were aboard the boat was full of exploring the ship, our cabin, the schedules, activities and the amazing services they had to offer.  It was our second cruise and the “Serenade of the Seas” was a bigger ship as well as a longer trip.  We were excited to have the opportunity to explore more islands during our trip.   Both of us slept very well aboard our time on the ship as they cruised from island to island during the night.  We met a lot of really neat people and was able to spend some quality time with our family.  “Serenade of the Seas” is one of Royal Caribbean’s newer ships.  Here is some information about “Serenade of the Seas”:

    Ship Facts

    * Maiden Voyage: August 1, 2003
    * Passenger Capacity: 2,114 double occupancy; 2,502 maximum
    * Godmother: Whoopi Goldberg
    * Gross Tonnage: 90,090
    * Length: 962′
    * Beam: 105.6′
    * Draft: 27.9′
    * Cruising Speed: 22 knots

    Ship Highlights

    * Rock-climbing wall
    * Portofino Italian Restaurant
    * Chops Grille
    * Latté-tudes,SM a specialty coffee house featuring Seattle’s Best Coffee®
    * Seaview Café
    * Themed bars and lounges
    * Casino RoyaleSM
    * The Colony Club, a unique British colonial-style lounge with self-leveling pool tables;
    * Beautiful indoor Solarium
    * Indoor/outdoor country club with golf simulator
    * Adventure Ocean® youth facilities
    * Day Spa and Fitness Center
    * Sports court with basketball/volleyball court

    These were just a few of the details of “Serenade of the Seas”.   We enjoyed amazing food, great entertainment and a fun times.  We would go again if we had the opportunity.  If you have never cruised before it is an experience worth trying at least once.  None of our party got sea sick.  The trip was pretty smooth and the service wonderful.  Check it out if you are thinking about taking a cruise.  Who knows who you’ll meet along the way!

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • A Wild Ride

    We took several "taxi" rides during our vacation but the one from the airport to the port was the craziest!

    The neat part about some of the services at the airport is that their fees are regulated, however, that does not always mean it will be a smooth ride! Since we had a larger group we took two van taxi’s to the boat.  Jake, Josh, Dad and I went in the first one and the remaining five took the second one.  Our taxi was a dented mini van with smoke bellowing out the back.  Unfortunately, there were no working seat belts in the van and at times we felt like we were in a roll cage at an amusement park as we whipped through the streets of downtown San Juan to avoid the traffic on the main highways.  We were tracking our movements on google maps, which was pretty funny to watch as we took a zigzag path through the city before arriving at the port.  Even though it was a rough ride we arrived at the port in record time.  We saw all kinds of interesting sights as we zoomed through the town.

    We arrived at the port more than fifteen minutes before the our the party.  We were beginning to grow concerned about them since they only left moments behind us.  It was only then that we realized that our group was the ones that had all the walkie talkies and cell phones that were still on.  The rest of the group had already turned theirs off.  Within a few more minutes and what seemed like many mini vans later everyone arrived safely at the port.  We were able to check onto the Serenade of the Seas and start exploring!

    A hint for those who have never traveled outside of the United States.  Bring plenty of $1 dollar bills.  You tip for almost everything you do.  Even with a wild taxi ride you are expected to tip (some people would pay big bucks to go on a ride like that at an amusement park)!  Tipping $1 to $4 each time adds up quickly when you are doing it every day and sometimes multiple times a day.   Also, you have to pay for things you get for free in the US, for example, on a tour we stopped at a restaurant and in order to use their restroom you had to buy a drink (a can of Coke was $4.50), purchase a souvenir,  or  pay $1 per person.

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Fun in Flight

    AirTran Flight to San Juan, Puerto Rico

    On Saturday morning we flew out of Altanta to San Juan, Puerto Rico on AirTran.  It was wonderful having direct flights!  Flying is a little more intense than it use to be especially with all the extra fees to pick your seat, luggage, etc… plus the additional security procedures you go through prior to arriving at the terminal.  We both arrived safe and early for our flight.  We met up with my brother Lee and his wife Becky who were coming from Baltimore, thankfully their flight ended up being ahead of schedule so everyone made it.

    Overall the check in and flight was smooth and enjoyable.  Since it was almost a 4 hour flight we found ways to occupy our time.  Jake and I played our first rounds of SORRY! Revenge Card Game which is a card version of “Sorry” the board game.  It was a quick game and fun.  The following are ways that help us make the time on the airplane “fly”:

