• My Sweet Cleaning Crew



    Mopping the kitchen floor!

    Every day I am reminded of how blessed I am.  The other day one of the kids made a mess on the floor and I asked them to vacuum it up.  The next thing I knew both girls were vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, and cleaning the house.  They started with cleaning up their little mess, but continued on into the kitchen sweeping and mopping the floor.  Next they went on to clean the bathrooms.

    I cannot tell you how it makes my heart happy to see the kids willingly cleaning up not only their mess, but cleaning up other areas of the house.  While this happens more often now that they are getting older it is not always the case.  Sometimes when I ask them to pick up an item that they got out or clean up a mess they made you would think I asked them to move Mt. Everest with all the grumbling…..

    When they do get into the cleaning zone it is amazing how much they can accomplish in just an hour or two.  Thankful for my sweet cleaning crew and their willingness to pitch in to keep the house in a more livable condition.  My husband is wonderful about pitching in to cook, clean, or fix items around the house too.  I am blessed!



    Scrubbing the floor!

  • Cleaning Up the Yard & Spring Bonfire

    We are blessed to live in a wonderful area with a creek and woods.  While the trees provide shade they also are known for dropping branches occasionally.  Since we had some limbs piled up we decided to clean up the yard by building our first Spring bonfire.  The girls had fun gathering the twigs and branches in the yard and bringing them to the fire.  Once the fire was good and hot was roasted hotdogs, did a little more work collecting branches, followed by relaxing together and roasting marshmallows.

    Sweet Sisters and Best Friends having fun gathering twigs in the yard together!


    Brina loves hanging out with her puppy - Skipper!


    Karlie telling a story while Daddy cleans the wire for her hotdog.


    Bonfire conversations with the family!


    Daddy and the girls relaxing around the bonfire!

    Love spending time with my family.  We were able to get some work done in the yard and relax together.  It was awesome having some time to talk and make new memories with the kids!