
  • Song: “Starry Night” by Chris August

    This song stands out to me and makes me appreciate our creator.  “The only One who makes the moon reflect the sun…”  In January we had the opportunity to go on a cruise and we got a glance of some of the earth’s amazing treasures.  If you think about it even for a few minutes you will see the beauty of the world we live in.  Take a moment this week to go outside and look at everything we have to be thankful for around us (birds, flowers, starry sky, sun, and so much more).

  • Book: “Secure Daughters, Confident Sons” by Glenn Stanton

    I recently read the book “Secure Daughters, Confident Sons: How Parents Guide Their Children into Authentic Masculinity and Femininity” by Glenn T. Stanton.  As a Mom of twin daughters I am constantly striving to improve my parenting skills so I can be a better person and raise my girls to be healthy, happy and caring women.  “Secure Daughters, Confident Sons” is a book that discusses why gender matters when raising our children.  Our culture shows our kids a variety of stereotypes and as parents we want to encourage our children to grow up to be great men and women.

    In Stanton’s book he clarifies that we are all made in the divine image of God, both male and female.  As parents we are to “train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it” Proverbs 22:6.  Each child is distinct individual and their path may not look the same as their siblings.  There are certain qualities we should teach consistently, however, every child will journey on their individual paths.  We are all unique individuals.  One other statement that popped out to me was Stanton’s quote from Dr. Louann Brizendine, “More than 99 percent of male and female genetic coding is exactly the same…..less than one percent variation…..But that percentage difference influences every single cell in our bodies…..”

    Glenn Stanton’s book has two sections :

    1.  “A Clear Vision for Authentic Manhood and Womanhood – and How to Help Your Kids Get There” In this section Stanton shows parents ways they can encourage their children to grow up to be healthy adults.  Guiding your children begins at an early age.  The book has chapters that focus specifically on boys / men and chapters on girls / women.   These chapters are beneficial for setting the foundations for your children.  Even if you have all boys or all girls in your family you will benefit by reading the chapters on the opposite gender.  (I have two girls in my family, however, reading the chapters on boys helps me better understand my husband, brothers, nephews, etc….) As a parent you want your children to happy,  successful, and have a healthy balance of strength and compassion for God and others.  Stanton gives parents practical tips to help guide your children.

    2.  “Why Boys and Girls Need Mothers and Fathers” Being a parent adds extra responsibility in your life since you and your spouse are the primary examples for your children. Each parent plays a unique role in the lives of their children and both contribute to the development of the kids.  We want to create a home of positive influence, security, and variety of interactions for our children (being examples in a many ways from how we raise the kids, discipline, working through disagreements, play, communication, manners, marriage, and more) .  What they learn and experience at home can provide a strong foundation as they mature into adults.

    Another great addition to this book is the Q&A section at the end of each chapter.  The questions address the information that was discussed in the chapter and provides more specific tips.  Every family is different and has unique situations therefore it is nice to see some extra advice given to families with the Q&A segment.

    Glenn Stanton did a pretty good job discussing a rather sensitive cultural topic in this book.  He had a mix of both spiritual and secular studies from professionals at leading Universities.  It is a good book for people who have children of their own, plan to have them, or are around children.

    Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes from the publisher through the Waterhouse Multnomah.  The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

  • Gift Giving: “The Graduates Survival Guide” by Rachel Cruze (Dave Ramsey)

    Do you have a family member or friend who is graduating from High School this year?  Are you looking for a unique gift for a reasonable price to give them that can help for many years?  You can order “The Graduates Survival Guide” for $19.95 on Dave Ramsey’s website.

    “The Graduates Survival Guide” includes:

    • Quick Reference Book (132 pages) – Question & Answer Format that includes information and resources about:
    1. Balancing a Checkbook
    2. Credit Cards
    3. Debt
    4. Part-Time Jobs
    5. Collision and Liability Insurance
    6. Student Loans
    7. Giving
    8. Compound Interest
    9. Saving
    10. And Many More Valuable Resources
    • 4 Track DVD – information and discussion on college topics:
    1. College Life
    2. Marketing & Debt
    3. Practical Saving
    4. Navigating Academic – schedules, classes, internships, and goals.
    5. And More!
    • Commemorative Gift Case – that holds all the goodies for your graduate


    “The Graduates Survival Guide” is designed to prepare graduating seniors for college.  Rachel Cruze’s “The Graduates Survival Guide” is for graduating High School Students as they step into the next phase of their life as a freshman in college.  The guide is humorous and informative.  The DVD about college life has helpful tips and stories (regarding schedules, finances, eating out, college life, roommates, and more) from Rachel Cruze, Christy Brown and Jon Acuff.  

    More about Rachel Cruze:

    Rachel Cruze was taught the basic principles of money at an early age.  She is part of Dave Ramsey’s team and has traveled across the country to speak to young adults at high schools, colleges and youth conferences about finances.   Some of the topics she discusses with teenagers is how to budget, save for cars & college, and giving.

