Travel & Vacation

  • Spending Time with Grandma!

    We were so thankful that my Mom was able to come visit us for several days.  She went with us to Savannah for my cousins graduation and time at the beach.  The girls love spending time with Grandma and were thrilled to hang out together.


    Grandma Penny helping the girls do their workbooks!

    I think Grandma Penny was much more patient then Mommy doing the workbooks!


    Grandma Penny reading books to the girls!

    The girls love it when Grandma reads them books.  Today they relaxed for a few minutes on the front porch with a stack of books to read together.  Thank you Mom for reading to our girls, they LOVE their time with you!  I am thankful for a Mom who takes the time to be with our family.  The girls have many wonderful family memories because of moments like these!


  • Vacation & Travel: Family Time at Tybee Island, Georgia

    We had an amazing trip to Savannah, Georgia this year.  We were able to explore Savannah, celebrate a cousins graduation from SCAD, and go to the beach on Tybee.  Here are some more fun pictures from our trip to Tybee Island:

    Checking out Savannah's Wildlife!

    The girls were thrilled to find this “pretty green frog” at Grandma Penny’s hotel!  As we were leaving one time we were greeted by this little guy!  It is amazing how fascinating a frog can be for the kids!

    It was fun to spend time with my sweet Mom in Savannah!

    We were so happy that Grandma Penny was able to go with us on the road trip to Savannah!  The girls loved hanging out with Grandma Penny!

    Karlie watching Daddy out the Grandma Penny's hotel window!

    Karlie wanted to make sure Daddy wasn’t going to leave us.

    Brina's ready for the beach, she's swinging her arms to dry off the sunblock!

    We found that putting sunblock on at the hotel, letting it dry, then heading to the beach was the key to stay unburnt and sand free!

    The girls know we are getting close to the beach on Tybee once they see the giant shark!

    They think the shark is hilarious.  The first time we went to Tybee we stopped by because they wanted a closer look.  Now when they see it they just giggle!

    Aunt Mary Ann and the girls were the first to get their feet wet!

    The girls love testing the water for a few minutes before going right into the ocean.

    Karlie loves Tybee Beach!

    Karlie running up the beach to take off her glasses so she can go swimming in the ocean!

    Everyone starting to enjoy the beach!

    It was great having an opportunity to go to the beach with extended family.  Tybee was beautiful and really only a few people were out on the beach with us.

    Come on in Grandma Penny, the water's great!

    The girls had a blast swimming with Grandma Penny, Aunt Renelle, Uncle Eric and everyone else.  The beach adventure was a lot of fun for the girls.

    Mom and Renelle enjoying their time at Tybee Beach!

    Everyone enjoyed a relaxing swim at Tybee.  We even saw some DOLPHINS!  I didn’t have my camera handy when they came but thrilled they came to visit us during our swim!

    Karlie "helping" Uncle Eric dig a giant hole in the sand!

    Every time we go swimming on Tybee Beach we see several of these cargo ships going by.  It is amazing the amount of cargo they carry on these ships as they go in and out of Savannah’s harbor.

    Brina having fun riding on Daddy's shoulders!

    The girls love the water!  I am thrilled that they are becoming more confident with their life jackets but still (for the most part) stay near us!

    Aunt Mary Ann enjoying the shade while talking with Jake!

    It was a beautiful day at the beach!  We are so thankful to be able to share it with so many family members!

    Brina swimming with Daddy and Karlie swimming with Grandma Penny!

    The girls thought it was awesome being able to swim with a lot of different people, they usually have a choice between Mommy or Daddy.  Thankful that they love the ocean and had fun with family!

    Brina and Karlie "helping" Daddy dig a hole for a sand castle!

    Thanks Laurel for the awesome sand toys!  The girls had a blast making a sand castle at Tybee!

    Brina and Karlie taking a lunch break in the beach tent!

    The tent was a nice place out of the sun for the kiddos to take a break and eat lunch.  Thanks babe for taking care of us so we didn’t get crispy in the sun!

    The sand may be messy but it sure is fun playing in it with Daddy!

    One of their favorite activities to do at the beach, dig in the sand!

    Lunch time at the beach! We were thrilled Mom could join us in the adventure!

    My Mom was able to fly up to Greenville and come with us on this road trip.  That weekend was packed full of fun with the graduation celebration, beach adventures, the road trip and many more exciting activities!

    Checking out the lobsters at Red Lobster!

    We didn’t have a chance to stop at a seafood restaurant in Georgia so on the road trip back home we ate at Red Lobster.  The girls were fascinated with their lobster tank!

    “A Vacation To Remember” series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Family Celebrations: Graduation in Savannah, Georgia

    In a previous post I mentioned that our family was able to take a road trip to Savannah to celebrate my cousin Laurel’s graduation from college, SCAD.  Here are a few more pictures of our trip.


