• Organized Chaos: Yard Clean Up & Bonfire


    Family yard clean up day

    I typically focus my “Organized Chaos” posts on items that have been done inside the house.  Sometimes being organized means going outside and getting stuff done too. We don’t always keep up with everything going on both inside and outside the house, but it feels good when we have a chance to pull together and have a productive day.

    Recently we had a family yard clean up day.  The girls and I spent the some time in the morning picking up fallen sticks from all the trees around our property while Jake changed the oil in our vehicles.  After he was done with the cars Jake mowed the yard.  We had a bonfire and got rid of a bunch of the sticks.  The yard looks better, at least until the grass grows with all the rain we’ve been getting.  The girls always enjoy cleaning up the yard and especially getting a chance to have a bonfire.


    Burning some dead tree branches we picked up in the yard.


    The girls were pretty good about helping feed the fire with dry sticks.

  • Cleaning Up the Yard & Spring Bonfire

    We are blessed to live in a wonderful area with a creek and woods.  While the trees provide shade they also are known for dropping branches occasionally.  Since we had some limbs piled up we decided to clean up the yard by building our first Spring bonfire.  The girls had fun gathering the twigs and branches in the yard and bringing them to the fire.  Once the fire was good and hot was roasted hotdogs, did a little more work collecting branches, followed by relaxing together and roasting marshmallows.

    Sweet Sisters and Best Friends having fun gathering twigs in the yard together!


    Brina loves hanging out with her puppy - Skipper!


    Karlie telling a story while Daddy cleans the wire for her hotdog.


    Bonfire conversations with the family!


    Daddy and the girls relaxing around the bonfire!

    Love spending time with my family.  We were able to get some work done in the yard and relax together.  It was awesome having some time to talk and make new memories with the kids!