  • Song: “What Faith Can Do” by Kutless

    We were able to see Kutless in concert during our Valentine’s Date at Winter Jam in Greenville, SC.  It was neat to hear their songs that night.  Since then several of their songs have been ringing through my head, this is one of those songs.  We all fall and make mistakes, however, it’s how we pick ourselves up that matters.  Having faith in something so much greater than ourselves gives us the additional strength and hope we need to get through any situation.  We have the privilege of seeing miracles happen when we have faith that God can and will provide exactly what we need.

  • Book: “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney

    I was thinking about some of my favorite books I enjoy reading to the girls.  The book Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney is one I have read to our girls many times.  It is a great book for parents to read to little ones.  The book is about a small rabbit who is asking how much he is loved and comparing the love to things / objects around him.  It helps put “love” in a perspective that our children can understand.  The book is a good reminder to the kids and parent both.  It is important that we show our love and appreciation for our children not only by reading the book to them but in many other ways throughout the week – a hug, listening, spending time with them, and just appreciating them for who they are as individuals.

  • Song: “Glory Of It All” by David Crowder Band

    Jake and I were able to hear the David Crowder Band in concert at the Winter Jam 2011 in Greenville, SC.  The phrase “We Will Never Be the Same” really stood out to me in this song.  Do I look like everyone else or is there something different about me?  I have the privilege to know the one true God, yet there are days I am convinced no one sees His love, kindness and mercy in my life.  He knew me before I was born and will be with me until the end of time.  May we reflect His goodness in our lives because he truly is the one who deserves our praise “for the glory of it all”!

  • Book: “Made to Crave” by Lysa Terkeurst

    I recently attended a Ladies Bible Study at our church and we went through Lysa Terkeurst’s book and study guide “Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food”  It was great reading a book that redirected our focus off food or other objects that we turn to when we want comfort or for celebration and turning our focus onto God.  The book isn’t a diet or healthy eating plan.  It is more of a guide to help you get your priorities in place.  If you are looking to eat healthier it gives you steps on how to set up a plan, find an accountability partner, and scripture to encourage you.  It was a refreshing yet challenging book to read.  I enjoyed going through the book and study with friends as well.  It was neat hearing their thoughts about the lessons and their own journeys as well.

    While I was going through the Bible Study I had the opportunity to attend the Extraordinary Women’s Conference at the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, SC.  I was able to hear Lysa speak during that weekend and meet her in person.  It was really neat to meet the author of the book I was currently reading, I even got her to sign my two books that I had of hers!  The other amazing blessing about that weekend is I was able to spend some extra time with some girlfriends while my husband took care of the girls.  Having some time learning and celebrating with friends was a real treasure.  Thankful for a man who gave me the opportunity to go!

  • Love It – Eye-Fi Explore X2 8 GB + Wi-Fi

    A couple months ago my sweet husband got me a Eye-Fi Explore X2 8 GB + Wi-Fi. When he explained what it was I liked the concept; although I didn’t realize how nice it would be until I started using it.  He had it set up and I was using the new card within minutes of putting it in my camera.  I LOVE my Eye-Fi especially when it comes to taking pictures or videos of my twin daughters as well as using it to take pictures for my blog!

    What is the Eye-Fi Explore X2?  Don’t worry I asked that question several times before I started using it as well.

    • The Eye-Fi is a wireless memory card used to transfer photo and video uploads from my camera to my computer (or online sites).
    • Eye-Fi memory card replaces your existing memory card in your camera.
    • It operates by transferring the pictures and videos via your wireless router.
    • You can use it for geotagging as well (I don’t use this feature).
    • If you are not at home on your local wireless spot you can actually upload using a hotspot access.
    • It stores up to 4,000 picture or 3 hours of video (I typically do a combination of the two)
    • The pictures & videos get downloaded automatically and are filed in their appropriate folders by date.

    It is so nice being able to download the pictures immediately after taking them.   If I don’t want to use them right away or do not have time to name or edit them when they download they will be waiting for when I have a free moment.   For example recently I used it for the following blog posts:

    The Eye-Fi card has been a huge time saver over the last couple months.  So thankful for a husband who knows how to make my life more enjoyable, efficient, and easier.  If you take a lot of pictures and need to have access to them within a few seconds this may be a great tool for you too.  I never have to worry about finding my cord or remembering to download the pictures because they are already downloaded and ready for me when I need them.  For those who take a lot of family and blog pictures / videos I would recommend requesting this as a gift or use your Swagbuck Amazon Gift Cards to get your Eye-Fi Explore X2, it really is pretty amazing!!!

    “Love It” is a series of posts on items that I use regularly in my household that I love!  There are some items in our daily lives that make life more enjoyable, efficient, or just plain fun.  I will be sharing with you some of the products that have been given to us (or to me) that have made it to the top of my list.  It’s my way of giving a huge thumbs up!

  • Song: “God With Us” by MercyMe

    I have heard this song multiple times but two weeks ago I a phrase in this song jumped out at me and has been stuck in my mind.  Great song!  The phrase that has stood out to me is “Such a tiny offering, compared to Calvary”  The time I take to have quiet time, taking a meal to a friend in need, eating healthier, and other activities are such a tiny offering when you look at what He did for me.  Yet there are days I complain about the busy schedule and curve balls life throws my direction when those are merely speed bumps to get my attention.  Hope you enjoy this song as much as I did.