    2011 SCAD Graduation - Way to GO Laurel!

    We were able to see Laurel Graduate.  It was a fun trip of celebrating and catching up with family while enjoying Savannah!


    Uncle Rick, Laurel, and Aunt Mary Ann!

    Proud parents of the graduating college student!


    Three Graduates - Karlie and Brina from Kindergarten and Laurel from College!

    The girls thought Laurel was so cool because she graduated the same year they did.  Although they thought her classes might have been harder and definitely bigger!  We were thrilled to have a graduation to attend on the East coast.  Thankful for the opportunity to celebrate with Laurel.


  • Vacation & Travel: Family Time in Historic Savannah, Georgia

    We recently went to Savannah, Georgia to celebrate my cousins graduation from SCAD (Savannah College of Arts and Design).  It was great having a reason to travel to Savannah again.  Our family enjoys all the history in the area and loves an opportunity to go to the beach.  We arrived on Friday nights just in time to see Savannah’s first Friday Firework display downtown on River Street.  Saturday was graduation day so we had a mix of sightseeing, graduation ceremony and celebrating with Laurel.  The girls thought Laurel had a lot more in her class then they did in their kindergarten graduation earlier that week. My Mom was able to fly out from Kansas and spend a couple days with us and drive with us to Savannah.  It was great spending some extra time with her and the girls loved having Grandma around.

    Hilarious....Karlie fast asleep with her treat still in her mouth!

    The girls picked out a snack to munch on during the ride to Savannah.  Karlie picked out a special treat, fruit by the foot.  Obviously she was too tired to finish eating it because when I looked back this is what I saw…..her fast asleep with the last six inches of the fruit by the foot hanging out her mouth.  All of us got a good laugh at this one such a classic road trip picture!

    Brina opening her goodie bag from Aunt Mary Ann and Aunt Laurel!

    Aunt Mary Ann and Aunt Laurel put together a sweet goodie bag for each of the girls.  They had a lot of fun playing with the toys, drinking through the silly straws and writing in their new notebooks.

    Friday Night Fireworks on River Street in Savannah, GA

    The first Friday evening of every month (at least during the summer months) Savannah has fireworks.  They start after sundown about 9 PM at night.  The fireworks are set off over the river and are beautiful.

    Brina, Daddy and Karlie exploring Savannah!

    Saturday morning we decided to explore Savannah on foot while it was still early and cool.  The girls had a fun time walking and asking questions about the town.  Love this picture of Jake walking hand in hand with the girls, if only you could hear the conversation going on… many questions and Daddy patiently answering each one.  Such a great Daddy, love these three very much!

    Brina showing off her new purple seashell necklace and watching the horse carriages driving by at the same time!


    Karlie showing off her new seashell necklace!

    When we were looking through the shops and picking out postcards we found two purple seashell necklaces on clearance for $0.99 so the girls got their first seashell necklaces to remember Savannah.

    Relaxing before graduation! Karlie and Brina kept Laurel entertained as lunch was being made.

    The bed in Uncle Rick and Aunt Mary Ann’s room was a make shift couch throughout the weekend.  Karlie and Brina had fun talking with Laurel.  It was pretty funny listening to some of their “stories”!

    The ladies in our group that went on the Trolley Tour - Renelle, Bridgette, Randy and Penny!

    Jake and I had been on the trolley tour before but wanted to go again.  It was amazing the amount of different information we learned this time around.  Every tour guide has a unique way of presenting the information.  Renelle, Randy, and Mom had never been on the tour and enjoyed it as well.  Even though it was pretty hot outside with the open trolley and breeze it was comfortable.  Thanks babe for running to grab waters for everyone while we took this picture.

    Beautiful Church in Savannah, GA

    Savannah has a lot of amazing history.  This is one of several beautiful churches in the downtown area of Savannah.

    Savannah has a lot of great squares with Monuments and historical information in each one.

    There are a lot of shaded squares in Savannah that you can walk through and read a bunch of history.  Each square has some type of monument to view and benches for those wanted to rest or have a picnic.  If you are wanting to get an overview of Savannah I recommend taking one of the trolley tours first then you can come back later and learn more about the sights that interest you.  We chose the Oglethrope Trolley Tour because it was the best price and we didn’t have to pay for parking.  Finding parking in downtown Savannah can be difficult and expensive.  Plus the trolley would pick us up and drop us off at a number of locations throughout Savannah all day.  You could explore a historical sight or go shopping and when you were done or wanted transportation to the next area of interest you would wait a few minutes or call them and they would come pick you up.

    More Savannah Trip Pictures Coming soon!