    • Sleep – it is a great time to catch a few winks of rest while in flight.
    • Play a Game – usually we stick to card games like “SORRY Revenge”, “Five Crowns”, “Quiddler”, or other card games if we are playing with 2 or more people.  There are plenty of games to play if you are the only one wanting to participate as well such as “Sudoku,” “Mad Libs,” crossword puzzle and more.
    • Read or Listen to a Book – catch up on a book you’ve been wanting to read. If you forgot to bring a headset usually the flight attendant can get you a set.
    • Listen to Music – it is a relaxing way to pass the time in the air plus it tunes out crying children or snoring adults.  If you didn’t bring an MP3 player or something to listen to many of the airplanes have built in channels on the armrest and you can listen to while traveling.
    • Watch a Show or Movie – we watched a short show on Jake’s phone (both of us brought headphones but many airplanes will give you one for free).  That 40 minutes was fun and went by quickly for us.
    • Leisurely Eat your Snack – you are in no rush so take your time savoring the pretzels, cookies or snack and sipping on your beverage.  If you want more ask, they are more than happy to serve you. We have even made a game out of the snacks….for example count how many pretzels are in each bag, you would be amazed at the difference between bags!
    • Write Your Blog Posts – on the way out I wrote a list of blog topic ideas that I wanted to write about and on the way back I started writing out a couple of the articles I wanted to post soon.  It gives you a head start on the topics you are wanting to discuss especially after being gone for a week, the schedule tends to be packed already.
    • Update Your Journal or Pictures – if you write in a journal update regarding the adventures you are having.  If you are not into journals but have a lot of pictures you took during your time away go through the pictures (I have been known to take some strange pictures) during the flight and delete the ones you know you will never print and do not want.
    • Work on a Craft – many crafts are small and can be done in a relatively short amount of time.  Have you tried drawing, cross stitching, or other small crafts that you can do while flying.
    • Write Notes – write your postcards that you were unable to finish or thank you notes to those who made the trip enjoyable.  Everyone loves receiving a hand written note of “thanks” or appreciation!  Thankfully I had all my postcards done by this time, however, I had plenty of thank you notes to write!  Write the notes, address them (if you know the addresses) and when you get home all you have to do is put a stamp on them and stick them in the mail!
    • Read a Magazine – airlines always have a couple to look at and there are many months I don’t have the time to enjoy reading through one of our magazines so flying gives me a good excuse to read a magazine I enjoy from cover to cover if I want!

    For those who struggle with the pressure when descending the best item I have ever purchased for airplane trips is ear planes.  I had one really bad flight and was in so much pain with all the pressure that I never leave home without my ear planes if I am flying.  They really do make the trip so much more pleasant for everyone on your flight!  You can purchase them at most pharmacies.

    We enjoy time in the air because it gives us an extra opportunity to relax and do some fun activities we normally don’t have time to do at home.  So next time you fly sit back, relax, and enjoy those extra few moments of leisure.  Who knows when you’ll be able to read several chapters of a book or play a game with your spouse.  Our time in flight always goes by quickly, hope yours does too.

    We arrived in San Juan, Puerto Rico early that afternoon and found a Wendy’s across from the airport where we grabbed a bite for lunch and waited for the rest of our crew to arrive.  A couple hours later Dad, Mom, Josh, Jeremy and Amber arrived.  Thankfully all the luggage arrived with everyone.  The next step was finding a taxi to get us to our boat!

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Starting off with a BANG….

    Neat pictures - parts of airplanes at the Marriott.

    We left for our exciting cruise vacation late on a Friday afternoon.  We were all packed, loaded in the van, and ready to go only to discover the van would not start.  Oh BOY!  Not again, the van has already been in the shop two times in the last couple of months.  After a quick call to Jake I tried to explain the situation to the girls.  They were in tears because they were super excited about starting their vacation together with friends while we were on the cruise.

    We decided to all head back inside and have fun while waiting for Daddy to come home.  We read a couple books together as we were waiting.  Brina picked out a book about a Ballerina and Karlie picked out “The Empire’s New Clothes”.  After reading the books we took a few minutes to snuggle and talk.  We did a few extra chores around the house then Jake was home.  Looking back it was nice to have a few moments of quiet and relaxing time together before leaving.  He was able to jump start the van and away we went only a little over an hour off schedule.

    We got the girls settled into their new home for the week.  They were excited about spending their vacation with friends and had been looking forward to it for a long time.  Jake and I started our first leg of our trip together as a couple.  The van was a little quiet without the girls giggling and talking in the back but we enjoyed our time together.

    On the way we stopped at Flying J for a potty break and to pick up a snack for breakfast the next morning at the airport.  We were flying out early and getting checked in and through the security could take up any extra time so we wanted to be prepared.  We had a quick but nice supper at Arby’s.  It is always smart to bring coupons on vacation with you because you never know where you might stop to eat.  It is amazing how much you can save over the course of a trip by using coupons.

    The roads under the bridges were still icy from the snow storm earlier that week but we made it safely to Atlanta and checked into Atlanta Airport Marriott for the night.  They have a wonderful program we have used several times where you park your vehicle at the hotel and they drive you to the airport which costs less then parking even in the long term parking at the airport.  You can park even if you are not planning on spending the night at the hotel.  This was the first time we used it and spent the night.  Since we spent the night our parking was free for a week and it was still less then parking at the airport.  Plus with the flight leaving early in the morning we wanted to make sure we were at the airport on time.  Marriott had a shuttle going to and from the airport every 15 minutes making it convenient to catch a ride when you wanted to leave for the airport.   We did all the planning for this ahead of time and reserved the room and parking online.  Love being able to get things done before ever leaving on vacation.  Many other cities provide this service as well so it may be worth checking into before you fly the next time if you cannot have someone drive you, it really has saved us a lot of money over the last few years.

    Jake and I had a wonderful couple hours to relax before getting a good nights sleep.  We don’t have a TV in our room at home so we surfed the channels for a few minutes and ended up watching “Bill Cosby’s Himself”.  I had never seen it before, for an example of the show click here.  It was nice to relax together and just laugh listening to Bill Cosby.  We had no where to be until the morning so we relaxed!

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!