• Travel & Vacation: Cute Panda Bears and Wildlife Show at the Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA)


    Panda Bear content to relax and eat bamboo

    The panda bears were one of the girls favorite animals to visit at the Atlanta Zoo.  I think the big fascination was watching the twin panda cubs.  It was a little harder to get a picture of both of them at the same time, but the kids loved watching them eat and play.  The Wildlife Show on birds was pretty neat too.  Of course the girls went up after the show to ask more questions about the birds.  The zoo worker was really great with the kids and patient in answering all the questions.  On the way out the girls wanted a picture with the gorilla.  It was a great day at the zoo.

    You can read more about our adventure at the Atlanta Zoo on my Travel & Vacation: Visiting the Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA)Travel & Vacation: Lions, Tigers, Seals, Reptiles, Bears, and more at the Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA), and Travel & Vacation: Orangutan Easter Egg Hunt at Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA)  blog posts.


    Looking pretty cute!


    Look out, showing some teeth this time. Watch out!  They may look cute and adorable, but I think it would  not be a good idea to pet them with teeth that size.


    Someone found an Easter pinata


    Loving the bamboo


    Peeling the bamboo stick apart, eating some pieces, and putting the other pieces on his belly for later.


    Crunchy, but delicious


    Good stuff


    Panada’s look so cute


    Checking things out around the pen


    Heading towards some more goodies


    Twin panda’s in their cage.  One sleeping on the log and the other one eating some bamboo


    Relaxing and chewing on some bamboo


     Bird Show in the Wildlife Theater at the Atlanta Zoo


    Getting all their questions answered


    Brina giving Willie B a hug


    Karlie and Brina enjoyed the Atlanta Zoo


    Karlie all smiles

  • Travel & Vacation: Orangutan Easter Egg Hunt at Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA)


    He’s eying that cool looking pinata egg with sweet Easter treats inside it!

    Another one of the neat events at the Atlanta Zoo was the Easter treats for the animals.  We were able to get front row viewing at the Orangutan Easter egg hunt.  It was super cute.  There was a Mommy with a little one which the girls thought was adorable.

    The Easter Eggs were made of jello and placed throughout the pen, pinata eggs full of special treats, leaf baskets with goodies, and cardboard cutouts with peanut like substance on the back for the orangutans to enjoy.  They had a lot of fun finding and snacking on their treats.  Even the baby found some.  They had paper garland hanging up which the orangutans enjoyed moving and playing with as well.

    You can read more about our adventure at the Atlanta Zoo on my Travel & Vacation: Visiting the Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA) and Travel & Vacation: Lions, Tigers, Seals, Reptiles, Bears, and more at the Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA) blog posts.


    An edible Easter egg in the tree and one on the rock in the background….waiting to be found!


    Swinging out to get the Easter garland


    Oh yeah, this eggs mine!


    Climbed up on top of the platform for this pinata treat


    Enjoying the goodies inside the pinata Easter egg


    Holding the cardboard cutout of the bunny rabbit and licking the treat off the back of it


    Hanging out near the hammock picking up and eating eggs, delicious!


    Look closely, he’s got a green jello egg in his mouth


    Momma and baby


    Sitting in the shade – Mom and Baby (the baby is not really little, but obviously still under its Mother’s care)


    Mom and baby kisses


    Licking the goodness off the back of the cardboard Easter egg decoration


    Mom and baby looking for some more treats


    The baby wasn’t too sure about everything at first so it stuck near its Mom at the beginning of the Easter Egg Hunt


    The baby is getting brave.  He is climbing the pole to get the Easter basket, with a little Chick, and goodies.


    Made it, now to grab it and head back down.


    The Mom watched the baby climb, get the treats, and bring them back down.  Then she took the items from the baby and ate them herself, ha!   The baby did get some treats, but Momma Orangutan got the first dibs!


    Rearranging the Easter Garland in their pen.

  • Travel & Vacation: Lions, Tigers, Seals, Reptiles, Bears, and more at the Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA)


     Lioness pacing on her rock

    We had a blast seeing all the animals on our recent trip to the Atlanta Zoo.  We arrived just as the Zoo opened in the morning and stayed until closing.  The kids loved seeing all the animals, the activities, and special events.  It was a busy, packed, and fun day together.  We walked all over the area of the zoo several times over.  The morning was a little cooler, but it was very comfortable by mid-morning (not too cold or hot).  You can read more about our adventure on my Travel & Vacation: Visiting the Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA) blog post.  


     The two lionesses were playing and pouncing on each other while we were there.  They were so fast we weren’t able to get a non-blurry picture of both of them together.  It was neat to watch them playing around instead of just sleeping on their rock.


     Better watch out….


     Tiger giving himself a bath.


     Out for a stroll


     The seal was catching the fish they were throwing at them.  You can see the fish right in front of him.


     Karlie and Brina learning about snakes.


     Karlie having fun


     Learning more about this little turtle


    Curled up and watching people as they go by his cage


     Brina fascinated by all the animals


    What’s in this one!?


     Karlie and Mommy having fun at the Atlanta Zoo


     Me and my girls!  They are growing up so fast.  Thankful for these little adventures together as a family!


    Brina was always good a spotting the animals really quickly, not sure how she does it so fast!


     The snake was following the heat from Karlie’s hand


     Jake and his girls at the Atlanta Zoo


     Jake is always so good about explaining and showing the girls different pieces of information about the animals.  The snake is acting like it might try to strike Jake’s hand through the glass in this picture, but it never did.


     The bear brought this branch with leaves on top of the platform so he could eat it by himself without the other one bothering him.


    Fun times!


    They loved learning about all the different wildlife.


    Love my family!  Grateful for the opportunity to hang out at the Atlanta Zoo for the day!


    Such a rough life…. They look so cute and cuddly.


    This is a “Tanuki” it is very timid and doesn’t come out very often per one of the zoo workers that we asked.  We walked by its cage multiple times and never saw it out until almost the end of the day.  It gets spooked easy so it is not visible very often.


    How does your Mom carry you!?  Silly girls – Brina and Karlie


    Karlie loves brushing the farm animals. She is currently on her way to brush another one.


    Brina talking with the zoo worker about goats and asking questions.  He was really nice and pointed out several different types of goats and characteristics of the ones near her.


    Brina and Karlie brushing one goat.  Lots of TLC for this Mamma goat.  They always love the interactive animal adventures.


    The giraffe is eying us while the ostrich was too busy eating to give us any attention