  • Living on a Budget: Groceries $40 for 4

    Another week of doing Groceries $40 for 4. I was able to stock up on some items but overall it was a quiet grocery shopping week because a lot of unexpected activities came up.  We are trying to eat up our perishables this week since we have a lot of produce already in the fridge and from the garden.  A lot of the items we picked up will be great for the upcoming road trips we have this summer!  I am hoping to get back on schedule soon with grocery shopping although I have a feeling the summer months may have a new type of shopping schedule with the kiddos along helping.  Below are my grocery shopping adventures for the week!


    Groceries from CVS and Walgreens!

    CVS Groceries:

    • $1.46 at CVS for 1 Powerade Fruit Punch, 1 Powerade Mountain Blue, 1 Vitamin Water Energy Blast, 1 Fuze Refreshing Peach, 1 Fuze Strawberry Melon, 1 Chex Mix Cheddar, 1 Chex Mix Honey, 2 Chex Mix Turtle, and 1 Powerbar Energy Snack.  I used coupons on the Chex Mix and a couple ECB’s to help with the savings.  I received an $2.49 ECB for the Powerbar and $2.00 ECB for the drinks.  These items will be great for our upcoming vacation road trip.

    Walgreens Groceries:

    • $2.01 at Walgreens for 4 cans of Mandarin Oranges, 2 boxes Strawberry Royal Gelatin, and 2 boxes of Raspberry Royal Gelatin.


    Groceries from BiLo

    BiLo Groceries:

    • $14.49 at BiLo for 1 gallon of Whole Milk, 1 gallon of Skim Milk, 1 container of Country Crock, 1 box of Oatmeal Cremes, 1 box Blue Bonnet, 1 box of Peanut Butter Bar, and 1 container fresh Mushroom.  (I had three munchkins with me on this trip so I didn’t have a chance to match the sales and coupons).  I probably spent a little more than expected but it was worth to have the extra time with the kids.

    I am excited to be back doing our Groceries $40 for 4 budget again.  This week I spent $17.96 on groceries.  Even though I wasn’t even close to the budgeted amount for the week  I was still able to stock up on several items.  Thankfully I was able to keep the amount within reason although I would like to see a little extra left over for those weeks when I find a really good deal or go a little over.  Plus I hope to have more time soon to do more regular grocery shopping.  We were out of town for the weekend part of this grocery week so it a little different from our usual events, however, we brought the majority of our food with us to make meals or just did two meals a day with snacks in between.

    It is my goal to give you regular updates on this budget section so you can celebrate the good weeks with me and thump me on the bad weeks!  As always you are welcomed to join the journey with me.  I would love to hear your story and how you are doing too.  The purpose of our family doing this it to watch our grocery spending while allowing us to feed our family, enjoy life, share with others, and yet stay on track with our budget.

    Living on a Budget is a series of ways our family uses a budget to help keep us accountable with our finances.  Life doesn’t always go as planned.  We have used some of the ideas I will be sharing for years while others are ones we are just starting to implement as we continue finding ways to be creative and have fun with what we have been given.  Having a plan in place allows us the freedom to be smart with what we have been given, get more creative when it is a tight (week, month, year or a season) and when necessary live a much more simplified life.  A budget helps us stay on track so we have more opportunities to enjoy the many blessings we have been given as well as share what we have with others.  There is so much more to life than having all the stuff.  We may not have the newest or greatest items in our house, we drive used cars, and wear hand-me-down clothing…..however, if our family is taken care of and have love for each other and others we have more than all the riches in the world.

  • Recipe: No Bake Cookies

    I always loved it when my Mom made No Bake Cookies when I was a kid.  It has been fun making these cookies with my girls now.  I had some oatmeal and peanut butter I needed to use up recently so I made these cookies for one of our recent road trips and for a friend who had a baby.   These cookies are delicious and inexpensive to make.  The most important step of this entire recipe is making sure that once the first set ingredients is boiling to allow them to boil for 1 minute, if you do not let it boil for 1 minute the cookies will be runny and not set up well.  These cookies are a perfect combination of chocolate and peanut butter.

    No Bake Cookies:

    • 2 cups Sugar
    • 4 tablespoon Cocoa
    • 1 stick Butter
    • 1/2 cup Milk
    • 1 cup Peanut Butter
    • 1 tablespoon Vanilla
    • 3 cups Oatmeal

    In a heavy saucepan bring the sugar, cocoa, butter, and milk to a boil.  Let them boil for 1 minute.  Stir in peanut butter, vanilla, and oatmeal.  Lay out the wax paper, drop mixture by the teaspoonful and the cookies have cooled.  The cookies will harden as they cool.

    Photo by alibree

  • Living on a Budget: Groceries $40 for 4

    Another week of doing Groceries $40 for 4. I was able to stock up on some items for our freezer and pantry so we should be good for awhile. I stocked up on a mix of perishable and non-perishable products this week.  A lot of the items we picked up will be great for the upcoming road trips we have this summer!  Below are my grocery shopping adventures for the week!

    Aldi’s Groceries Deal:

    • $30.02 at Aldi’s for Graham Crackers, Tator Tots, Vidalia Onions, 4 Cotton Candy, 3 packs 93% Lean Ground Beef (on clearance), Sandwich Wheat Bread, Celery, Ice Cream Cups, 3 packs Easter Frosting, Cheese Sharks, Baby Carrots, Cucumber, Parmesan Cheese, 2 cans Cut Green Beans, and Watermelon.

    I am excited to be back doing our Groceries $40 for 4 budget again.  This week I spent $30.02 on groceries.  Even though I was close to budget I was still able to stock up on several items.  Thankfully I was able to keep the amount within reason although I would like to see a little extra left over for those weeks when I find a really good deal or go a little over.

    It is my goal to give you regular updates on this budget section so you can celebrate the good weeks with me and thump me on the bad weeks!  As always you are welcomed to join the journey with me.  I would love to hear your story and how you are doing too.  The purpose of our family doing this it to watch our grocery spending while allowing us to feed our family, enjoy life, share with others, and yet stay on track with our budget.

    Living on a Budget is a series of ways our family uses a budget to help keep us accountable with our finances.  Life doesn’t always go as planned.  We have used some of the ideas I will be sharing for years while others are ones we are just starting to implement as we continue finding ways to be creative and have fun with what we have been given.  Having a plan in place allows us the freedom to be smart with what we have been given, get more creative when it is a tight (week, month, year or a season) and when necessary live a much more simplified life.  A budget helps us stay on track so we have more opportunities to enjoy the many blessings we have been given as well as share what we have with others.  There is so much more to life than having all the stuff.  We may not have the newest or greatest items in our house, we drive used cars, and wear hand-me-down clothing…..however, if our family is taken care of and have love for each other and others we have more than all the riches in the world.

  • Bass Pro Shops: Free Family Summer Camp Events (Activities / Workshops / Crafts & More!)

    Starting June 4th through July 10, 2011 Bass Pro Shops will be having Free Family Summer Camp Events.

    There are plenty of fun activities, games, crafts, and workshops to participate in at Bass Pro Shops.  Some variations may occur at the individual stores participating in the Free Family Summer Camp Events.

    Free Activities (Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2 PM to 6 PM and Saturdays & Sundays from 12 PM to 4 PM):

    • Free Shooting Gallery
    • Free Shooting Range
    • Free Casting Targets
    • Free Photo (on Saturdays & Sundays)
    • Free S’Mores Cookout (Saturdays – 7 to 8 PM)

    Free Workshops (Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2 PM to 6 PM and Saturdays & Sundays from 12 PM to 4 PM):

    • Archery
    • Bird Watching
    • Shooting Basics
    • Camping Basics
    • Plants & Insects
    • Animal Identification
    • Hiking Basics
    • Outdoor Pets
    • Fishing Basics

    Free Crafts (Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4 PM to 6 PM and Saturdays & Sundays from 2 PM to 5 PM):

    • Camp Scene Doorknob Hanger – June 4 & June 5
    • Camping Photo Frame – June 7, June 9, June 11, June 12
    • Leather Keychain – June 14, June 16, June 17, June 18
    • Paint a Wiggle Fish – June 21, June 23, June 25, June 26
    • Design Your Own Birdhouse – June 28, June 30, July 2, July 3
    • Stamping Fun Animal Tracks – July 5, July 7, July 9, July 10

    To learn more information go to Bass Pro or to find a location near you!

  • Red Lobster: 4 Course Seafood Special

    Red Lobster currently has a 4 Course Seafood Feast for only $14.99 for a limited time.

    You get unlimited biscuits plus a choice of Soup, Salad, Entree, and Dessert.

    • New England Chowder
    • Potato Bacon Soup


    • Fresh Garden Salad
    • Caesar Salad


    • Garlic Alfredo Shrimp & Scallop Pasta
    • Garlic Herb Shrimp & Chicken
    • Spicy Habanero Coconut Shrimp Bites
    • Sweet Citrus Grilled Shrimp
    • And MORE Classic Favorites


    • Sweet Cinnamon Doughnut Bites
    • Triple Chocolate Brownie a la Mode
    • Key Lime Pie

    The portion sizes are the same as their regular entrees.  Look for Red Lobster coupons in your newspapers coupon section, can usually get a $4.00 off 2 Dinner Entree Coupons to make this an even better deal!  Locate a Red Lobster near you!